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A member registered Apr 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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5 Year Long Jam community · Created a new topic I forgot

Bro I forgot about joining this game jam 2-3 years ago and I just saw it when I was checking my jams! 😂😂😂

I don't understand your problem but that's just me, other people are probably able to understand it.

But for the task pad stuff you are able to open your task with the mask on and the first task with the box you have to match the bottom boxes with the ones above them and for the first survey you have to click the emotion that matches the last one you saw it doesn't matter what mask you have on.

I hope I answered your questions if it is a bug then I will fix it as I want to keep updating the game, but if it doesn't help and it's not a bug then I will be fixing it because as of the time I'm typing this I am looking through the code and play testing.

I was thinking of adding some what dialogue when you start the game that is like a tutorial teaching you about mask, suspicion, O2, and Task but I didn't have enough time.

I might add the health system after the game jam ends and I can update it because that is a really good idea but I didn't mean for it to be a fnaf 2 type game but now that I think of it, it does remind me of fnaf 2 a bit.

I test play the game and didn't see anything wrong but here are my tips and things to know : the tasks will only pop up when you open the taskpad, make sure your suspicion meter doesn't fill up and make sure your oxygen meter doesn't deplete.

Tip:The emotions may deplete your oxygen completely so be ready to take the mask off and get some oxygen immediately if that happens because from my Testing it is impossible for the emotions to drain your oxygen completely and stay you will be able to survive every emotion encounter you get.

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Thanks for the reply and also thanks for playing.

I'm working on a way to win and I might add some of the things you suggested if I can.

But right now I'm thinking of adding a task system that is randomly selected before you start and will change after completing and once you finish the task you win but you can escape multiple ways but that will be the main way to win.

And for the suspicion meter I will definitely try to add it.

Hope you had fun playing.😁🙂

Really good game. (I didn't have a lot of time to play it because I had to go to sleep) but with what I learned about from the game is that it's very calm and relaxful and I will have to play again later tomorrow when I get the chance.

Keep up the good work you put into this game!🙂

Yeah, It's really fun and simple using scratch, But there are some road blocks which are because of how much I know about scratch and how well I can use it.

Hope you had fun with the game! 😁🙂

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I am very sorry I was focused on a game jam before this and I don't know why but I thought this was part of the game jam but it wasn't part of the game jam I was doing, once again so very sorry!

Also I won first try

I loved this game but I only saw and played it after voting was over I'm kind of sad I couldn't vote this game it's amazing.


Funny game I love it.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry to here that but to shorten it:

Click to move it will move to two different spots before stopping.

Space to shoot the grapple, Hit it  early to stop the grapple early.

W to attack, it shoots out an attack circle.

The Left/Blue bar is Attack cooldown and Right/Orange bar is Grappling cooldown. Once you hit space the grapple cooldown will start.

Press E/F/L to get the grappling hook back, the cooldown does not reset when you do this.

The normal Tris can die to grapple and attack.

The mini Tris can die to Attack only.

The big boi Tri can only die to grapple.

(Also Tri is pronounced "Try" and Tris is "Tries" just in case you were wondering or for anyone who needed to know. But it's only for my game some people may pronounce it differently if used in real life.)

Hope this helps. 😊

I love it but I think it's unfinished.

(From what I know it probably is, I don't mean this in any offense) 

But great game.

This is a good game and I like how you just press a button and *Bloop* no more lava

Is there a way to switch weapons or no?

This game is amazing: It's adorable, calm, and cute(Do adorable and cute count as the same thing).

I also loved the ending it's adorable, I love it.

By the way you got 5 stars for each rating.(From me)

I found this really fun and when I was on the 2nd day and saw that nothing shady was happing I was starting to think this was horror and the "Shady" was going to be like jumpscares, light's going out, creepy phone messages, but when I saw what it really was I thought I was stupid.

But just very good game and I'm glad that it's not horror.

It's really nice but I think after a while when there were 4 types of souls I had to take care of it got annoying as I thought it was going to be a calm stress relieving game, which it is but I thought it was going to be "one boat, one soul type".

But everything else is amazing, calm, and beautiful.

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Your not supposed to see your cursor there is something in place of it and you press R to start once you get in the game.

Hope that helps.😊( unless the game is bugging.)

This game was adorable and fun. While I was running through looking for the honey and when I found it and started I went slowly trying not to wake up the queen bee and when I did my first instinct was "RUN FOR YOUR LIFEEEEE" and I was also hitting at her while running just incase.

In general VERY Fun game.


This was a VERY good game I love it and how you used the mechanics is amazing I could have never thought of making something like this.


I pretty sure I can't make a Roblox game but what about scratch 

It may be hard and I'm pretty sure you can upload it to windows but I just wanted to know because it my be the only thing I can do unless scratch is allowed then that will be easier. If I am allowed to use ether/both I will be really happy, otherwise I might not be able to do this because I can't find a game creating websites and I looked for A TON. Welp lets hope I get an answer.

Also is the theme:To be announced. Or is it not revealed yet? 

I don't really understand and i'm new to coding so can I use like ChatGpt or No? That's all if so I might join. And thanks to anyone who can answer my question.

Thanks I'll try it now.


Can someone please simplify what they just said.

Quick question. Does anyone have any tips to beat the boss fight I keep getting mad because I always lose my move dice or my attack dice and I end up getting stuck and die and I got to the boss fight 3 times and failed each time before typing this.

So if anyone would like to help do you have any tips.

This game is really good and I think it's funny how whatever falls in the carpet is never to be seen again but Roll is like "Nahhh I ain't letting' that happen" and he just floats back to the above to the carpet.

I agree

The game is AMAZING, GREAT, VERY GOOD I really had fun with this game it made me laugh whenever he would bring the girl the flower and after they say "No" the particles from the robot you play as made me laugh and when level 8 came I new it would be hard but when I saw the robot girl I knew she would say "Yes" to him and I found it really funny with all the heart particles. 

Keep up the good work and good job on all your games.

This game was AMAZING I had a lot of fun and normal mode was very fun and after I completed normal mode I went straight to hard mode and hard mode was so stressful for me but I completed it and I had a lot of fun with everything. Keep up the good work.