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Capky Games

A member registered Feb 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you! :D

Disculpa, no sé a qué link te refieres. Igualmente, ninguno de mis links lleva contraseña. Si te refieres a que pinchas en un link de mega, la página de mega se abre, y te pide un link para descargarlo, es que el link no funciona pinchando en él. Por favor, prueba a copiar el link de mega entero y a pegarlo en otra pestaña, debería de abrirse sin problemas y dejarte descargarlo sin pedirte contraseña alguna. De lo contrario, por favor, dime a qué link te refieres para que lo arregle.

Oh, I apologize for that. In the options menu there is an option called Music Volume that you can adjust as you wish, please use it to solve my music problem.


Oh, forgive me, but I don't know how I could count the words in the game. If Ren'Py gives me the option, I haven't seen it yet. But, regarding the length, it's a really short game. If you don't go for any specific ending, you'll be done in half an hour or less. If you want to get all 7 endings included in the free version, it might take you an hour or less if you're fast and find the right choices quickly.

In the paid version, the time could be extended to two hours, perhaps, since there are 12 endings in total. Also, the last 2 endings are extra content, which makes the length even longer.

Many thanks! :D

The endings available in both versions are the following:

1: You end up alone, without any girls.

2: You end up with Ayaka, but you make a mistake in some decision, so you don't see the end of the story.

3: You end up with Kotomi, but without seeing the end of the story, the same as with Ayaka.

4: You end up with Reika, the same as with the other two.

5: You finish Ayaka's story without making a mistake in any decision, so you see the end of the story.

6: You end up with Kotomi seeing the end of her story.

7: You end up with Reika the same as with the other two.

It's possible that you're missing the two endings with Reika, since they're the hardest to get. If not, I assume you made a mistake with one of the girls.

Regarding the other endings in the paid version, these are:

8: You finish the story with Ayaka and Kotomi.

9: You end it with Ayaka and Reika.

10: With Kotomi and Reika.

11: The four girls end up together in a way that you discover by playing the game.

12: The four girls end up together in a different way.

Thank you very much!

Maybe I'm expressing myself wrong, English is not my native language. In Chapter 1, you can run for class representative election yourself. If you do, you can choose whether to run an honest or dishonest election campaign. And the dishonest one is the dirty one, that's what I mean.

You did well, you should have seen the kiss with Kokoro at the end of the chapter. And now, in the part of the game where you go, when Kokoro tells you that you can't join a club because of Yuri, you should have had the option to ask Kokoro to talk to Yuri for you, thus avoiding her blackmail.

Thank you very much! I'm very glad you like it.

(1 edit)

Hi! You're referring to the beginning of Chapter 2, right? If Kokoro is the class representative, you should be able to ask her to take care of Yuri for you. If Yuri is the class representative, you should be able to refuse on your own and she'll accept it. If you ran a dirty campaign, you can't refuse.

$5, the same as Yuri Party, and you get both that one and the others I have for sale

Maybe you can try joining my Patreon for a month? Maybe that way you can pay in a way other than Paypal. And, at the same time, download other games that I have on my Patreon.

Mmm when you try to pay, doesn't offer you more options? You should be able to pay with your credit card at least.

I'm afraid not.

Thank you! :D

I'm afraid RPG Maker games are not compiled into APK. It's compressed in rar and I can unzip it without problems, could it be that you don't have rar on your computer? Let's see, I uploaded the folder directly to Mega, without compressing it to rar. Can you try downloading it to see if it works?

Excuse me, but I'm testing if it works and it works fine for me. Are you sure you are talking to the right person? She is this girl, in the gym. If it's her, haven't you had the bad luck that she just disappears when you go to talk to her because time passes? She leaves the gym at 16:00 and then she comes back at 20:00. Have you tried talking to her at a good time?

If you have done all of the above, have you done anything in your game apart from strictly completing the main story quests, have you done anything even minimally different? Anything could help me detect the bug.

What path are you doing? Where have you tried to talk to her? And what time was it?

Because, when you make a compilation in RPG Maker MV for Android, you don't receive APK files, you receive Rar. However, you can play perfectly on Android by following these steps. It seems like a lot, but I assure you that in a minute you have already done it:

Thanks for letting me know about that bug. I have fixed it, in the next update it will no longer be there. I'm so sorry you came across it and I hope there aren't more, I'm so sorry.

That mirror already has a use, you will discover it when you reach chapter 4.

Thanks for saying you like the game so far, I hope it doesn't disappoint you :D

No, the game does not have cheats yet. I'm planning to add a witch late in the game that you can make a wish from, and some of the options could count as cheats. But I haven't thought about something from the beginning yet. Many people have asked me to do like Missy, that is, start the game directly in the chapter you want, but I haven't done it yet nor have I decided if I will.

The paid version includes some changes that I point out in my last post, you can check them here:

What is on my mind at the moment is that it will be a harem where you can be with 11 main characters and many more secondary characters at the same time if you make the right decisions and explore the academy, as there are characters that only appear in certain places and at certain times of the day. However, at the end of the game, I plan to include many different endings where Haruna, the main character, can end up single or with a girlfriend among the 11 main characters, with some romances among the secondary characters or in a polyamorous relationship as well, depending on the player and the final girlfriend (not all main girls will want to be in a polyamorous relationship, for example). What there won't be is an ending like Sisterly Lust where you end up in a huge harem with almost all the main and secondary characters. For that, after seeing the end of the game, you can simply load a file from before the end and continue playing with your harem without having to choose a specific girl.

Hello, I'm afraid that currently I don't know how to export the game for android in APK format, if it is possible. But, if you haven't seen this post that I made, I recommend that you take a look at it. The steps to follow are very quick and easy, and should not give you problems even if it is rar.

Ok, I think I've found the bug. Before doing that quest, you met Moon and went on a date with her, right? I'm going to fix the bug and release a build that will fix the problem, sorry for the inconvenience.

Excuse me, I can't find the bug, everything seems to be fine for me. Can you tell me when exactly the game crashes and what exactly happens? And can you confirm that it is not a failure that occurs only once, but that it happens all the time?

Hello, yes, this is surely a bug. It's already very late in Spain right now, but I'll fix it tomorrow as fast as I can and post an update. I am very sorry for the problem. Thank you so much for reporting.

Thanks for your help :D

Well, I have discord and patreon, the links are in my profile, but I don't have a section where I can receive translations for other languages. Unfortunately, for me translating a game into another language in RPG Maker is very complicated, there are even many texts that I don't translate initially and I have to do it in later updates because I have to manually search for the texts and I don't see them. And, even if that were not the case, I currently do not have the money to hire a translator. So of course I would like to translate it into Italian and other languages, but I don't think I can at the moment :(

Oh okay! First of all, to play on Android you can follow these steps that I write in another post. Don't worry, they are very easy and fast, it will only take a couple of minutes:

Regarding the second bug, I'm afraid I can't find it, there is no item that I can interact with in my inventory that would cause my game to freeze and I have to wait a minute. However, I have fixed another bug that happened when you opened the pause menu and perhaps that is what is giving you problems. I'll be uploading a new update as soon as I can that should fix the issues you're having. If not, please let me know when you try it!

Hello! Thank you very much for buying the game, I send a huge hug to Italy from Spain.

Regarding bugs, I'm afraid I don't know much about game controls on Android. Can you tell me which control you are having trouble with?

Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by radar, I've tried the game and I haven't found any bugs like the one you describe. Can you give me more information please? At what exact point in the game does it happen? What is the name of the object? What exactly happens when you use it? Do you use it from your inventory or from the map?

Regarding the other bug you mentioned, the bug where you teleport to a strange place, I have already fixed it, thank you very much for reporting it!


Big or small, I want to know all the bugs in my games so I can fix them, so I really appreciate you telling me.

Regarding the bug, I have found out the problem and fixed it, so it should not fail again. In the next update it will be fine.

Thank you so much!

Este juego es de pago, así que me temo que no habrá una versión gratuita. Pero trataré de actualizar la demo.

Perfect then. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write to me. And thanks for playing!


Let's see, I raised the price by $1, but in theory, if you already bought it, you should be able to download it again without paying.

I have put the original price back, can you download it now without paying?

No me gustan mucho los combates por turnos en los juegos de terror, prefiero que tengas que huir o que sean combates más estratégicos en tiempo real.

Utilizo el traductor de Google y mis conocimientos para traducir los juegos jaja.

Mi primer proyecto fue Love's Heart. El segundo fue United to You, si no recuerdo mal.


Tengo pensado agregar más posturas sexuales durante la escena de sexo, pero el juego como tal lo hice corto.

Junto al nivel de los personajes debería de poner: "edad", ¿no? O eso espero.

Gracias :D Tengo pensado hacer para navidad un crossover entre varios de mis personajes, aunque no sé si podré.


Muchas gracias por tus palabras, me alegro de que te guste tanto el juego ^^

Respecto a la duración, el juego va por un poco más de la mitad, así que está bajo tu criterio si te ha parecido corto y largo hasta ahora, pues a eso le sumas que falta más o menos el mismo tiempo que has tardado en llegar hasta ahí.

Sobre separar el juego en capítulos, bueno, técnicamente no es por capítulos, es toda la novela visual del tirón. Pero ya sabes, intento que cada actualización termine en un momento interesante y así también ayudo a la gente a saber cuánto falta de juego más o menos.

Le han enseñado a vender la droga, sí, pero no se atreve a hacerlo jaja.

Me temo que este no puede convertirse en mi proyecto principal porque los demás me generan más ingresos, por lo que debo darles un poco más de prioridad. Aun así, ya tengo escrito todo el guion por encima de esta tercera temporada, de modo que, cuando la retome, me tomará poco tiempo preparar la próxima actualización. ¡Lamento la tardanza!

Hello! This post should help you!

I'll look into it and fix it.