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A member registered Dec 13, 2021

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thank you

Does this have a paramater for turning them off-on for all enemies and specific notetags for enabling them? ideally for only specific enemies to display their TP gauge and for the others to display nothing

Understood, thanks. Definitely not moment.

thank you! Why span for battle and not turn?

Like it happens in Zelda games?

And this works with enemies too?

Is there a volume 2?

oh they look very inspired!

A boomeraang that doesn't return simply won't do

(1 edit)



Thanks! Happy to share the purchase receipt if you want.

I did not as I wasn't at my PC.

I did, like a couple days before it changed 😅

I see! So how can I access my purchase?

So, I have a style question for you: how many colours in general do you feel are optimal for icons 32*32? and do you always use pure white and pure black as part of the palette?

I purchased the interiors pack as a standalone but now I can't seem to find it in my purchases anymore, is that normal?

of course, I forgot how to upload here 😅

(1 edit)

Title. How can I upload files extracted with Umodel which work in Blender but not here?

Godot Engine v3.5.1.stable.custom_build.848a89252 -

OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090/PCIe/SSE2

Async. shader compilation: ON (full native support)

Shader cache: ON

ERROR: Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

   at: OS_Windows::execute (platform\windows\os_windows.cpp:2987) - Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

ERROR: Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

   at: OS_Windows::execute (platform\windows\os_windows.cpp:2987) - Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

ERROR: Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

   at: OS_Windows::execute (platform\windows\os_windows.cpp:2987) - Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

ERROR: Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

   at: OS_Windows::execute (platform\windows\os_windows.cpp:2987) - Condition "ret == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_CANT_FORK

Oh it looks beautiful, was it meant to match the castle tiles?

Oh these look beautiful

I thought I recognised some from the other pack...

A new pack at last! And it has your beautiful trademark style! Some of your choices are absolutely gorgeous such as the ribbon glyphs in the -celerate spells!

Can I ask why you keep all your textures in a master file instead of using separate ones? For sme of them it is pretty obvious, as they update in sequence.

Aww it's the Royalty Bit, thank you!

Oh my word it's the Horny General!

I'd love for this to get a facelift like you did for the others!

I understand, i wish this had been made clearer like a year ago when the 24px pack came out.

I'm glad that this came out, but I thought that it would be granted to those who purchased the 24px pack?

I believe that, but it seems that most things you touch are gold, I'm still hoping for particles effect packs

This is absolutely delightful, and I would love to see much more in this style.


Why thank you this makes ultimate weapons much easier

How does this work with visustella plugins?

Oh nice!

Oh, a complete font, is it not delightful?

Ah well a white outline isn't complicated to add, I think I can manage :)

Are the white outline icons seen in the banner just present in the banner, not also in the files?

oh thanks!

That's great for you, despite my appetite for pretty new icons

It IS taking quite a bit...