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A member registered Apr 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hii! thank u for trying it outt, im glad you enjoyed playing it!

Marble madness and getting over it were two big inspirations and was on my mind a lot during development, u got that on point!

And I appreciate the feedback! Here's what I think…

  • I am so sorry for not adding any control instructions in game, trying to play using only the mouse sounds hhorrible :(, im sure it was a huge surprise discovering you can also use WASD lol, that's my fault though
  • Thank u about the soda cans! They were honestly just decoration to have fun with, though its awesome they have that sweet side effect of teaching how to use stuns though!
  • The stun idea was inspired by Dr.robotnik's Ring Racers, I thought it was really, really cool how players would bounce a couple of times before exploding on death. The stun bounce was meant to help the player potentially recover from a long fall, but it had the side effect of being able to be used for much more than that, which I kept in cuz I thought it was super fun.
  • I kno dashing off ramps don't really work as intended, sorry for that! Ill talk more about that ina sec..
  • A time attack mode would be super cool! This popped up into my mind while playing with some friends, we would challenge each other to beat levels as fast as we possibly could loll

This project initially started off as a small collaboration with Quevdev just for funsies. It was expected to just take a couple of months, but the project grew and grew during development and ended up taking a lot lot longer (6 MONTHS). I was not prepared to commit that much time into this project. Towards the end of development I was extremely burnt out, and I had the choice to either continue working on this, or to wrap this project up and "finish" it. I chose to "finish" it since I was no longer having fun with the project. I consider the project unfinished because I didn't implement everything I wanted too, but I think its finished enough to still be an enjoyable experience for others. That's why there are issues like ramps not behaving correctly, and I'm sorry about that.. Trust me I reallyy tried to fix that but I couldn't figure out howw D:

So even though I'm not currently working on this project anymore, I do want to return to this in the future and give it the work it truly deserves, though I don't know when that will be!

Also skins were a planned feature! But got cut since there were so many other things that needed work first before adding something cosmetic like that.. You can still check out the skins I made using the console, here's my fav :3

(Enable console in the settings, then press "~" while in a map)

It means a lot when you check out my stuff so seriously thank you <3

Im the egos labtrinth

This is really really fun thank u for making this, its sooo fkn nerve wracking hahaha

this is pretty awesome, thanks for making this

This is really, really cool! I love this game-play concept, and it was pretty fun. While playing, I had to think much more about how I used my abilities and ammo. There's a huge sense of accomplishment when finally completing a level.

Though it felt like I was pushing around a bunch of babies rather than commanding my army. The monster's default pathfinding doesn't work well when you want them to follow you into a certain area. Maybe this could be improved by having the player's minions more consistently walk towards the player and allowing them to walk through their own minions by default (so the player doesn't get trapped constantly).

I would love to see this get expanded upon and polished up later if u choose to return to this, awesome idea!

Thank u <3

Thank you! Im glad you enjoyed it <3

All of your projects have had an undeniable impact on my own gamedev journey, so thank you for all the amazing work you’ve done! Don’t worry about delivering the 'bad news'.. life happens, and I’m glad you’re taking the time to prioritize your own health. Wishing you the best and looking forward to your future endeavors whenever you’re ready :3

Thank you so much! And Thank you for the feedback, ill def be adding some more feedback whenever the player shoots a boss, giving them hitflash sounds perfect. There was originally boss health bars (you can see in the screenshots) but unfortunately they don't display for some reason blehh..
But thank you for playing my game im glad you enjoyed it! <3

oh my gosh thank you so much! It gives me so much motivation hearing that you loved the game so much!

I will be continuing to work on the game and improving its rough spots, I do recognize the problem with the bosses and how annoying they can be (you know THAT boss), its something I definitely plan to fix..

but WOW reading this made my week, I don't know what else to say other than thank you so so much, your a legend! <3

(thats Alot of items btw loll)

Thank you so much! Ill def work on those two things next update (falling and boss health bars)
Im glad you enjoyed it thank you for playing  :3

Woah thank you! I definitely plan to continue working on it and turn it into a full game
I'm glad you had so much fun with it :3

Thank you so much! I'm a huge fan of old school shooters too so your words mean a lot! I recognize the problem and ill be sure to do something about it next update, its especially jarring when you have the magic orb power up and it kills a boss for you lol

Thank you for playing <3

Thank you!

thank youu! i love juicyy

I cant play your game! 

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! The hp overflow I discovered is caused by taking damage from the flying boss while having the bell pepper item, it displays a bunch of decimals in the health gui which looks uglyy, but shouldn't affect game play.

Thank you so much for letting me know of these issues, ill look into them.

i like squishy grid

art style was very cool, tricky to get at first but after a lill i got the hang of it.. awesome game :3

very cool, i had lotsa funn, i love the retro style of the game, good job!

kewll game, had a fun time :3

Thank you for playing! <3

dont you DARE speak to me in that tone EVER again....

thank you!

Awesome game, i love the art style and the boss fights, good job :3

I had a really fun experience playing this game, the art is gorgeous, good job! only caveat is i had a crash or softlocked everytime i tried to play, awesome game though i had a lot of fun :3
I softlocked by slashing while entering a blood portal, and softlocked with the flying fly boss that spits goo, it for some reason flew into the ceiling and left lol <3

Incredible game, i had alot of fun playing it!!

I had fun :3, i liked the story of having to talk to this dude to know where you need to go next, the movement is fun and the bosses were very unique and each one felt different! Some issues i found though is that I wasnt able to die? After reaching zero health the game didn't end and I was still able to play on, and another thing is that the bosses have an incredible amount of health, fighting a boss felt like it dragged on longer than it should have

Other than that, nice work! <3

super impressive game, its amazing what yall have made in such a short amount of time!! though i wasnt sure of what todo, i wass just kinda placing stuff. But that might have been my fault because there is a tutorial, Awesome game though!!

i liked the winscreen burger, killing wiks was funsies.. their pathing was a bit odd but it was fun, not much else todo than to kill wiks

i liekd when i got the crown and i shot 1 mega billions bullets per second  very cool, With how big the level was i feel like boosting the players speed will help with the pace of the game, also after getting the crown/fire powerup, it makes the rest of the game trivial, other than that though i had fun thank u

crown op

This game is awesome i really enjoyed it, 10/10

I like the graphics, i did get soft locked though when i went into a 1x1 hole of impenetrable rock, i had to boo the level adn restart, awesome game though :3

awesome i loved the music at the beggining, but it cuts out after a couple seconds :(
ALSO the player is able to softlock on the jacket puzzle :P awesome game overall tho!!