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A member registered Jul 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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this is fantastic! Would love it as a mobile game

Muy guay Ines! La mecánica de "ir contra la máquina" encaja muy bien con la historia. Y mola bastante cómo estás explorando la narrativa no lineal.

Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it ;)

This was a very original and fun game to play. It excels in every aspect: visuals, design, sound, story, etc. It's my personal favorite from the jam. I think it would be a hit if expanded with more mechanics, secrets and objectives.


Qué bien, muchas gracias ^^

Me ha gustado el juego! El concepto de subir y bajar niveles hasta la raíz creo que está bastante bien traído. Y se ve muy bonito. Enhorabuena!

Hola! El juego en la versión de windows se abre directamente en fullscreen y no está adaptado a diferentes aspect ratios de pantalla, así que en algunas resoluciones no se puede pulsar el botón de jugar del menú. Espero poderlo probar, porque no me funcionan los juegos HTML5 en mi PC ahora

Not working in Chrome. Answer me when you fix it so I can change my vote :)

Muchísimas gracias por tu feedback! Me alegro que te haya gustado. A nosotros también nos hubiese gustado darle un poco más de sentido a la mecánica, pero por lo menos es divertida.

Gracias! Me alegro que te haya gustado. A nosotros también nos hubiese gustado poder darle más juego a esa mecánica 

Muchas gracias!! Me alegro que lo hayas podido terminar y que te halla gustado

The concept of the game is really cool. Good job! As other people are saying, it's a bit annoying having to wait a whole 30s once you have figured out the mechanic. I suggest you add a secondary mechanic that would let you skip this time.

The gameplay feels so good. I'm sure you needed a lot of refinement to get to that point, well done!

However, I also think it has some room for improvement. The game is a bit too simple and doesn't really have anything characteristic to fit the theme.

This a great game overall! Good job!

The concept is interesting, and it fits the theme well.

Fun little game! Next time I suggest using WASD for the left hand controls. I didn't figure them out until the end

Great game overall! It looks and feels incredible for a jam game, while also adhering to the theme. Great job!

My only suggestion is that you increase the bat's hitbox, or make it so that the collider follows the player when he's moving, as sometimes it fails to hit enemies.

Simple, but it goes well with the theme. Good job!

Congrats on your first game! It feels good, but I don't completely understand how you're supposed to control the amount of chaos, just by letting some enemies alive?

The physics feel smooth! It's sad that it can't be played in fullscreen, though. And also a restart button would've been necessary.

Great game! The first jump took me over 10 attempts, but once you get it, the rest are easier. Consider tweaking it so it doesn0t need to be that precise. Also, it's a bit weird that you can't turn the view 360º.

Incredible aesthetics, btw!

Hi! Thank you so much for your assets. What font are you using?

Yeah, that's actually a bug, I'll fix it for the next update

I'm glad you liked it. I'm already aware of those issues and I'll be working on them soon. Thank you for your feedback!

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep it in mind. Did you manage to get together in the same room in the end?

(3 edits)

The goal of this project is to prove if this concept is actually interesting for running a tabletop RPG game. Right now, the server I'm using only supports up to 100 concurrent players, but as soon as I see this tool starts to gain interest I'll start finding ways to expand it as the community dictates.

I'd like to develop this tool using feedback from all the people that take the time to test it. So feel free to use this forum to post ideas, bugs,etc. I'd appreciate it if you could use tags for properly indexing the forum.

This forum will be relevant until the community migrates to another platform like Discord.

Thanks for playing! Who said it was easy to be a sailor

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you very much, that's great!

I like how you made the camera be so close to the character, it helps conveying how hard is to kill those bugs irl! It also is just enough to let you navigate through the level. Well done!

You really put a lot of thought into the combat system! It works really well, and I think it could become a cool puzzle game. Congratulations!

Wow, that concept is so cool! The mechanics were super polished and it's awesome you managed to make so many different plants in such a short time. It felt great all around, but I think making the rate of fire a bit slower might make the player think a bit more

I enjoyed the steering and wind mechanics, and also the lighthearted humor. Well done!

Thank you so much!

The game plays and looks great! It's a shame I'm so bad at multitasking, hehe. Congratulations on finishing something so polished and even have time to make a tutorial!

Great game! I never thought pineapples and coconuts were that dangerous!

I couldn't figure out how to move at first, but it was cool to walk around the house and investigate once I got it. I couldn't leave that pee uncleaned! Congratulations on finishing the game!

That was so cute!! I was stuck a bit at first because some click zones doesn't match with the objects. It's awesome you managed to get it done in an hour!

The game looks great, but I had a hard time figuring everything out, I wish there was another way of finding out where the boats are. Congrats on finishing the game!

The movement and the animations felt great. Congratulations!

I liked the concept and the art looked very nicely done. I liked that sometimes the columns and structures get in your way so it's more difficult to remember the good spots, but I think there is too much stuff falling, so most of the times it doesn't matter where you're digging. Also, I didn't learn I could skip the bounty animation until the very end (but maybe I missed it).

Great job!