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A member registered Jul 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks my friend for your feedback :)

Quite an interesting suggestion, we're gonna maybe make a little update one day if we have the time :D (Fix levels and ergnomie, add more bullet type to build complex puzzles, and so on)

I was not really inspered, spiders have 10hp and you see the number at the rigtht in the slots ? This is damages :)) But yeah, not clear at all

AAAAh yeas glad to hear ! Maybe *a bit* too overkill for a jam but if you liked it, I've no regret :))

It was fucking overkill, I was like "Imagine spending 5 hours doing that, and nobody will maybe never notice it" aha, you made my day :D
I'll try my best to improve the general feeling and ergonomy of the game, Icons are confusing and not explained and yeah the song SHOULD LOOP so, work need to be done :))
Thank for the feedback !

Woaah thank you, really ! For this constructive feedback :D I'm planning a patch, I'm a bit late cause of my daily job but tomorrow I'm free so let's do that ! 

Yeah the same, I've so much ideas remaining ! Even if I had the time to add a lot I've felt frustrated cause of the time :))

Indicate where the enemies spawn is a really good idea, I'll add that surely. Also yeah the grass limit is not enough (+ there's a bug, the chickens should eat the grass till they're not "full" eheh) But I needed a fast solution to fix the exponential growing :p

Altar regeneration is also a good Idea. Initialy I was planning to add some blood powers, letting you uppgrade some features or summon like a "Blood rain" => AOE

If I make an about menu, I will credit you in for theses ideas ^^

Thank you very much ^^

Dude, you made my day, thanks :) Welp, yeah I've overfocused graphics and I was constantly like "oh man a procedural spider that's fun let's add it aha" and then I didn't had the time to make a proper tutorial and fix bugs... So yeah, I'll do my best for the next one !

Thank you my friend ! Glad you liked it :)) Like always, I've sent too much time on the visuals aha, next jam I'll be more straight forward
Yeah the dog is not yet implemented, I'm working on a patch

A level design masterpiece. A bit sad that the game wasn't much longer

Your concept is a level design masterpiece. I'm hopping you'll continue it further, you can do so much things with it !

This is a banger. The art is mastered : music and sfx, feedback and animation, colors are great ! Boss fights are well designed. Truly a Good game

This game is really interesting. The mechanics are well balanced, like you can go sneeky and pass carefully or use the bouce to go faster but it's trickier

Trying a speedrun of this could be fun

Yeah clearly, next time I'll be more realistic and start first with the core gameplay ! Thanks for the feedback

Thank you :p

Thank you very much :) I'll do my best to fix all of that . Yeah you're right, current it's badly exploided, the altar should have at least one feature, maybe the abitlity to cconvert blood into health ? I'll find something


Like always, I really like the art style. That's not 4k triple A games or something cracked as fuck, it's just well colored, and coherent, I like it. 

The gameplay have a lot of potential, I cannot say it's good because it's not finished, even under the prototyping phase. But the player movement, and the fighting mechanics make me feel like you can make a really good game. 

Hopping one day you will have the time and the motivation to finish or even continue a bit this project <3

I just want to say thank you, for your great work <3

Thanks so much, we've loved making them :D

That's a good idea you have here ! We are continuing the development of the game to fix bugs and improve all what we can ^^

I'm so glad you like it !

Yeah a kind of a fighting game based on two buttons, is as difficult to develop as to learn to play it ! The introduction, which is working as a tutorial isn't yet sufisant 

Thanks for the comment ^^

(1 edit)

The same in due of an editor bug...

So happy you've apreciate the game ^^

What do you have thought of the end ?

Wow o.o
I've check out your project, and just wow !

Sincerely I wish you the best, I'm gonna subscribe to follow the news

Ow okay, fortunately I don't have encounter that bug ^^

You've already another jam, juste after this one ? I didn't inquire about the PAX, but it seems to be a big event :D What type of game are you making ?

I will keep the surprise :)

Nice perfect then ! I have spent so much time to hunt them, mostly the end bugs wich force me to jump all the game through each time :p

Wow this is an important bug, your friend save the game literally ^^

In the first update, I will fix all the little bugs, add a second game music theme, add more cookie types. I will also review some effects, and add some of them. This is the Polish Update :D

The second update gonna be more interesting, It will contains features like a library of cookies. A big review of the dialogues, a third part dialogues and finally I want to add easter eggs. This is the Comfort Update !

Thank you, really :D

I have one last question, have you encounter any bugs or problems ? 

Because I want to continue to improve Cookie Factory after the jam, and I think there are still bugs that I have not found ^^

The game is liar. There's not other word to describe best this game !

This is the first game who really surprise me in the jam. That's really cool what you've made dudes, great jobs. Great team !

Thank you so much o.o

I've put a lot of efforts in each specificities of the game and the fact that you have felt it, make me really enjoy ^^

Because all the game was built around the end reveal and I was not sure everyone will play all the way trough.

I was anxious about that anyone should see the end x)

Thank you for the feedback dude you're awesome. I will check out your game !

Thank you very much for your feedback ! I'm hopping continue to improve Cookie Factory and that's help me a lot ^^

This is literally the first game I've published, I have a lot to learn and you're not the first feeling confusing about the mechanics. So then I will do my best to make it a bit clearer to understand, either completly absurd or with an introduction more detailled.

I'me really happy you've enjoied the audios and graphics, because I'm not a soundesigner and even less designer, so thank you :D

Okay I will try yours, I don't have a lot of time, but I will do my best ^^

Thanks, mine is Deceleris#2307 and email is deceleris.game@gmail.com

I want something more dynamic this time. In mid pass between bullet hell and exploration game. If a jam offer this possibility to make a game like this, I will notify you !

Did you have discord ? Of course. Every devs have discord ^^

Listen, this month I will work really hard on my game, but I take a break every 6 weeks. Then we can find a jam during this time ! And yep, for all the collabs I've made, that's the first time wich someone really competent. But we need to talk to it seriously. Answering questions like on wich label we can publish it ? We need a team name ?

What  do you think of it ?

And also, I need to perform my english.

Cookie Factory was for the jam ^^

And yep the gameplay is really basic but I'm really prond of the graphismes and the sound design. Because I'm not quiet good at this, but this time I think they are good. I not sure to understand what you've said with feedbacks.

Why not ? I've made a lot of collabs, and ALL of them have collapsed because the projects was mainly to embitious, and the peoples not enough motivated. I think you know it. But for a jam, why not. I have time, you have time, and like you said, if another one join us to make little games in jams, that can be great, that can be cool. But for me, only on jams x)