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A member registered Nov 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Decent little visual novel. Expanding on this idea might be interesting.

This was great fun! Got very much an Isaac vibe from it, especially with the way the upgrades were phrased.

The only improvement I can think of would be to implement a small i-frame after getting hit. If you're unlucky (or weren't managing upgrades/enemies well enough :P) it's easy to lose a bunch of health very quickly.

Really cool experimental idea! Figuring out which doors need to be open and which have to be closed was really engaging. Love the vibes.

Good game! The only thing that I think could use serious improvement is the art for the types of enemies. You can figure it out once you're in the game and see them move, but for some of them it wasn't clear before. It's not a huge issue, though.

It's okay; it's very much a standard RPGMaker experience and quite frankly, I doubt that there's much that's not just out of the standard.

I believe all of the assets to either come default with RPGMaker or to be in a free bundle, which is kind of a shame. The level design was uninspiring and it was very hard to figure out where to go to in the shadow realm.

At one point, the corridor splits into three; I only followed one path to it's end. At the end of that path was a place called the Shadow Church, in which a specific enemy randomly spawns - the Sorcerer. That enemy blinds and poisons you over and over again, which makes your char barely hit one out of ten times while taking DoT damage and requiring you to heal. After I defeated it and found the code for the door, a second one spawned in the same room. As the first took around five minutes of attempting and failing to do any damage it, I closed the game there.

The balancing seems very poor. You can reliably one-hit Weak Shadows, but anything with status effects (I only encountered the Sorcerer, but I suspect any other enemy that can do similar things) just destroy the pacing and flow of the game. This was the case for me, as I only had one PC in my party that had no way of purging those debuffs.

More effort, deeper play testing (especially for battle balancing) and better communication where you're meant to go, would go to great lengths of improving the experience. Sadly, I did not enjoy playing this.

Hey, thanks for your review. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it but I agree to your points. In regards to the artwork, most of it works, but the lack of animations is kind of a sore thumb. The feedback on the hitboxes is also valid, that's something I noticed as well but didn't *quite* have the time to prioritize and improve for the submission limit.

Hey! Thank you for the review!

Yeah, the hiding of zombies originally a planned mechanic and it*used* to be easy to achieve in Godot 3 but some core changes for 4 sadly prevented me from implementing it. If I do continue with the concept past the jam, that's basically my number 1 item to implement. :)

WRT ammo, that, too, was a mechanic that I simply didn't have enough time for. I planned for more guns  and melee but just didn't quite have the time.