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A member registered Jan 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello! I am a student who bought this pack in a humble bundle recently and decided I will be using it for my class making a game in Unity! The music and sounds are so clean and perfect to help give an atmosphere to whatever game I go with. Very helpful as coding is my main focus so having such amazing music ready for me is a blessing great work and Thank You!

The movement feels nice and responsive although the choice of controls was unexpected for me. The enemies also were very fast as well as the boss whom I did not understand how he died leading to my win. With more work, this could be a cute platformer especially because I liked the little wizard and his fire ball!

This was such a treat to play you put a lot of love into this and the amount of polish the graphics, gameplay, and story all have in this short time is amazing! As others have said the sound design was satisfying and the background music never became tiring among the explosions and shooting which many jam games usually struggle with. Great job!

This was such a treat to play you put a lot of love into this and the amount of polish the graphics, gameplay, and story all have in this short time is amazing! As others have said the sound design was satisfying and the background music never became tiring among the explosions and shooting which many jam games usually struggle with. Great job!

Most of the art was very polished the main character I would say could be improved but everything else including the lighting effects was awesome to witness! The gameplay is tough and I could not get past the first boss once the little versions came after me as they were a little too fast to keep up.

Other than the sounds which were slightly jarring and the typos in the text I liked the game's presentation! I can definitely see with more development time this becoming a polished pixel are experience!

I enjoyed the mechanic of clicking on another character to control them and the puzzles you needed to accomplish going back and forth. As Random stated the jumping and walking can be slightly finicky and sound would be satisfying to have even just for the key and unlocking the gates. Otherwise wonderful job!

A very well-made game gives me so many portal vibes that I loved it all the way through. As others have said it was very polished with the full options menu, voice acting, responsive controls, and crisp art/lighting. Decided to follow you want to check out more of your work to inspire my own game-making as I can tell you know what you are doing!

As mentioned by others there is a bug with the black screen. As for the game, I could play however the visuals and the sound were amazing. Some of the best I have seen this game jam so far. I will say however that the art from the main screen to the gameplay has very different vibes. Also, the gameplay at times seemed too difficult as enemies usually got a sure hit on you unless you boringly backpedalled a lot so a little change there would go a long way.

It's one of those internet AND gamer things where people see something horrible and absolutely love it XD

I have learned that I need to be more explicit with the goals for my games as sometimes I just assume everyone will understand which is an oversight for a game developer XD. You did have to push the enemies into the pit, climb over them, and then get to the screen (black bars in the background) shooting it until it turns blue and the game ends. I was hoping the fact that the enemies cannot damage you, as you are a virus is implied, that it would make it easier albeit take a second to put them into the pit. Thank you for the feedback!

This is one of the games so far that I would rank high in Theme/Lore for the jam as everything is involved in it. At first, a glove as the weapon was odd to me but it grew on me especially the final battle as you literally punched the guy. The file navigation system was also interesting although I would have liked to see some easter eggs if you tried opening up other folders was disappointed that I could not open others. The audio that did come through in the beginning was very clean enjoyed that intro music. Lastly, the art style was definitely a unique take there is something uncanny about it that fits the diabolical nature I got. Overall wonderful job!

Like Geometry Dash this gave me that feeling of irritation but necessary completion that I also find satisfying in games. Thank you for creating this!

A very simple but sweet game I especially enjoy the art style! Green is usually a dislike of mine but here you made it very appealing with the pixel art and the outline on the character whose animations were very clean. I also appreciated the idea of keeping glitches in the game in order to grab the trophies and outplay the maps. The simple idea that I can jump again when I touch a wall is definitely something a game dev would fix in a normal game but it flips around here. I would have enjoyed some kind of music or sounds from the gun shooting to add atmosphere but otherwise great job!

Oh I apologize! I am still new to the technology side of things didn't know mac uses a different format. I Will definitely keep that in mind for futre games might just do WebGL as many here have done

I was not expecting a game with this style during the game jam and was thoroughly surprised by it! Love stories that I can interact with and this one was simple and to the point. The addition of humor fits well also. For the graphics low-poly was a great choice and the com screen was very clean, even the recording and security camera view was satisfying to see through. The controls for me could have been more obvious as I did not know to use space again for the communications at first and did not know to use my mouse to click either.  Other than that great job on your first completed game a wonderful one to start off with.

I appreciate the feedback! I need to focus on helping the player understand the objectives as that is my weak point as a game creator right now. I will make sure to keep a simple intro level in mind to help!

Thank you for the feedback! As a new game developer, I am definitely finding my strengths and weaknesses which showing my objectives to the players being the point I need to work on XD. Basically, I was hoping the player would notice they could nock the enemies into the pit and after bunching up a few make it to the other side. You would then shoot the computer which was the screen in the back with the black outline to "break the system" and the twist was you are actually the blue screen of death for a computer while the red was the antivirus trying to hold you back. Good to know about the control bug need to do more testing after build. Also loved how you named my enemies disco butterflies I had no specific idea for them but that works perfectly. Thanks again for the streaming of my game!

I really enjoyed the mechanics and art that this game put forward! Starting with the art I love pixel art and whenever I see animations done with it I enjoy it, especially with the magic sword and time dilation abilities. The mechanics behind them are not new but still satisfying to do especially together against a group of tight enemies as they miss attacking you. I enjoyed the background of the exposition scenes although I did think they could have ended sooner as it would last even after the text had disappeared from the screen. Another aspect I would love to see would be some of the AI because at times they would not turn to hit me. Other than that wonderful work in such a short time by this team!

I really enjoyed the mechanics and art that this game put forward! Starting with the art I love pixel art and whenever I see animations done with it I enjoy it, especially with the magic sword and time dilation abilities. The mechanics behind them are not new but still satisfying to do especially together against a group of tight enemies as they miss attacking you. I enjoyed the background of the exposition scenes although I did think they could have ended sooner as it would last even after the text had disappeared from the screen. Another aspect I would love to see would be some of the AI because at times they would not turn to hit me. Other than that wonderful work in such a short time by this team!

Thank you as well for the feedback! The gameplay is definitely what I want to get down better for this game or others I make with the mechanic. I like the hallway idea, can nicely show how the shooting uses physics to push enemies instead of damaging them!

Hello Everyone!

I am releasing my next short game called HeartAche all about two halves of a heart avoiding the temptation of others to connect back together. It was inspired by the GMTK Game Jam theme Joined Together!

Thank you for checking it out!

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to introduce my game Gunnada. I published it a couple of months ago but learned of this community and was excited to share!

Gunnada is a puzzle shooter where you, a naturally amazing code pilot, are Earth's last hope of irradicating a virus that will soon wipe out all technology on the planet forever! Using your ship you will navigate three sections, defeating unique enemies and bosses in each until you defeat the Staright controlling it all. You also have a pal to talk to along the way.

Thank you for playing!

Topple community · Created a new topic Topple Devblog #1


This is an initial dev blog on my next larger game that for now is called Toppled! I wanted to work on Unity physics specifically for this game and so much of it will be based on this, especially the gunplay which I hope to have interesting physics as well!

Thank you for any players and feedback on this initial idea!