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A member registered May 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Was this your first time using Rust? If so, that’s even more impressive I think :D

Nice work with Bevy! Wrapping your head around how to use an ECS takes some doing so if that’s a challenge you overcame, good job!

Chill little puzzle game; reminded me of Witch Hand. In the spirit of Witch Hand, I could see this game growing into something more, with many more recipes, peppers, combinations, and a bit more countertop space (I really didn’t want to burn the letters and didn’t try to put them in the basket).

The most challenging part was me being a stubborn dummy who refused to read any of the help text for the first 20 minutes. That, and remembering what I had planted out and needed to pollinate after the sun went down.

Everything being a physics object was charming, especially when you send a pepper flying and it hits the power button on the radio.

I had a great time. Well done!

Thank you for the feedback!