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A member registered May 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for reporting this bug. Thanks to you, it is so much easier to ensure everyone gets a good experience. 

The fix will be uploaded in a few minutes. If you continue to get problems after the update, let me know. Here is a video of it working for me:

The new error message will hint at the possibility of age-restriction.

The changelog is:
### November 2nd, 2024
- Fixed the Youtube Downloader. Age-restricted videos only work if your default browser is Firefox and you are logged in. In future, this can be extended to all chromium-based browsers, once this issue is solved by other people.

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I hope to come out with an update soon that fixes this, sorry for the delay. Until then, here is the manual solution.
1. Open a command prompt. Press your windows-key and R at the same time. Then, type "cmd" and hit enter.
2. Get the command prompt to animation buddy's DATA FOLDER location (where yt-dlp.exe is). You would replace the path in the command to wherever animation buddy is, then add \AnimationBuddyData:
cd /D "C:\this\will\be\the\path\to\animation\buddy\is\AnimationBuddyData"
Run youtube downloader on your video. Type "yt-dlp.exe -S ext [YOUTUBE URL GOES HERE]" and it should give you an mp4 that you can drag into Animation Buddy.

I'm working on a fix right now. I suppose the YouTube and the downloader ecosystem changed; I was able to recreate problem (It seemed to worked for a moment, downloading, but then randomly failed). I believe If I auto-detect the default browser and pass it to yt-dlp.exe to use the same login cookies, it will work. (Otherwise users wouldn't be able to download age restricted videos).
Edit: There's currently a problem with the youtube downloader that would only allow this on firefox...
So, I'll try to support videos with age-restriction for firefox, for now, but we'll see how well the youtube downloaer works. Perhaps it could be re-enabled for all browsers in future; their solution seems hacky. It will definitely work with regular videos in an upcoming update.

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I'm loving it and amazing work.

Non-urgently, could the windows version not have a console window come up? I'd like less windows to manage on my PC so I can switch between windows faster (the Alt+Tab menu lists all windows, including the console window).

You may need an #ifdef around your entrypoint function, but maybe this is only an MSVC thing:


Clang and GCC

I used this lovely font in my game! (Game on my itch page)

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A fast-paced puzzle in which you are an arsonist burning locations and landmarks to the ground.
Balance risk versus reward with the amount of havoc you can cause while staying alive!

Just released a fun retro game about burning things!

Here's a cool programming VOD I recorded about a fun easter egg in the game. The game is made in the low level systems language Jai. I think developers who haven't experienced windows programming may enjoy this. It's 1:43:00 long; styled as a live commentary/podcast.

This is the trailer!

(Japanese store page あなたは燃えている世界を見渡したいのだ。

What browser? In Chrome and FireFox I haven't had this. If it happened in another game, it sounds like your entire browser's localStorage got wiped.

Did you delete your cookies or browser history? It's stored in the browser's local storage. Hm...


The progress is stored locally on your computer. Indeed I haven't worked on this game; I've been busy on cooler projects. Maybe I should just go and finish it :) Thanks for the review.

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Awesome :) Thank you, Yiming.

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(In my usage I made a few 3840x2160 paintings in one canvas, spaced apart)


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( Here is a video of me reproducing the problem. I don't believe the bit depth was important.  In the video, I first exported a smaller image. Afterwards, I exported a very very big image and it crashed. So, it seems the problem may have been the the size of the large pretty image. 

( Here is another video where I save as a `.ourpaint` file. It crashes just as well, however the file it wrote (`i_am_testing.ourpaint`) had 178 bytes of data in it after the crash.

When I recorded the first clip, I had about 50 gigabytes of RAM available out of 64 gigabytes. Upon export, Task Manager showed OurPaint using 15 gigabytes of RAM before the crash (do note that Task Manager may lag behind).

There were 90 gigabytes of space in the drive I attempted to export to.

Perhaps automatic backups would help ease users in situations such as this? (And if the backup itself causes the program to crash, at least it crashes early in a user's session)


Hi Yiming, I found this software very impressive and enjoyed playing with it. However, when I attempted to "Export Image" in a 16 bit linear color space on Windows with v0.2a, the software wrote 0 bytes to a png and then crashed. I'm disappointed I may not be able to use Our Paint for real work due to instability. It is a very nice, unique program and I think digital art lacks things such as this. I wish you well.

Very cool thoughts

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Fun :) Thank you for the comment.

Unfortunate about that PC issue; I don't believe Javascript code sandboxed in a browser could cause such a thing, but perhaps there was a bug with the browser or something else with your PC's hardware. I've never had this issue you mention and haven't seen anyone else comment about it.

I've been hard at work on a desktop game Journey to Royn for 12 months. A newer version of Idle Tetris exists on my computer (with fun things like unique and wacky achievements with rewards), but I'm not likely to work on it for a bit because of my large complex exciting project. 

Awesome :) The update is now released, with user themes included. Holding "Ctrl" and "Shift" and holding click on a visual element should allow you to change its color, and this will save changes to a file automatically.

You should be able to access the download page from your library or from the "You already own this; go to the download page" banner on the store page.

In the latest update, keys may now be configured to require window focus. I find this to work nicely. The default is now space-bar and requires window focus.

Here is what the the scrollbar, frame highlights, and new default frame pattern look like right now:

I'll consider adding user-customizable colors, test the update for bugs, and then it will be ready for release.

Cool! In the next update, there will be an option for hotkeys to require window focus.

Whether or not the window is focused will now be indicated by the highlighted border of Animation Buddy.

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I worry that making user customization for highlighting every amount of frames would complicate the user experience for little gain.
The high-customizability option would be allowing the user to configure an offset and pattern-length (probably by intuitively dragging the cursor on the timeline while holding a key down).
The low-customizability option would be making the default highlight pattern mark every 2nd/4th/8th frames. This may work because most animation is done on twos.
I fear the high-customizability option may be seldom used, confuse people, and distract from the study by adding a new thing to think about.
I want to try the low-customizability option, but let me know if that does not fit your use case or if it would be weird. 

I'm generally not a fan of user-customizable UIs; I believe that if a user desires customizing their UI, then the UI may just be poorly designed and should be made better for everyone. But then again, maybe it's just a fun form of expression for the user. Why do you desire to customize the colors? I'm curious if this is for expression, to solve a design problem, or another reason.

I do see the value of a scrollbar. So Animation Buddy can keep its minimalism, I could probably have it off by default and toggled by a hotkey.
Just to double check: are you aware you can zoom out with a configurable hotkey (Or I think Ctrl+Scroll wheel)? This eases the amount of work accomplished by the swiping motion.

Your post made me unrelatedly think I could easily make clicking on a frame toggle highlighting that frame in particular, so it would be easy to mark frames. That would be useful for quickly visually distinguishing a starting frame for a study (previously I was solely using the frame number). 

Thank you for the suggestions.

Let me know your thoughts on my responses.

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Yes, this is intentional; I opt to use hotkeys that don't conflict. It makes flipping really fast as I don't need to focus the program. But if you would like, I could make a hotkey mode that requires window focus. Would you like that?

I believe if you upgrade the AI, its strategy improves a tiny bit. But if I made the AI too good, there would be little incentive to play.

Good comments, thank you!


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Spacebar is no longer the default hotkey for playing/pausing video as per the latest update (it is now the pause button on a keyboard, but you can rebind it if you don't have that key or would prefer a different one).

"Set app to capture hotkeys" has been removed because it was not useful enough to stay.

All hotkeys work when the window is unfocused, so I recommend picking hotkeys that don't conflict with your animation program :) This makes it fast to control Animation Buddy.

That is a good thing for me to note: too fast is unrecoverable!

Well, you can either choose to play manually until you have enough minos (using the Toggle Control Mode Manual button), or take a break from the game and enjoy your day.


I can't remember for the version of the game that's on, but the current code says that they start hard-dropping from higher up as they level up. So it's not that they start at a certain level; it's that they do it earlier as they level up.

Maybe the version on Itch had that functionality? Or maybe they didn't hard-drop at all...

Valid concern. That's worth consideration for me as the developer.

> For some reason, the game makes me start at level 2 speed. maybe you could start at level 1 or even level 0 speed?

The button is more like "Buy level 2 speed;" it's implicit that you're at level 1. I don't know how much this actually matters.

> Not being able to spin a piece when it is touching the border is a little rough

In the in-dev version, doing achievements allows you to progressively unlock piece kickback!

Your other thoughts are interesting too, though I have no comment for them, thanks for sharing!

Maybe I'll start developing this game more seriously again some time. I have some other cool projects in the works, though!

Too fast for the AI! You may want to level him up so he can handle the speed :)

That would be easy to do when I get the time, though I've been really busy lately :)

Thank you for the comment!

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That is intended; here's a useful option to pair with that:

Inside of the "Set App to Capture Hotkeys," one could select their animation software, and that way it only listens for the global spacebar hotkey when their animation software is selected; or one could select the animation buddy app to disable the unfocused hotkeys entirely. (The reason that this exists and hotkeys happen when the window is unfocused is so Animation Buddy has the capability to synchronize with hotkeys of animation programs).

If it's still annoying after trying this option, let me know and I could update the app and add a specific option to make the spacebar hotkey specific to the window.

Also, great to hear they like it :)

Animation Buddy community · Created a new topic Help

Any questions or issues with the software? Ask here, and I'll do my best to help :)

Animation Buddy community · Created a new topic Bug Reports
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If something went wrong, please post what happened here.

I'll need to know
- What Operating System you are running (Windows 10? Windows 11?)
- What set of steps caused the bug (what were you doing?)
- Whether you are able to reproduce this bug (if you are, it will be much easier to fix)

Animation Buddy community · Created a new topic Suggestions

If there is anything you would like added to Animation Buddy, let me know here and I may add it.

Yea, I wanted to avoid making any fail-states for people newer to tetris. I don't think this game is meant to be so hard; I can't imagine how horrible it would feel to be -2000 in debt and not have the skills to get out of it in any reasonable amount of time.


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lol & i'm still goin'

...doing the daily line is a great way to warm-up for other projects