Thank you, the small size of canvas made the pixel art ""pretty easy"". I lost most of my time at learning Gdevelopp and creating cinematics.
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Hello ! I'm making a game with a friend but as soon as I will finished it, I will release some updates, and because you ask it, I will export it on Windows too 😄. I hope you are okay to wait approximately 2 months 😬. Thank you ;)
(the game :
Ok j'ai testé la nouvelle version. Je vais faire plus de retours car j'imagine que tu as pu passer plus de temps.
Mes petits retours !
- Améliorer le visuel des attaques faite par les ennemis (on a un peu de mal à voir pas mal de projectiles).
- Parfois les textes des bonus ne s'affichent pas
- J'ai pris du temps à comprendre que tout les bonus sont forcément sur le click droit (l'un remplace l'autre).
Bravo en tout cas !
This is the HLD Creator at an really early stage.
It misses some big features like : Ctrl+Z, Rotation, a better way to sort things, more graphism and probably more background.
Feel free to share anything you want to see in this tool. It will help me to focus of what people need the most.
Have a great day !