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A member registered Feb 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Incredible impression, 10/10.

Awesome! Quick diversion is what I was aiming for, I hope kiddo enjoys it 😁

That is something I considered, but the rules for the game jam I followed stated "no tables" for the Nightmare difficulty, so here we are. If I updated the game in future, that is one of the changes I'd consider 😁

(1 edit)

Both; go with the numerical value, and describe it as an ally.

Unless you find it more compelling to go with just one way over the other.

And are you going to tell?

Thank you! I love the system, but I also love pulling stuff apart and doing different things with the pieces 😁

The sheddy high of having multiple editions of a game like a Real Fan.

I decided to draw on a "recent" urban legend with roots in older folklore from my country of origin (Scotland); the Gorbals vampire. It's a pretty great story.

😁 oh yeah, that's this month

Truly my greatest work.

😁 thank you

1. I spent around 4 hours on my submission. Basic dice roller, no fancy formatting...feels about right to spend that much time with it.
2. It was a handy reminder that I can create things that aren't just hacks of other games.
3. No particular challenges; the game I made deserves to be the core of a bigger project, and I'll be working on that in future, but it stands on its own as a neat little curiosity.
4. Heartily recommend "The Streets Are Ours," "Ironbound," and "A Perfect Rock."

😅 I appreciate that, thank you.

Glad you had fun. I do plan to write a version 2.0 down the line, make it a more fleshed-out game 😄

Yeah, the stats are just there as guidance if somebody does decide to journal about the fares they pick up. Say they roll high on style and durability but low on speed, it gives a hint for how to describe that journey 😁

It's "fixed" now, as close as I can.

😁 de nada

I like this game, I think it's put together well. Small note; I don't know how well-known they are elsewhere, but ReSisters is a UK organisation that's heavily anti-trans.

Fingers crossed that the remaining folks sign off in the next few days.

The greatest kitten in all Thedas

One of the reasons I decided the player should choose how many dice they roll is to provide a little space for them to decide whether their character actually wants to succeed or not. I think it'd facilitate a little more depth for those kinds of discussions, y'know?

Haha, thanks. It's an idea that's been rattling around in my head for months and I couldn't decide how to frame it.

I definitely don't hate it. Took me a couple of days to let myself feel that 😅 I'm already excited to see how my favourite tattooist refines the design.

Sure! It'd be fitting to see the games collected.

😅 appreciated

Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Between your system, and Lucie Ebrey's werewolf zines, I was feeling very inspired.

Heh, I did include a short list of prompts that include thwarting a fash attempt to raise a nazi ghost.

I finally got around to trying to write a caltrop core game. It's about werewolf punk rockers.

Did you have a chance to pool resources and outpace the risks? I deliberately didn't make it explicit in the rules, and I haven't heard whether anybody thought to do that yet.

No worries. Probably just a problem on my end, from the sounds of it. Thought it was worth flagging so you could check. 

This is a fun, quick game that I'll cheerfully play again to tell short stories covering the whole range of available prompts. 

idk if this is just a me-problem, but trying to download this on my phone returns an error message. Works just fine on desktop though!

This is a very cute game that's easy for a duo to pick up and play.

I'm now very keen to run this and to learn more about the Trophy system. What a smashing oneshot.

This was really fun to play, a guide to an epic tale of a solemn pilgrimage and the deeds performed in its undertaking. A very enjoyable journaling game.

This is a really cute idea, and I am now looking at my dice very differently.

This was really fun, especially given that I'm kind of a dice dragon, and scattering them was really fun. I did find it a little more satisfying using prism d4 in place of the usual pyramid d4.

This is a fun little game. I did wonder whether I was cheating by just leaving glitched Robotics Bay patched; if I roll that glitch again should I reroll or is it just a null result? Not really an issue as it doesn't greatly sway the dice roll results, just a thing I was curious about.

An excellent use of the Carta system. Really good job capturing the feel of Alien.

Fascinating concept for a game. I was immediately excited by the concept because Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino is one of my favourite books.