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A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks, I usually do that with my gamejam submissions, adds to the vibe :>

Thanks for the feedback! I also got feedback on much more features and complexity to the game, I'll consider that next time

Thank youu <33

Thanks! I'll consider that in my next game

Thanks! I didn't manage to check out your game during voting but I might check it out when I'm free

Thank you for the kind words and for checking it out <3

Nice attempt, thanks for trying it out!

Thank you so much!

Thanks for trying the game out <3

W GAME Incredibly well done!

One of the best for me, really polished and complete and also satisfying to play!!

The only weak point for me is the theme and object implementation cause it felt forced to fit in the game.

But literally, this game really is one of the best in the jam, and it also looks like you're an experienced jammer. Congrats on making this!! Looking forward to see you in the TOP 3 <33

Literally the best in presentation in the whole jam for me.. Really beautiful art!!

Audio and Visuals are so on point, the colors and the pixel art and the groovy BGM really match well. 

Nothing really was a weak side of this game, professionally done and executed!

Saw your profile and looks like you join jams frequently and also submit some of the best looking outputs from what I saw, very experienced indeed. 

Congrats on submitting this!! Looking forward on seeing you on the TOP 3!! Amaaaaziing Job <3

Awesome presentation visually and aurally!

Love the art style and the voice acting, really adds extra effort to the game!

The game also shows polish and how much effort was put into it.

Sadly though, it bugged for me on the ghost part so I couldn't make it through.

But still, congrats on submitting a game! Well made game, the team must have put a lot of effort and I love it <3

One of the best games in the jam for me!

Best thing about this game is how it balanced all criteria. Everything was implemented, at the very least decently.

Also, the card being the main character and shooting out the symbols are very interesting I think, and really unique! Many ways this can be further implemented in a game! Flawless concept.

The weak sides of the game aren't even extremely bad so I won't yap about it, really good game!

Oh the only thing I feel I have to give feedback about, the cards are really complicated which shows the effort, but really goes unnoticed and adds to complexity for the player. For me I never got to strategize with what they do because I couldn't memorize them and just went random stuff go lol

Congrats on submitting a game! Looking forward to see you in the top 10!!

Great job for a first jam!

Love the art, the colors match well! It also seems like you made all art by yourself since it is accordingly made with the colors of the game. Nice!

The concept is unique and interesting could be further upon improved in the future.

Congrats on your first gamejam! Hoping you join more!

Splendid concept!!! (Just realized I could move the character lol)

The Special Object Implementation of making the cards your bullets is really unique and interesting. A lot of ways this can be further be used for gameplay.

On the weaker sides of the game, the Presentation. You probably didn't have enough time to improve on it, but I really do think that with improved art and audio, the game can look and feel really good to play.

And of course, congrats on submitting a game. Looking forward for improvement of this game hopefully!

Cute presentation love it!! :>>

Presentation of audio and visuals are well done, it shows time has been put into deciding which audio to put. But, I had to lower visuals because of certain small text and a bug that overlays text onto one another.

The theme implementation really badly confused me, I don't think it fits really well but it's just my opinion.

Overall, simple and good. Congrats on submitting a game!!

(1 edit)

Simple and good game! 

The theme was well implemented, "one ability" actually being the core mechanic of the game.

The game's weaker sides are on its presentation. The starting screen had overlapping text and button? Maybe it's just me but I played it normally. The enemy sprites were also the same for all and just had different scales and color. The audio on the other hand, felt lacking and could use some improvement.

Maybe it's your first time joining a game jam, but still, well done on being able to submit! The game is playable and I managed to get 165 I think.. Congrats on submitting!

Really well-polished and feels like a complete game

This submission really came out on top in audio and visual for me because everything was perfect.

 Everything had audio from shooting SFX, game over SFX, and also the background music being a banger that really fits to the space jam vibe the game has. 

The visuals on the other hand looks uniquely done and fits the theme of the game accordingly, which really is overlooked by a lot of game jammers.

For the rest of the criteria, nothing was really weak or bad. 

Gameplay was awesome, but what brought it down is the lack of guidance to the player. Although I know that the game has simple controls which I did figure out after a few seconds, the game should have a way to let the player know of the controls, maybe I don't even know a hidden feature somewhere.

Fun Factor. Satisfying and very fun to enjoy. Only lacked a bit in progression, the game didn't seem to become more difficult as time progresses, making it repetitive. 

Theme and Special Object Implementation were fine, but they felt forced into the game. The SD cards are a funny way to implement cards, but there are many things replaceable with an SD card for a game like this, maybe even something cooler. And the theme of "One Ability" is well implemented and much better than the special object.

Overall, one of the best games I have played in the jam, hope to see you in the top 10! 

Nice game! Love how deep the mechanics are.. Also looks very well balanced and thought of.

I was really confused during playing this sadly, so I'll invalidate my feedback on gameplay and fun factor, maybe im just bad at this genre of game lol

A few things I didn't understand are BAC, what is that? The UI in the game itself, especially the bars on the left, what was that?

But besides all of the confusion I had, I still pushed on and got to the second level :>

So for the theme and special object, it was good enough, but really felt somehow forced to fit in. The cards, seem fine but really doesn't have any core mechanic in the game mostly just as a visual. The "one ability" being to drink is also kind of forced to fit in, it doesn't feel like an ability in the game. But although forced to fit in, it is still decent enough for a player to play.

And for the audio and visuals, same as the theme and special object, decent and good enough, but still felt a bit forced. The audio I gave a better rating compared to visuals, because a lot of audial feedback was given including clicking drinking and background music. For the visuals, The background being images of real life felt weird, don't know if there is a genre for this type of game, but it really didn't feel fitting with the pixel art UI.

Even with what I said, the game is still decent and playable! Which is really what matters. Congrats on submitting a game!!

First of all, theme implementation is awesome, fits the one ability theme. Also, the game was fun and enjoyable to play.

Theme is on point and is open in many creative ways to further develop the game from that gravity flipping ability. A theme full of possibilities is a good and solid base in developing a game.

The fun factor was also well done, really entertained me to play for a few minutes. Although this can still slightly improve by adding a few more challenges the further you get.

Onto the weaker side of the game which are its audio and visuals, or in general the presentation of the game.

Audio in the game was fine, but it was lacking. More audio improvements could have been done to show feedback of user interaction or maybe more ambience with the bgm.

Visuals on the other hand, felt left behind. 

1. The text could have been somewhat improved with an outline, or maybe different color than white.

2. The health sprites didn't really fit in with its pixel art, possibly taken from an asset pack, (although nothing is wrong with that, it can be improved upon by matching assets with the game's art style.)

3. And also the game effects text, (bigger font, inversed controls, slower gameplay) weren't properly displayed in a neat manner.

Overall, I know how I yapped on the visuals, but I assume this was probably because of lack of time in the gamejam, try to improve on this next jams you join :> But on the brighter side, it really is a fun concept that can be further improved upon with time and dedication. Congrats on submitting a game! <3

Ah, I checked it out for a short moment and I don't think it deserves a one star. The comments looked pretty nice to me from what I saw.

Thanks for the answer again :)

Thanks for the detailed answer. If I may ask, why did game devs become mad of the success your "boyfriend generator" got, that feels kind of weird and far-fetched.

Also, if I may know, do you regularly do stuff on itch? Replying on posts like this? Or maybe commenting on game pages?

Awesome game! Really fun and addicting in a good way.

Art is also very very well done, everything matches and is also a great attention seeker, as I really was attracted once I saw the cover art.

Just saw this game on your page and caught my eye, pretty sure this game was released almost a year ago. Are there still updates for this game? Probably not, but if you are still continuing this, are the upgrades really not working? I got to that part but couldn't place the towers.

Also, have you released on steam yet? 

As far as I know, putting priced games ONLY on itch is a bad decision because literally anyone can post games on itch therefore not filtering out the poorly-made rushed games.

But I want to see how bad it is to actually do this, because the other options of doing so are to publish on steam which could be risky to some because of the 100$ one time fee.

If it's alright for the developer, a revenue and how long it has been published comparison would be very appreciated <3

Thanks for the reply, do you perhaps have Russian and Chinese support for this game you are talking about? Or is it really just random somehow chinese and russians are seeing your game?

For all the game devs who have published games here on itch, do your games gain a passive amount of views over time? Or if paid, then a passive income? 

Or is it more of a one time view increase only?

More likely, games that aren't updated frequently won't get passive updates so it would be much better to get answers from regularly supported games. 

My bad for the deleted replies, I think I had a few errors for a while there lol.

Thank you so much for acknowledging my reviews <3

Don't worry the update isn't a big overhaul and is very much a better and smoother experience than the last build.

Thank you again for the very kind words, i'll continue on spreading thorough reviews for future jams :))

Oh really, i'll check into that next time.. Tbh minigun feels real weak for me i dont know why. Thanks again!

Thank you so much for trying it out! ARE YOU FOR REAL? 18k?! what 

Weapons other than a minigun are meaningless? Or is the minigun meaningless? I just want to know your opinion because I believe minigun lacks crowd control in late game especially since you got to 18k.


Everything aside, thank you so much for spending time on my game, really appreciate it <3

Beautifully made, one of the most unique games in the jam for me. 

Must have been real hard coding this style man. The presentation is top notch for me, deserves a 5 star, the art is visually pleasing and unique out of all the games.

One of the games which I didn't find anything extremely lacking, everything was implemented properly. Shows how finished the game is and polished.

Great job! An awesome submission to the jam, looking forward seeing you in the top 10! Good luck!

Oh thats unfortunate, thanks for the reply, I will try optimizing the game for future endeavors.

(2 edits)

Thanks for trying it out! 

I agree with the FPS drops. It used to happen to me in the game engine, but released a somehow optimized version. Probably needs more optimization if it still causes lag, I will try implementing in the future. Thank you for the feedback! 

(btw was the fps drop a crash? Or was it just fps drop then comes back? If it wasn't a crash how long do you think was the fps drop? Thanks for any reply, it helps)

Flawless polishing and presentation! Also very fun to play! One of the most enjoyable games I played in this jam.

The art and sfx were well put together and felt perfect for the game. The game also had awesome polishing and has a complete idea or a game loop. Really is impressive for a 48 hour jam.

The only thing that really felt weak for the rating was the prerequisite.. Sadly it wasn't implemented but still impressive how you implemented everything else.

Overall, splendid execution! You must be a regular gamejammer, the fact this was 48 hours is awesome for a game like this. Looking forward to seeing you in the top 10!

Good design and theme for the jam!

I was piqued by the designs and art style, well made. It also had a good use of the theme despite being a sort of platformer like most submissions.

On the other hand, I had a difficult time understanding the game but managed to play through a bit of the levels with few knowledge of what was happening, maybe it's just me.

But overall, still a great game to play! Congrats on submitting! Good luck to you all!

Beautiful and aesthetically pleasing! One of the best games for me in presentation!

I enjoyed the game because of its casual and chill nature, a simple platformer with beautiful scenery.

Everything matches, from the art, sfx, and to the concept. Makes the presentation flawless.

The weakest thing I can think of for the game is the prerequisite, how was it implemented? I can't find of a way it was interpreted..

Overall, kudos to the team! Splendid execution for a 48hour jam! Looking forward to you all in the top 10!

Beautiful and aesthetically pleasing! One of the best games for me in presentation!

I enjoyed the game because of its casual and chill nature, a simple platformer with beautiful scenery.

Everything matches, from the art, sfx, and to the concept. Makes the presentation flawless.

The weakest thing I can think of for the game is the prerequisite, how was it implemented? I can't find of a way it was interpreted..

Overall, kudos to the team! Splendid execution for a 48hour jam! Looking forward to you all in the top 10!

(1 edit)

Finished it!!!

It was very much enjoyable to play and has a good concept!

The enjoy factor comes from seeing your past selves fighting all the enemies, it could possibly be even upgraded in the future to be much more interesting.

The concept itself was also amazing and unique, not too much games have this sort of mechanic.

The weaker side of this game was in the visuals and audial elements, or the overall presentation. Although the sound effects felt goofy and funny, it lacked satisfaction to hear. If you are really going for this goofy sort of self produced sfx vibe, better takes could improve the sfx of the game. For the art, it isn't bad to look at, what I meant by visual was that the animations felt lacking and could have been improved. You could also add post processing to improve the game without having to be artistic in drawing or painting, just don't overdo it!

Overall, amazing job! Unique and enjoyable concept do make a great pair, good luck!

Thank you!

Wow congrats! Recently balanced the stats of weapons and rage. Thanks for trying!