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Cosmin Alex

A member registered Nov 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello everyone,

We are a team of one programmer and two graphic designers and we are currently looking for a sound designer to join the team in this adventure.

If anyone is interested you can find me on JTA Games's discord channel as: ZixBlest

Thank you and GL&HF to all of you! :D

Cute little bears breaking through stuff, love the combination! Tho I didn't get how the theme is applied in the game and I also think a cooldown between bashes would work great. I would have liked to go further like the area from the attached screenshot? A little bit more challenge and get the multiplayer part working you might have a pretty nice game here. 

I think I might need some help here. What do I need to do in the first fighting scene? Collect the blowing cubes or dodge them? What "space" button do? Even if I assign all the crew I can't get past it? I'm I missing something? Besides that I like the music and the space ship's controls feel good in combat. Very nice approach for the theme!

Sweet graphics with sweet robots. I also love the mechanics and the need to work with both robots to reach the end goal. The hacking is pretty good because if you fail once the pattern is not the same, so the difficulty remains. Got stuck once with the flying robot in the first stage after I hacked the final terminal, the time expired and the robot respawned, but I could not move, nor reset using R, nor switch between the robots so what was left was to exit the game and run again. Overall the game is great! 

Very nice design and the music is amazing. Couldn't really see why the need of changing characters as the girl could finish the levels alone until I got stuck in a slippery slope with both of the characters. Maybe am I missing something...

Cool main character, smooth animations and level design. I really liked the music but sometimes I lose site of the character plus there there are some logs in the left of the screen I think. Couldn't understand them tho...

Nice character models and animations. Managed to climb to the top but couldn't get pass that.  Do I need to kill that puppet? Overall cool concept!

It's a fun platformer game and I liked the mechanics, kind of weird collisions though. I loved that there is a menu and with a control scheme. Really nice job overall!

Quite an interesting game. I liked the little touches like being able to zoom in with the camera. Nice work overall.

The game has been finished and the download link updated!