A is Primary Fire (A)mmo
S is (S)econdary Fire Ammo
screen-space censor boxes (IE the "youve been playing too long censored creature") will engulf the screen when the angle between the camera and the subject is about perpendicular
this occurs because the world to screen conversion is still trying to render the box when z <= 0 (which causes a divide by zero, filling the screen, or just causes the box to appear erroneously)
ive finally figured out when the scrollwheel stops working with the hotbar: its with things that "eat" your scrollwheel inputs
choosing an action on a focused item takes scrollwheel priority over your hotbar, and when you get off the jeep the game seems to still think youre "focusing" on it, so your scrollwheel inputs get eaten by that. its reset by hovering over another prop. ive found its not just the jeep that does it though, sitting in chairs and inconsistently terminals will do it too
Berries are neat but yellow berries giving +25 stamina is kinda busted. Its a good idea but due to this they really devalue the other stamina giving items.
Food tollerance really doesn't ballence them even though it should in theory (unless food tollerance gets updated so that some foods can be eaten less than others before kel refuses to eat them)
Alternatively yellow berries could give diminishing amounts of stamina the more theyre eaten in a row, IE the first berry is +25%, the next is 20, 15, 10, and bottoming out at 5. wait a day or smth and itll go back up to +25%. Gives a tradeoff like the other stamina granters (sodas are fairly expensive, coffee makes your camera jitter the more of it you have, coffee bites/bar dont have many uses to them, and others like the alien yogurt are rare)
itd be pretty neat if there were an upgrade you could find around/as a module: "ATV Seatbelt"
makes it so you dont go flying off the jeep when you crash, but you have to remember to buckle it when you get on (and unbuckle when you get off)
another nifty feature would be if wooden palettes could be used to send off multiple item/drive boxes with the drone at once (using plastic scrap as "ceran wrap" to hold it all together?)
after playing the halloween mode i didnt realise how brutal this game is when its stuck at 00:00 with no server decay and no sleeping
you get no new drives or drive boxes that you dont buy, you cant get points by repairing servers, your only stamina sources are soda and coffee stuff, you cant time accelerate, no daily task or weekly bonuses, and if you dont get accumulator batteries/an income source/the tr1(?) lighter you are stuck in the dark except for the jeep. if you dont create a GPU miner early on you are FUBAR. it really tests your game knowledge >.>
im not saying this is a bad thing btw, id love if this were turned into a bespoke "challenge" mode where the only real threat is your inability to ration and plan. it was really fun (aside from furfur disabling my ability to save every 5 seconds when at base + getting the stupid zombie deer by coincidence >:/ )
Please swap the up & down controls of the witch's broom. it is super jarring to hit S while flying it and have it nose me down into the ground
(I imagine the broom will either go away after halloween, which i hope not because it is a fun endgame thing, but i assume these controls will be reused for doing funny ATV stunts in the air at a later point so)
In addition to the tape measure it would be very nice if there were more ingame measuring options. Most specifically I'd like a protractor (for measuring angles) and a scientific calculator. Maybe also the ability to enter maths expressions into the terminals to get an answer?
(Totally not overcomplicating the white argemia ritual with Nerd Malarky)
The TV remote can be bound to anything with the generic Use action. This includes the base doors, containers (such as the 8x8x8 cardboard box) and the base computer monitor.
Meaning you can have a recall potion back to base. Related bug, the TV remote forgets what it was bound to if you put it in your inventory, but does not if its dropped on the ground.
I think someone else mentioned it but I hope we get hotbar options. IE, reversing the scrollwheel direction, changing what edge of the screen its on, how long it stays on screen (if it dissapears at all) ect
mostly the reversing scrollwheel part though. mwheel up to increase the number feels very awkward
i want a rechargeable flashlight battery/flashlight itself thats shake powered
so either you shake it as an item in the world or right click use to shake it to charge it in the hand
+ is that its field rechargable
- is that it makes noise and doesnt last anywhere near as long as the normal flashlight
this is what i first thought acc. batteries were based on their name
for some reason while its alive the fiery tank can be grabbed at the base by the gravity gun but not the physgun (neither the soft or creative mode versions). im unsure if the gravity gun is working and the physgun isnt, or if the physgun is working as intended and the gravity gun shouldnt be able to acquire it
cyboars can be grabbed by both guns but the hitbox for the physgun is inconsistent at close ranges. its probably the skinned mesh not aligning with the actual hitbox
also, dont know if its intentional, but cyboars can be VERY easily killed with a pressure washer. ive only tried it with the ariral one but i assume it works with the human pressure washer as well. i think its because it pushes them back with enough force they take impact damage on the ground/walls and its not that the water itself hurts them.
enjoying, but theres something thats irritating me that im not sure is a bug or feature: my mouse sensitivity keeps changing? and usually i can reset it back to what it should be by F5 saving, at least for a short while.
its the most prominent if i stay on the camera tab controlling a kerfbot/drone and exit, where the mouse will be slow as molasses to turn the camera, but otherwise i cant find a pattern to it.
if this is intentional please include an option to disable dynamic mouse sensitivity.