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A member registered Apr 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Very relaxing game. I kept playing right till I couldn't pick up the fruits any longer!

I like the retro grahpics. I found it difficult to understand what watering did to begin with, and why my plants expired when already watered, but I caught on later.

The robot couldn't go into the glass house. It didn't seem like the bees could either. Otherwise, nice game. 

I wish there was some sort of autoplanter, and a way to get more bees.

Thank you for playing and taking time to give feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

well, on my keyboard there is a loooong way between WASD, spacebar, and K and L.

The visuals are very cool, but I could not even make it past the tutorial due to the controls.

It is practically impossible for me to press the spacebar followed by L quickly. (L and K should definetively be changed to something else. Maybe mouse buttons?)

I'm using WASD btw.

The visuals are nice, but the gameplay and music are way too repetetive.

Cute little polished game.

I feel like the ghost should be visible behind walls and under lamps.

The concept is really good, and I can definetively see it as a full-size game. 

It definetively needs some polish though. I would like to see the ability to make the turrets shoot on sight to spare ammo (I never had enough ammo to build more than the two starting turrets). Also, I can block enemies with my character, which doesn't feel right.

Thank you for the comment. I found out about the compressing method after uploading to the jam, but I actually just assumed that UE4 wouldn't include all of the content that I hadn't used in the final game. Thanks for the advice :)

Yeah, it seems like a reocurring problem that people don't encounter the monster. I will probably revisit the game at some point. Thanks for the review :)

Awesome! Glad to hear you actually encountered the monster :)

I love the abstract art of this game. The sound is almost hypnotic. Well done!

I liked the camera perspective, but to me it felt a bit odd that you didn't walk according to the position of the camera. The setting was nice. You got me scared with the car driving past. Sometimes the game would go out of focus, which was really anoying. Otherwise, cool game.

Hey! For some reason, when I played your game, I would have each meeting multiple times and I don't know why. Also, it only showed a picture of the same dude. Otherwise, seems like you're onto something with the work from home theme.

The visual elements of this game are on point. I found it just a little tedious to press arrow combinations though. But overall very polished and awesome :D

I like the terrain, but the low mouse sensitivity was a game breaker for me.

Interesting idea for the gameplay. Thumbs up!

I had an enjoyable time with your game! I really liked the graphics and the sound design. Also the level design, which reminded me a bit of The Overlook Hotel from The Shining. The "cloud monster" didn't really do it for me, though.
All in all, good stuff.

With the limited resources that you've had, this is quite alright as a starting point :)

I found your game absolutely beautiful with the PS1 esque graphics. There wasn't much to the gameplay unfortunately - would've loved to spend more time in game.

Hello! I wanted to play your game, but unfortunately it seems like you only have uploaded the .exe file itself, and not the rest of the folder. You might wanna contact a mod, so you can upload all of you game.

This was a really enjoyable experience for me! I dig the music and the gameplay. What I really loved about this game was the alternate fire of the weapons, but for me the rocket felt a little weak. A nice addition would've been a crossair.

Quite a short experience

Thank you for the nice words :) Hope you had fun!

Thanks! It means a lot :b

For one reason or another, my computer wont let me download this and says "virus detected."

I'm glad to hear that you managed to complete the entire game. Congrats!
Meh, that you didn't encounter the enemy before :/

Hey y'all! I played your game and I really enjoyed it. I don't know if I'd call it a horror game, or at least not in its current state, as I found the music very relaxing actually. I liked exploring the ship and reading the story, and I think that this is the strongest thing about your game.
I'd like to see it developed further. Great job guys :)

Hey! It looks like you've uploaded the project files rather than a build game. You might want to do something about it. Try reaching out to the mods.

I will try to play your game again with that knowlegde later, if I remember!

Okay, already I need to say I'm not having the jump scares in this game! (and I mean this positively, I find it very scary). Just one thing I wanna point out is, that the mouse cursor didn't lock, but it's just nitpicking. Well made for a game jam!

Very very nice aesthetics in this game! It is very polished too, and the story is intruiging. I didn't make it further than room 108... dunno if there was some way to get further.
If I should point out something that I would've changed, it would have been the piano music, as it made the atmosphere almost cosy for me personally. Like, I was pretty chill playing the game. If you wanna keep that music, I would probably put it somewhere physically in the game (like someone is playing the piano).
Otherwise, extremely positively surprised!

My experience with the game was the same as Peacock Games. It wasn't really clear what to do and nothing happened after a while. But still, it was a good experience, looked and felt pretty polished. It was also very disorienting with the level design (which I liked).

I too used UE4 for my game! <3

Hi! I played your game. It is in deed a very clean experience and overall I liked it very much. Thumbs up for the key system and AI. My only remarks are that the ghost's sound got old as it just repeated, though I understand it is there so you can identify where the ghost is. Also, a very minor thing, for some reason you keep walking a little after releasing movement input. Otherwise great job!

The old school aestethics of this game are very nice. I like the combat, except that their was no way to regenerate health as of what I found. The children could've used some work, but they did the job well enough for me. I found the sounds sorta odd and unclear, but for some reason I liked the shotgun sound better.
Overall a really nice experience!

That was really well made and managed to scare the crap out if me. Also it is a good idea with the changing tasks for replayability's sake.

Hello! I loaded up your game and I've got to say I'm reallly impressed by the atmosphere of it. I also quite like the way you move. But I have a major issue and that is that I can't get past the second room, where you have to type in the digets. Maybe I am just to stupid to understand it, but when I have typed in three digets it says a beep. I figure I have to type in the number on the table... Yeah, I just can't get it to work. Mind explaining what I'm doing wrong?
