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A member registered Sep 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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thanks, I will update the game soon adding those things, like a revolver or other weapons, I will also expand the map. Thanks for playing :)

Well, they are just always the same :)

Very Nice Game, feels and looks great

Thank you for playing, the green toxic poison rises up. it kills you if you land in it.

Well done :), check out the other Celsete Games.

I love this game, it took so long to finish! :O 

I had my eye on this game ever since I first saw it on discortd, It's such a good game. I love the music as well. Great job.

You have to press down while going down, then when you bounce of you stop holding down, and so on, you wont lose height if you dont do anything, so once you've reached the height you want just try  to balance on the platform, thanks for playing :) 

Thank you so much for all the feedback, I im happy that you enjoyed the game and tried both, thanks for the kind words as well :)

well, I do have a original version of the game this is just a demake from my already existing game, also the numbers represent how much health the block has, check out the other one, it has blocks and colors. Thanks for playing :) 

Thanks for the expansiv feedback, Im happy that you could enjoy the game so much, Im thinking to make a nokia port somehow, since the game is made in only  about 820 bytes, lets see :)

Thanks to all playing :)

Also you can press c to toggle the view from highscore to current score.

My current best:

hello :)

Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Thanks, sometimes I get thirsty seeing that game :O

Thanks for playing, I have been thinking to make a minimum height that you can be at. To prevent  situations like those. But im unsure, because I think that this is part of the difficulty, and its a thing that you can master, after that You'r kinda always off-screen. Regardless, I noticed that you aren't the only one saying that, i'll thing about it. Hope You enjoyd playing :)

Thanks for the reply, hope you enjoyed :)

Thanks alot for your efforts, I finished the game and had fun doing so.

There are alot of character animations, for many situations which was cool. The feeling of reaching a furnace right befor you freeze is awesome. Generaly the games feel as a whole Nice story too. I got a time of like 5:40 or so :)

The Game looks good, and the sound design is fitting. But the colors are wrong :(

Also I couldn't play very far,  please scale the game down, otherwise you have to have a great distace from the screen to really see anything. I am looking forward to playing this game with a smaller scale, also the snow look awesome.  :)

I just did

Thanks, again :)

Great Game I had a blast playing it, The colors fit the difficulty is perfect, there is a big enough variaty of enemies and the game feels very polished I got to wave V with 735score or so, I will surely come back to this game again :)

Starting of the game I wasn't sure what the drops do, but eventually I figered them all out.The boss feld very good, when I defeated the first one I thougt I finished the game, and then I was pleasetly suprised that it wasn't over defently feels like a game that could exist for a nokia good job. I honestly thinks you make a bigger version of the game. Also I dont understand what the thumnail has to do with the game, but thats okay...

also I love the itch page of your game, thanks for making such a good  game :)

Ey, man thanks for playing and for the feedback :)

I will make it so that you have to press x to continue I kinda never thought about it, thanks for the idea.

Also if you Die you get lauched to a certain height, so you can gain momentum from there, and if you get too close to the platform and cant recover up, then You basically lose, its part of the difficulty scaling of the game. 

Did you try the original?

Awesome Game, fun to play and the resolution is perfect it fits the size nicley. good level design. I love the idea of the secret tiny areas. But being very very strict, the opening of the secret places has this transparency, and trancpyrency actually means the colors change, so black turns into a lighter black, then a even lighter until its grey, This is a very small detail, but maybe the entire game could be taken down, I hope not. Good job :)

Thanks man, i really appreciate your efforts. I could never figure out that stuff myself, Thanks :)