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A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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🤔 I'll Take Your Word For It! I'll try.

Wow! The artwork is amazing - I like the clean and yet detailed and funny style of it! The introduction is perfect!

Althou the game itself need a whole lot more polishing in game mechanics and user experience.

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Wow you guys did a pretty good job ;)

Nice little game you made here!

Although I was surprised that the zombies were soo strong.

Love it!
You did a great job and it really matches the theme of the jam in a great way!

Woah good job :)

Yeah congratulations!

so 60 Out of 1890  - not bad ;)

Gosh!!! Like what!?!?

If you don't win the jam there is something wrong about it!

This game is so polished in every way!

- the slim but yet intelligent idea (I already love the corresponding board game)
- very very good level design with a smooth difficulty increasing (best i've seen so far in this jam)
- nice grafical design, simple but cute
- slim color palette
- Robots - everybody loves robots
- they are stronger together
- You show all necessary information on the screen (reset button, number of moves, number of level)
- your quit button really works!!! (not happend so far in this jam)
- choosable levels to try out everyone of them
- nice and not to dominant music
- fitting sounds
- good title
- nice cover

Nothing to complain about ❤

Would have appreciated it when all styles would match together. And you have to add some more feedback for some situations, this will juice things up.

Hey really solid idea!

I like that you kept it simple in regard of polishing it well. That is good for the gameplay. Everthing works fine and is really smooth! Good job!

The only thing for me to complain (because besides this its really good) is the timing or rather pacing.
I got a bit bored in the beginning and after a long while speed escalated so quickly. I would rather speed up at the beginning, such that you increase the pacing more in the first few minutes and less later. So you will have more fun in the beginning and will be more challenged to hold longer.

If you follow the main path all right and then turn downwards there is a stone area with the bad guy in the center.

Pretty nice game! Really liked it! Was already waiting for a tower defence on this game jam, this was my first so far.

With starting screen, menue, grafics, sounds and theme everything feels quite decent.

Altou if you are up to polishing it:

- I didnt quite get the elemental thing. Maybe I used it wrong, but I was not willing to spend much money on it, therefore it was of no use for me.

- The beam orbs are far to strong. I placed one in the beginning covering a whole path and proceeded like this when money fitted. So after a while I was just sitting there and staring at my screen, whatching the whole scene. Maybe you could not allow to place the orbs at the corner edges of the path by placing trees.

- Quit button did not work for me.

- While not playing in full screen most functions did not react quite well and more on a random base. But that was ok after playing fullscreen.

- After a while I was not able to update further (beam orbs at 400) didnt know if this was on purpose, or if something went wrong.

- As it is very simple to create levels in a tower defence I would have prefered more levels (like three) with intensing difficulty and number of waves. Would have helped not to get bored to much with the beam orb thing and give some variation to it.

But overall nice game ;)

Didnt harm much, as I was able to restart and I really watched the ant rising up for a while    xD    kind of relaxing. So maybe its a feature when you get to concentrated.

Happened when I placed it in an aquard angle so that it was about to fall, but I kind of cheated and fixed it before it could fall and voila.... the rise of the ant. Maybe that helps debugging it ;)

Woooah the artstyle is fantastic!! This really creates a magic world to play in!
Althou I had a bit of a trouble getting used to the perspective in some situations.

Hey thank you soooo much for your comment!!! Really appreciated!

I tried sooo much games this jam and there were so many fun to play and beautiful and innovativ... but man... you nailed it!! up to now I did not rate all categories with 5/5, but this time I totally had to!!


Really like the idea! Due to the whole harmony-theme playing your game is both relaxing and tough!

Thanks a lot!

Yeah I read that! Impressive post with a lot of information!

Woah i'm super impressed by your framework. The menu, tutorial and so on, fell so polished! Great!!

That does a bunch for the game experience.

Ah interesting! Where did you get those methods from? Did you learn them by yourself or can you recommend a source?

Oh good point!
Specially with the lack of time it is difficult to design your levels balanced!

oh yeah that's a good advice :D  I will certainly stick to this in my next jam

Wooooah!! This is an amazing game! So interesting and unique not like any other game I rated so far.

The idea of hacking and actually "typing" is really cool and fun. At first I was totally enjoying the game... but then I didnt know what I was doing so it got a bit boring somehow... the first computer was a bit too strong, so it took me a while to defeat it and by that time I was too bored to continue.

But man that game has potential!!!

Hi everybody, 

hope this topic will not be overrun by the "rate my game" storm.

This was my very first game jam and it was fun to create a game in such a short time and I learned soooo much. But as it was the first time and due to time pressure we did soooo much wrong. 
I learned a lot while implementing and illustrating, but I think I learned even more by playing and rating all your games!! 
So many really good ideas and games and very good features.

To learn even more I want to know what did you learn at this jam, maybe something very clever and special?

I would say: Menu and Instructions ingame are really important - we totally messed up with this.
What about you? What did you learn?

ok... xD    so... first when the intro began it was so good I was about to write "amazing" and then... it got too much...really and then...even further... toooo much... at least for me.

But i loove your art style its so shabby unique and so cute!
As I was to dumb to pass the second level I didnt get if there was some "stronger together" theme to come.
Overall I loved the combination of idea, art, sound and control!

thank you! Will try yours soon.

Yeah, certainly one of the things I learned when playing all the other games: it's better when there is a whole lot of explanation! Totally miss that in our game!

Funny idea and I really love the design.

Somehow I managed my ant number six to went up like a balloon   xD   it went higher and higher, but fortunately you implemented the restart-button ;)

thank you!

Did you beat the red ninja final boss?

That would have been the goal ^^

Well that one is so charming! And I like how polished the game experience is. I never felt lost about the goal or the control. Really fun!!

Only two things: sometimes I had to I the mouse to close the text box, that somehow interrupted the game flow. And once I got trapped ( xD ) with the eagle between two obstacles and there was no combination of keys that helped.

uuuh thank you ;)

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This is such a cute idea! Like the symbiosis theme and the training for control-coordination.
But it seems a bit too hard for me though ^^

A fly-catching sound would have been nice. Sometimes I was a bit lost, because I had to concentrate so hard and could not look for scoring. Some acustic feedback would have helped.

Well that is some really really clever game idea!! Refreshing as some other games are all kind of alike.

But sadly it was to hard for me XD

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This is a fun idea. I had a hart time with the control and movement... I always lost my bullets, cause I wanted to jump xD

But its a really intelligent puzzle game.

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I love the idea with the diffrent characters. But I would have loved it even more if there was more  ingame explanation. So that I wold have known what to do, how to control and whats the goal.  I read the explanation on the game side, but never the less had a bit struggle. A marker which character is active would have been great, too.
But I really loved the level design!

And my tinder guy glitched a bit around after building boxes, not sure if that was intendet :D

Ehm ^^ Thanks!

I started by doing my drawings by hand, but it certainly was more easy when I managed the "grafic tablet" thing. Was my first try in this game jam, but after some practice it worked quite well. As for the program: I just randomly googled "free illustration program" and tried a few. I certainly will try out some more now that I have the time. I didnt look for youtube videos, but I think I will do this, too, now with less pressure  xD

This is beautiful. I love the slim and relaxing visual effects and how you created a game around music, that is not shabby, but really really lovely and shows due honour to the art of music.

Also it is very polished and gives a good feeling while playing :)

If you want some light and funny gameplay with action and comic look, try ours :)

Yours has a grad first impression, I will play it tomorrow to have the proper time for it!


Love it.

Love the feeling you provide. Love the sound. Love the composition of grafics, movement, atmosphere and strains.
