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A member registered Dec 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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If you're still looking for games to add id love for you to check mine out

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After doing a little thinking im pretty sure the reason the file is so big is that most of the assets are actually 3d models. When i was making the game i wasnt really considering the size and if i wanted to improve the size it would be as simple as swapping out the 3d models for some 2d sprites. I understand the game becoming quite hard to look at and a new pallet would be a good idea, Thanks.

I agree that it isn't too much to ask of the play to remember 3 simple combinations but if you want the player to have the best experience and the game revolves around one specific thing it could never hurt to keep an indicator of what they player can do.

Simple side scrolling game.

The coins are pretty hard to see and the character is pretty hard to control. Id suggest adding a little bit of an increase forwards when the character jumps rather than directly up, would make collecting the coins a little better

Fun game with a simple concept that gives fun game play and I like the music and sound effects for the game too.

The only issues i have with the game are that its pretty hard to tell which colour is right for the box because the tape is the same colour as different end point and its also pretty hard to know which direction your supposed to go if you didn't manage to remember the whole level the first time you saw it.

Fun but punishing game i enjoyed playing and i really like the art style.

Id suggest adding an indication on screen at all times that shows the player how many times they need to tap to get each colour rather than only the tutorial also it didnt seem to have any difficulty increase,maybe i didnt play it for long enough but it seemed to be the same difficulty the whole time.Increasing the speed the colours change later on in the game might make the game a little more exciting.

Creative idea for one button!

Had an issue where the enemy weapons didnt spawn in after failing the level, pushing the enemy off the level doesnt kill them and counts as me failing and its kinda hard to tell how much hp enemies have except the size

Very fun game and super creative idea but i think it could use a little work

Thanks for playing and i'm glad you enjoyed!

Not really sure why the file is that big, must be an unreal thing or maybe i just left too many unused stuff in there.

The reason i use left mouse button to shoot is because the direction is controlled by the mouse so i thought keeping all the functionality in one place made sense.

Pretty simple and fun game!

think you should add some kind of indicator of what the players health is when they're playing along with adding some sound effects and music would go a long way. but definitely within the theme of the jam.

Game Page gives a better feel for the game than this submission page so check it out if you think this looks cool!

Really glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! hope you enjoyed playing

Thanks for playing and the feedback, Glad you enjoyed playing!

Thanks for playing it, glad you enjoyed it. Any feedback you could give would be greatly appreciated