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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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Achei bem interessante a ideia. Senti falta de ambientação sonoro, o que quebrou um pouco a imersão. A arte casou super bem, e achei interessante como todos os caminhos se cruzam de alguma forma. Parabéns!

A estética do jogo ficou uma graça, parabéns por fazerem algo tão simples ser tão bonito. A escolha de música foi ótima, ajudou bastante na ambientação, e achei bem esperto usar uma HUD bem simples. Os puzzles são intuitivos e divertidos. Em geral, arrasaram, parabéns!

Really nice for such a short game! Loved the narration 

Really like the premise, but it get's kinda boring quite fast as there's no new challenges besides how far can you get. Sound and art looks GREAT! 

Love the art and the sound design! Really liked how you made the size mechanic too! Level 3 was hard XD

Liked the style and the music a lot. Seems a little unlinked to the theme though

Really cute graphics and nice sound design! The round borders pissed me sometimes as landing on them just led me to certain death 

It's cute and has a lot of potential! Nice work

I've read the other comments and the problem was that i wasn't making them around the center of the circle, ops! Maybe it would be useful to left a little note about that on that screen :)

This is so good! Love the art style,the music, the gameplay!

It desn't mater, but i liked the pixel art! :D

Nice one, mainly considering it's a begginer! I've faced some bugs, as the cube getting stuck in the ground and the camera moving down for no apparent reason. Keep going!

Took me a little to understand the controls and that the purple circles were the enemies positions, but once i got that it was really fun!

Great concept, nice artistical choice! I had some trouble in the shape making level (like i would click and it simply wouldn't let me make the shape) but it's really cool

Great potential! I liked how you used the size mechanic for both the player and the enviroment! Took me a while to figure out I should shot the green people's eyes 

I really like this style of gameplay! Think it has a lot of potential, although it's hard and a little annoying to swipe on computer :( Hope to play the mobile version

I like the idea, but rigth now it's really hard. Time is too little to be able to find something that looks like what the costumer wants and, if its wrong, go back and get another. Specially as you need to memorize the object the client brought and and it's hard to compare once it's out of sight. Maybe the player could carry a paper with the reference object? Think with more polishment it would be a great game!

I really liked it! Only thing that bothered be is that al the times i made a box smaller while it was on the ground it would just dissapear, so I couldn't finish the 3rd stage :(

I loved the idea! So sad it's so short! Looking forward to a bigger version!

The art style is so beautiful! It's so sad it's unfinished

(1 edit)

I think I get what was the idea, but rigth now I don't get the objective. I does not have feedback if I'm getting things right or wrong so I really don't know if i'm doing well or not.

I loved the animation! The scenario colors become a little tiring after sometime and the delay of character control (start moving and stop running) is a bit too long, making it seems like it's not responding well and making the third level really hard. Great ideia!

I really liked the music! One thing I would suggest is to let the game begin only when the player makes the first move, ou at least make the start point a little far away from the wall because i've died so many times just because i wasn't fast enought to start moving at the start of the game. It has potential, and I would focus on polishing controls a little more!