Yeah this works well, no problems whatsoever! Thanks. Let me know if you need anything with tracking the bug, or something.
Samuli Pietikäinen
Creator of
Recent community posts
Through languages we speak.
Hyödyntäen kieliä me puhumme.
Sun is my soul and the surrounding cosmos paints a bridge between us. En tiedä uskonko uskoon, mutta auringon lähellä ei koskaan lopu usko aamuruskoon.
If I forget are all breaths my last?Hengähtänee vielä kertaalleen.
Crashes are an organic part of a software's life cycle.
Just wanted to post this here, Richard's doing a fundraiser.
Cart Life: Danger Demo by H̶o̶f̶m̶e̶i̶e̶r̶
Just wanted to post this here, Richard's doing a fundraiser.
Cart Life: Danger Demo by H̶o̶f̶m̶e̶i̶e̶r̶
Just wanted to post this here, Richard's doing a fundraiser.
Cart Life: Danger Demo by H̶o̶f̶m̶e̶i̶e̶r̶
I don’t really understand what is going on in terms of gameplay. Got to the part where there’s 50 red dialogue lines shaking and couldn’t figure out after that. Cool block pusher, but maybe further explanation needed. Storywise some of the delivery comes off as a bit cliché, but I’ve seen worse.
good job!