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A member registered Jul 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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A really cool and atmospheric game.

I wonder how you created this fantastic visions.

Good job and good luck!

Thanks for your feedback.

Thank you very much for playing and giving feedback.

The concept of your game is really cool. It's something I haven't seen in this jam.
But your AI is way too smart.  I can't name the exact reason, but completing a level didn't feel like outsmarting the gun. Instead, it felt like pure luck to me.

But other people seem to have fun with your game.
So good luck!

A really interesting game idea. The game has a unique art style.
The one boss I encountered was pretty hard, but maybe I'm just bad.

Good luck!

Thanks for playing.

Great game. The level/puzzle design is good and the graphics look great.
Even though it was challenging, I had a lot of fun.

Good job and good luck.

The game looks just great!

The idea of controlling the spread of the shotguns is very nice. But something about the hit registration seems off.

Overall, good job and good luck.

The look and feel of the game are really good. I had a lot of fun playing it.

But a little less of the screen effects would have been better on the eyes. So maybe consider adding an option for that.

A pretty nice game. The art style is very cool.

But for some reason the shooting sound only plays while walking. Also, you only shoot one bullet when standing.

Cool idea. I enjoyed your game.

A button to restart the game would be nice.

I really like your game. It's juicy and just feels great to play.
You made the shotgun a real mechanic and not just an ordinary weapon.

You did a great job.

I like the idea of needing to assemble your own weapon.

The game was quite fun, but the difficulty curve is a bit strange. You start off very weak and at least I had a hard time fighting the dashing ghosts. But once you get the shotgun, it was relatively easy.

Thanks for playing.

I know I have a little problem with balance when I do jams, but I'm trying to improve.
So thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for playing and reviewing my game.
Yes, I noticed some balancing issues myself and tried to fix them, but it looks like I didn't succeed.

Surely I will do that.

Thanks for playing and your honest review!
I tried to do my best to balance the game, but I see the problem.

I really like your sound design. Everything sounds just nice and you even did a voic over.
The atmosphere is good and creepy.
But how dare you scare me like that....
Good job and good luck.

Cool game, I like the consept of fighting a hacker just by turning on and of the comuters to distract him.
But there where to many situations in which I got stuck on a tiny ledge or saw the inside of the workers head.
All in all a fun game with an unique idea.

I really like your game.
It´s well designed and I like the attention you paied to the details. I really didn´t expect to actily see the signals or that they are comimg from the direction your aiming your antena at by changing the waves on the screen.
Overall just a really cool game.

Well done!
You've created a really creepy atmosphere. The lighting is good and the music supports the spookiness.
But the controls are a bit spongy.
Good luck!

I used credits on the games page to link to all the assets I used.

I'm glad you like the game.
Please send me a link when your version is finished so I can see what you've done with the idea.

You guys have definitely built a unique game. I really like that you are constantly forced to make choices and it seems like there is no right one.

Good job and good luck!

It's a cool idea that was well executed. The controls generally feel very good, but sometimes (on very rare occasions) I couldn't jump the way I wanted (maybe I'm just stupid).

Overall, good job and good luck!

It's a cool idea that was well executed. The controls generally feel very good, but sometimes (on very rare occasions) I couldn't jump the way I wanted (maybe I'm just stupid).

Overall, good job and good luck!


The level of polish you were able to achieve in three days is so impressive! Everything has a good weight and feels great.

Even though it was very hard for me, it was great fun. I hope more people find this gem!

Great job! Good luck!

I like that any loss is permanent. But I wish there were more response to your actions. Nothing fancy just a simple highlight of the shopitem you selected or something like a preview.

And please add some sort of tutorial, cause on my first run I couldn´t find out how to get money. A simple description on your games page whould be enough.

Enough criticism...

I had fun playing your game. Good job and best of luck!

Thank you for playing. I see the problem and your ideas are on my list.

Thanks for your honest feedback!

Another game where the player needs to die to win (no offence mine isn´t diffrent), was my first thought. But the ghost which needs to reach the goal adds an interesting new layer.

I really like your game. As others already said: it´s sad that it is so short!

Great job and good luck on you journey!

Thank you very much for playing and your feedback.

Yes the archers seam to be very  good (too good) at what they´re doing.  Sadly, I realized this too late.

I had much fun playing your game. It is impressiv how many upgades you guys where able to make in just three days.

The visual style of your game is great.  I really like the idea of correcting the test as a eraser.

Good job! Cool game!

I like mazes and therefore your game. The music and atmosphere are good, but all sprites are blury. Which is sad cause they fit your game very well.

Overall good job.

Overall a fun iead. But in my opinion it´s a bit to  easy. Because of this the start is relativly uninteresting. There is just no enought to do at the beginning.

But still good job, building this game and coming up with its idea, in three days .

I really like that you can change the color pallet.  Overall a cool game idea implemented in a great way.