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A member registered Jan 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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This game was super fun to play!! I love the art style too, definitely one of my favorites from this jam! :3

Wowie! Thanks so much for playing my game!! :3 It's so cool to see videos!

Really enjoyed this game! The voice acting was amazing and it was a really good subtle horror experience! :3

Really enjoyed playing this game! The ending was just WOW! It's amazing how polished this is, love the aesthetics too!

I loved this! The art is beautiful and the story was very well laid out!

Very cool! I really loved the aesthetics and Huppets design! I did get stuck on dialogue a few times but other than that it was very good and super creative!

Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoyed playing, I love the flirty Hannibal Lecter comment I do think Charity certainly has a bit of inspiration drawn from him! :3 Thank you again!! 

AAA Thank you so much!! I am so glad you enjoyed it!! :3 

WAA Thank you so much!! That's so cool that you enjoyed my silly little guy! Also there are 3 endings all together! :3

This game was so amazing! I genuinely enjoyed every moment, all the characters are so interesting! I love Werner, the lil green weirdo haha, I love your artstyle too! It's so cool you animated everyone faces!

Wow, this was such a well made game!! I love the art so much and the characters have so much personality! Very excited to see where the story is heading! :3

Wow, thanks so much for playing!! I've recently released a bug fix for the game that allows the music to play as well as some general gameplay fixes!! I'm so honored you did a let's play!! :3 Thanks so much!

(1 edit)

Woah!! That's so cool, first game letsplay I've ever gotten! Super enjoyable watch, also helps me develop what I need to improve on in updates!! Thanks so much :3

Waaa thank you so much!! :3

Thank you!! I do have a habit of waffling a bit with character dialogue, haha! Thanks so much!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to announce that my submission for scream secrets 2024 is out! It's a short visual novel about a detective interviewing a serial killer after being blackmailed by his employer, I thought it would be a good fit! The jams theme was "It's been there all along!" So I've tried to include that in my story, I would be honored if anyone at all could check it out as I'm quite proud of it which is rare for my own work!  There are three endings, three(hopefully) memorable characters and a cameo by my dear friend EdgarBearTrap!

Thank you for reading!! Here's the link if you're interested!

Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it