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Christopher Hart-Cavanaugh

A member registered Jun 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Awesome first game! I like how the sound effects line up with the animations and how smooth the animations are. Also nice touch with the parallax background!

Thank you for trying out my game! I appreciate you taking the time to play around with it and providing feedback. I had a lot of fun for my first jam. I ended up learning a decent amount just from trying to adapt my idea to fit within the time constraints. Hopefully I can use that to improve my way of doing things to be better prepared for next time. One thing I wish I did was spend more time setting up before the jam started. There’s definitely some moments there where I could have saved myself some time.

Awesome game, great job!

Awesome game! After I got the hang of it, I kept trying to play around with different combinations of critter pens and planted organs to maximize my score and see how difficult things could really get. The only thing that felt a little off is that I have to be really close to a critter pen to interact with it sometimes (which only seemed to occur when I placed critter pens really close to each other as opposed to having them spread out).

Thank you for trying it out and telling me what you think! I’ll probably go in and fix a lot of the bugs when the voting is over tbh. I was running behind on some of the features I was working on unfortunately, but I think the concept is still there. It’s mainly just: keep the station and ship repaired while the storm passes through. I can see bugs with the damage and repair rates though.

Hello everyone,

5 years ago, I attempted my first game jam with someone who was way more prepared than I was to the point where I couldn’t follow through. I ended up dropping out and we didn’t finish our game. This time around, I felt more prepared. Maybe I don’t have the most polished product here, but I gave it everything I could within the given time constraints. More than anything, I’m just happy I was able to finish with something I felt was good enough to submit. I’ve come a long way to get to this point and I look forward to many more game jams as I continue to grow my understandings and capabilities. Thank you for the opportunity to showcase my work and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!

Took me a minute to figure out how to move around the cattle, but awesome concept overall!