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A member registered May 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for all the feedback!!! You're definitely right with the calling stuff, it doesn't really give any feedback to the player, it's the first thing I started working on since the jam ended, actually. There's no sound in the game (yet, I guess hahaha), sorry if it looked like a bug. About Linux, I'm primarily a Linux user (I made/tested the game in Linux), so we have to look out for each other lol. The clock is a 24-hour clock (so it goes from 00:00 to 23:59, the game takes place from 22:00 to 6:00), I thought that it was okay, but I'll give it another look. The text is also something I've taken into account since ending the jam, it's true that it is sometimes hard to read, I'll fix that. And finally, yeah, I'm okay with my game appearing in your video, no problem :) Again, thanks the feedback!

Great idea, and well executed !!!!!! :)

Thanks!!! :) 

Thank you for your kind comment :)

Thank you for your comment, I'll bear that in mind when updating it :) 

Thanks a lot!!! That gave a lot to think about, specially about how to explain each element in my game and mechanics (also sorry for collisions, I'll fix them as soon as possible). Thanks again!!!!!! 

I liked it, but not too adherent to the theme. Everything else was good though. Well done!

Taking that into account when changing stuff in the game. Thanks a lot! 

Really fun game and awesome way to interpret the theme! Definitely a game I'll check out with friends to have some fun (maybe a competitive mode in the future? :) ). Anyways, great job!

Pretty good, GREAT puzzle design and really cool idea that fits the theme perfectly. It felt like checkpoints/restarts were a bit weirdly placed sometimes, but overall it's an awesome submission. Congrats!

This is really good! It controls great (although sometimes I felt like it needed some polish, but those moments were few and apart) and level design was also great, with some time put into it and more habilities, you could turn this into a great game, so well done!!!

The collision are something to improve, I'm working on it. Thanks for the feedback !

Definitely, the movement is something I'm studying how to change because I don't want to be too fast or something, and the bullet catch could be more genereous for sure. Thank you for your kind words and your feedback !

Although at first I found the controls a little bit too clunky, the game is just really funny and has a lot of personality. It's really fun to just wander around with the bullet before reaching your target. Great game !!!!

Really interesting game, lacks a bit of teaching the player how to play, but I think the visual design is beautiful and is a pretty cool idea. Could lead to a fun game, so nice!!!

Solid game! It was really polished all around, and, being more focused on stealth, the one bullet mechanic can add a lot of tension. Very enjoyable, well done!

Fun concept! It's really hard, which I would think it's because of the speed of the game, which in addition to the small rooms, makes it fairly unforgiving. But, adjusting that, it's a very entertaining game! 

Really cool idea! Loved that it was more than one minigame so that you couldn't know what to expect and put on more pressure on the player (kind of reminded me of Wario Ware games with that feeling of having to go through a minigame without playing it before and under a time limit). Also really funny and presentation was great. Congrats!

Great game! I share what others have said about not knowing what each letter does at first, but after some trial and error (thanks to the reset button) you get it and it becomes a really cool game in which you need to think your moves in advance.  Probably the learning curve needs a little adjustment, but, overall, well done !!!!

Thanks! Yeah, I didn't want the player to be too fast in order to have some difficulty to get the ball back but it's true that it is too slow, I'll change that whenever I can. The dash idea is great too, I'll look into it. 

Thanks for the feedback!!! 

Yes, those two things seem to be the main problem, I'll definitely fix them asap (but after the jam I guess). Thanks for your feedback!!!! 

Definitely,  that was dumb on my behalf. Anyways, thanks for your feedback !!!!

Great game! Works the idea greatly with a couple of puzzles. The controls feel responsive for the most part and it looks like it could be a really fun game with more time put into it (but as it is, it's a great submission)

Overall, I have positive thoughts about this game. It may lack some polish, but I think it carries a great idea with it, that could potentially allow for great puzzles, and, in combat, ramps up the tension a lot, having no line of sight, and having to decide between shooting an arrow at an enemy or being able to see. It could use some kind of tutorial or introduction to the game elements and principal uses of the arrow, but, in general, great job!

Great game in almost every aspect. Art: great. Gameplay: great, really sticks to the theme in an original way. Difficulty: good, although it ramps up pretty fast. But really great, I recommend it for sure, with some work it can be amazing.

Loved how the control felt. Really imaginative game, great use of the theme, and promises a lot, you could do a million things with this idea. Couldn't really think of something that rubbed me the wrong way, so in general, great game, congrats !!!!

Cool game! I think it was a really simple and solid game, the art and music could be better, but I'm not taking that into account. Maybe a little bit too easy, making the game more difficult would make it better for sure. Congrats, and feel free to try my game!

This game is really, really good.

The art falls behind the rest (even though the potators are really funny),  but I don't mind it, since art is not something important in this game jam.

I really liked the mechanic of the wall, which is a double-edged sword, although maybe it doesn't really fit the theme, at least how I look at it.

But, even though this is a game jam and following the theme is important and is probably the worst part of the game, the rest I find it great. It's simple yet engaging, really fun, making you think a few steps ahead. Congratulations on a really good game!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback !!!! Yes, what seems to be that some enemies can only be killed at certain speed is only my (for now) ineptitud at collisions in Game Maker or a bug (or both), sorry for that, I tried my best :(

I thought about making the ball deadly to the player as well, but I couldn't think of a good way of building the game around it, so I stuck to the timed life mechanic, and tried to build the game around throwing the ball in a good position for a combo, and then picking it up, encouraging leaving the ball out the most time possible (it gives you more points the more time you leave it out), so that there would be the tension of picking the ball back with few seconds on the clock.

The slow speed is my mistake, it's true that it feels like the player should go faster.

Again, thanks for your comment !

First of all, the game is beautiful to watch,  congrats to the artists! 

Secondly, I think that the submission kind of falls short in puzzle design, but as short as it is I'm not really bothered by it. My only problem with that is that the idea behind of only having one light is GREAT and I think its potential is not showcased in the build. But with some work and well thought out puzzles this could be a great game that I would definitely play, and with pleasure. So, overall, I really liked the idea, great job!

Thank you for your kind words! Definitely should have taken the score thing into account, it's true that it's hard to keep an eye on it.

I really liked the "Get the lowest score you can" focus in the game, makes you really think about the map and how to traverse it and what items to get and not to get, although I'd have liked that idea being more enforced in gameplay moments, off the top of my head I could only think of giving a maximum score you could get in any given level or something like that.  I feel that the concept of "only one", even though you could have implemented it into the game (maybe by only carrying one item at any time) , was interpreted with a certain originality and pureness that the game breathes, supported by the music and art style. 

Another thing I thought of while playing the game was that it would be more engaging if the player had a certain obstacle or enemy that made them think faster about their actions. As it is right now, you could wait whatever you want to take your next action, and that could possibly suck the fun out of the game.

I feel like, with a harder focus on getting a low score and a good level design (which I won't comment on because it's not something that I know enough, but in my lack of knowledge, I found it good enough in your build), it could actually be an interesting game.