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A member registered Jul 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh thanks for playing the game. Oh i put colliers if ball going so fast it will collide with the invincible wall and you will see in the ground but idk maybe there are bugs sorry for that thanks for your feedback have a nice day :)

great game

Good art style and sounds but game is hard bro 

I sent a friend request my nickname is *Bura" also @tu4yu

Thanks for your comment. Your right needs to be more clear goal and also maybe more puzzle elements since i have the only one the make it it's kinda hard to do i will try my best in another jam. Again thanks for your comment!

Thanks for your comment! Yes, you're right the phone mechanic need to change.

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Yes, I was the only one who made 3D models and coded stuff, but I had two friends who worked on sounds and voice acting for my game because I’m not familiar with those areas. I think you misunderstood me. I meant to create games for GMTK with separate groups, and then after submitting our games, we could discuss them on platforms like Discord or

Considering the comments you made about my game I was expecting a very good game, and it met my expectations. I just wish the spike areas in the colliders could have been made a bit smaller to make things easier for the player. Overall, I don’t have anything else to add; it would be a game I’d buy if it were on Steam. :)

First of all, I want to say a huge thank you for your comments; each one is as valuable as a diamond to me. Due to some poor choices I made in level design, many players couldn’t find the portal. My method of guiding players in the game, relying solely on sound, was very inadequate, and you are right. The phone in the game was actually a narrative element: our main character lost his glasses while sleeping and could see distant places through the phone screen. When he took a photo with the phone, the character saw it and got scared. That was the main idea, but due to time constraints, I made some critical mistakes. Once again, thank you very much. If you’re going to participate in the upcoming GMTK, let’s stay in touch and discuss our games further...

The game is very addictive ı really like it but ı guess in 3. level it was to easy to me cus ı was collecting all the glasses xd  good job! btw please  feedback my game to

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oh i did not notice that  keep it up mate!

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Thanks your comment! Our character lost their glasses, so they look at the world through the phone's camera. When they take a photo, they see it's real and get scared, which fills the fear bar. The ghosts disappearing is just a mechanic; there's no deeper reason for it. (The part not added as a mechanic: normally, we solved puzzles by putting on and taking off glasses to find a key, but i ran out of time, so i ended up doing everything with the phone.

I hope you can analyze my game like that too, bro. Very good analysis.

Good level desing but blurred vision not good idea for me. overall good game.  good job! 

the game was scared me enough but could't understand what was the goal

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very good level desing but ı guess snail spawner is little bit weird overall good game. good job!

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ı see good job also ı want to make your comment in my game if you have time to spend 

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guys find the speacial book the stop portal 

very good desing good job mate!

I really loved the game .the theme was so good tuned arts or okey sounds are okey.  The game is polished very well

in this game jame my top 3 so far ı played

it should be started after 30 second ı don't know what was the bug but  (the idea was our character lost his glasses so she was try to see throgu his phone so we need to see in the phone to) I appreciate your comment thanks!

good level desing and assets but my pc couldnt work very well the optimization not good ı guess overall good , good job my friend

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nice job ı was so frustrated the find the code so ı just try   42 and random numers in my second attemt ı just won guess there is a huge luck :) sounds good setting area is awesome and also there are so overlaping areas good job mate!

I loved the sounds and arts good job!

the game is overall good however ı would love to see game mic have ırl mic test to (like normal voice and gameplay mix)  also ı loved procedural games , while ı was playing ı wanted to make the 3d arts xd

interesting concept good job dude!

Yea you right ı have diffirent mechanic with glasses but couldt finished it ı was the only one to make 3d and code  thanks for your comment!

The game was so good and fun however ı coulnt understan how to stop the teacher to beat us (ı thought ıf ı look to teacher like five knight fready she can stop but ı thing things doesnt work like that)

Thanks!  the aim was find the speacial book that can teach you the stop the portal , after taking that book you can basicly walk to the portal and win the game

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bro this game is already finished how come ı can play it (coder has small kıbrıs issue)

bro how come you made the game in pyton xd

the idea , sounds... overall very good. 

@metosfer is developer

3d model by me xd

developer Metosfer 
artist me xd

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