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lyn-marie charlene excelsiaAdmin

A member registered Sep 30, 2014 · View creator page →

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We recommend reaching out to us via the support desk for issues pertaining to tax information, since these tax-related questions can involve sensitive and private information being shared. 



our apologies for the slowness on your payouts! we had a bit of a mix-up on our end. you should be all paid out now; please feel free to let us know if you encounter slowness again!


hey thanks for reaching out, your payout is paid now. apologies for the delay!

Admin (1 edit)

we should have resolved the problem now. please check for a reply from itch support. thanks for your patience.


thanks for your patience; our support ticket system has been pretty loaded with support requests lately (largely due to an increased online presence thanks to some high-profile releases), and we've been doing our best to manage the influx of requests. we're a pretty small team so we unfortunately do have cases that might slide under the radar.

your file limit's been increased, you should have no issues now! let us know if you continue to encounter issues.

Admin (1 edit)

hello there, Astra watchers!  we're very excited to announce the release of our first public demo for Mechanical Star Astra! i'm charlene, the lead artist, animator, and art director of the game. it's been a lot of fun making this project over the course of the last few months and watching it all come together. you've all had wonderful things to say so far, and we really appreciate the comments and hype!

as this release is our first public release, bugs and performance issues are likely to be something you encounter -- if you find yourself experiencing one of these issues, please don't be afraid to report it to us via the Bugs & Technical Issuesthread. you can also offer suggestions to us on how we could improve the game or make it more accessible via our feedback thread!

finally, we just wanted to say that you're all 100% encouraged to stream gameplay of the game via your streaming website of choice! please feel free to dig in and have yourself a good time! we will likely be making another announcement on our respective Twitter accounts and this community board when our next demo update will be. for the time being, we are planning our full game launch for sometime in 2021 -- keep your eyes peeled!

that's all i have to say for now -- fight on, comrades! bring down the machina hordes and help save New Humanity from complete eradication from the star of Astra!


i just checked the status of your tax application and it looks like it's gone through without issues. are you still having problems?


We're very glad to hear! We're both looking particularly forward to getting this demo ready. The reception to the game has been incredible considering we've only shared the project to Twitter and various shmup discords.


Hello! Sorry you received your payout later than usual. Please feel free to contact our support desk at via email if you run into any further issues with delayed payouts. We'll make sure to get you situated as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience in the matter!


been jamming out a lot lately, here's a recorded session from yesterday night at a new venue i'm helping construct called the lunar heaven sanctuary.

this is an ambient jam, different from the last few things i've posted in here in that it's a lot more focused on noise and feeling rather than raw intensity. was a lot of fun, thinking about recording an album kind of like this.


another new one, i really like this one:

this one i experimented with two bass guitars and a drum machine. the bass was recorded yesterday; the drums were done today. it's pretty heavy and wildly jazz metal in parts. i'm enjoying where this one's going.


Thunder Force III. that is all

soooo good. sega genesis metal is 100% my stuff


still doing lots of work on Joylancer!


we're getting ready for our big release this upcoming January, so we're in the process of cleaning everything up, while i'm designing more bosses on the side to put in the main campaign. i'm very excited with how things have been going!

i'm also writing lots and lots of design documents lately, getting ready for the next projects we're gonna jump on after. aside from that, i'm mostly just doing music stuff hehe.


more improv recordings: -- I -- II

the first one is about three or four different bass guitar riffs layered over each other, playing in front of some drums that my friend recorded. the second one is a 10-minute bass guitar duet, both guitars recorded by me. up next i'm working on composing some drums over II to see what kind of sound i can get out of it. i really want to play with the idea of doing death metal / black metal that's only comprised of bass.

i'm gonna go ahead and give this thread a sticky -- very useful resource!

a big primary focus in my music is in composing various forms of experimental metal; i dabble in other genres occasionally, but most of my music is either ambient or extreme metal. i also do hip-hop / footwork material occasionally, and i plan on doing a lot more in 2016. i also recently got my bass fixed, so i'll probably be doing lots of solo recordings. my soundcloud is usually where the work-in-progress material goes, and the finished stuff gets pressed to bandcamp.

admittedly my music can be extremely harsh, but that's typically my favorite kind of stuff to make.


hey everyone, i'm glad we're all hyped up for the itch app! there's now a new forum for it within the community; please feel free to make suggestions and report issues here! Amos will also be keeping us all up to date for this new app, and we'd like to keep most discussion fairly neatly within there, so people don't have to go searching all over the forums looking for app information!


i figured i'd start things off with our new audio forum by posting some of the newer stuff i've been doing. i recently got my bass guitar fixed so i've been dusting it off and getting back into the groove of playing again. it's been a long time since i've had any extended time with a string instrument, so my playing isn't the cleanest right now.

this is an experimental metal solo improv composition that i played in order to test out recording equipment -- mostly for sound quality. the overall sound quality is pretty good, all things considered, so i'm pretty happy with the final result, even if my picking isn't the cleanest right now.

i'll probably be recording more improv sessions in the future, preferably at a time when my neighbors aren't trying to sleep!

if you like the song, you can download it for free through the soundcloud / bandcamp links. my bandcamp is where all of my music is if you're interested! i play a very experimental form of electronic metal that i recently dubbed "vapor metal." it's mostly for fans of black / death metal, drone / noise fans and people who are into really hardcore power electronics, but i do like to play around with sounds pretty often, including for an ambient pop project that i've started composing for again recently.

Admin (1 edit)

what's up, folks? we haven't pushed out a big chunk of updates yet, but there's a shiny new music forum that can now be used to talk about music and share work with the rest of the community. we're keeping an eye on the Forum Suggestions thread and rolling out stuff like this based on community request and how much it seems like we need it, and there was enough interest to warrant adding it!

for our new forum, i would also like to emphasize all sorts of sound discussion, including stuff that isn't explicitly music, such as voice clips, sound effects, all the finer details and that. :)

big thanks to all of you that have been hanging out while we're getting set up!

Admin (1 edit)

we've added a new music forum:


totally forgot you can post music here too -- guess i know what i'm doing in 2016!


Metal Gear Online and Tekken Tag 2, although i haven't put in much time in either -- way too busy lately. i play MGO on Xbox One and Tag 2 on PS3. i plan on putting in some quality time with Hylics this month!

Admin (1 edit)

Game Maker:Studio is easily my favorite, but i've always been a GM person ever since the 4.3 days -- maybe the fact that i spent so much time with the tool is why i'm so comfortable with it? i will say that GM definitely has its frustrating parts, but i feel like just about every engine does, yeah? i could never get into Construct or Stencyl, and Unity is too overwhelming for my brain to handle. GM:Studio seems to be just right for me, giving me a solid set of tools while also giving me the ability to add onto it fairly easily and without learning *too* much code. (it's also a fantastic tool for prototyping!)

for pixel art, i use GraphicsGale, which is kinda like a "Photoshop Lite, for pixel art and animations" if i had to summarize it. it's about $20 or $30 from HumanBalance, but it's a great program -- albeit a little buggy in places.


i work almost exclusively on multiple projects, honestly. it actually helps me keep focused and lets me improve my skills as a designer and creator at the same time.

for example, while working on Joylancer, my roommate and i will occasionally take a few days to work on other stuff instead. this keeps us really active and energetic, without us getting bored with the project. a big problem that i personally have is that if i focus too much on a singular project, i start to dislike it and even run into pretty major design humps. by allowing myself to take a break and experiment with other things, i learn more knowledge that i can then apply to another project, such as the "primary" project i'm working on at the time.

to me, it feels like both the most organic and beneficial way to make games... but i also have like, three other jobs outside game development, so maybe i'm just a worker by nature!


just looked up Pixelesque, and wow, this program looks cool! thanks for mentioning it, i'm looking forward to trying it myself :)

and great art too!


hiiii loren!!


very shiny~


i would definitely say General Discussion!


it should be doing it already but there's a bug in the software. i believe leaf should be pushing a fix sometime tonight!

it's important to make sure the art segments aren't fragmented of course, because we don't want to end up with a bunch of inactive forums, but i think there's also value in dividing up only specific things, because some people might be looking for one specific thing and have to sift through a bunch of stuff that isn't that before they find it. it would suck if we ended up with a bustling art community, but stuff like music ending up unnoticed because there's an explosion of animated art, or something like that, you know? i think something like "visual art" and "music" being divided categories makes sense, but it's something worth thinking about.

a music forum would be rad. being a composer myself it'd give me another place to put my jams! kinda surprised that i overlooked that before.


we're currently talking about this behind the scenes right now, so please feel free to give us more ideas to add to internal discussion. :]


i've stickied this thread for the purpose of using it as a general bug report thread. i or the other mods can update the OP with bugs as they're reported or as time goes on.