I love the soul in your games! However, there are several things to consider for the next step :
1. The line in code to fire your weapon should come after your direction changes. This way your character will fire in the right direction on the first arrow press. TurdBoomerang (such a funny name) explains an instance of this miss-firing.
2. I think you need to finish on the Trinity hook. I felt like, while the game does have lot's of mechanics in place, it's kind of just a classic dungeon game.
3. That's all I can think of. Even though there are a lot of bugs ect. in this game, I think it really has potential because you are working on it. I wouldn't care that much for other games like this, but seeing your growth over the years is promising, and inspiring. Though I haven't subscribed to your channel, I really like checking on it occasionally, because I am in a similar boat (though of course, several steps behind) in the game development journey. I don't want to make an echo-chamber of your audience, but this is exciting.