Thanks a lot!
And thank you for organizing it all, it was a lot of fun!
I hope to have time to participate in future Impression Jam!
I saw you announce it on the Discord, I was looking forward to my brutal review, yay!
Thank you for your comment and for taking the time to write it.
I like the mix of electro sounds and classical instruments, but there's surely some work to be done on the choice and manipulation of the violin sound, thanks for pointing it out!
Thank you so much, I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed the game, and congratulations on getting all 4 endings!
Lovecraft and Silent Hill are two very strong references indeed: I'm glad the inspirations come through, and that you think they work well together.
It's been a busy November haha, thank again.
I got to play your game, and it was a lot of fun! A meta experience that fits well with the theme!Très chouette!
La présentation est très propre, la palette réduite et le style retro se complémentent bien. Je n'avais jamais vu de jeux 2D du genre faits dans Unreal, (ou alors je n'ai jamais fait attention si c'est répandu ?).
J'aime beaucoup l'aspect Dungeon Crawler / roguelite, et taper un mur pour révéler la sortie me rappelle les passages secrets d'un Dark Souls. Globalement c'est fun, et la vibe est sympa et maitrisée.
La salle de la chauve-souri m'a pris un petit moment avant que je comprenne haha.
Et petite critique, j'aurai aimé qu'on puisse passer ou accélérer la discussion avec Desmond au début de chaque run. Mais sinon chapeau, belle entrée pour la jam !
Thank you!
Ah yes, endings 3 and 4 are hidden away in the same place. I don't want to spill the beans just yet, but thanks so much for playing and taking the time to explore the game's world!!
Renpy is pretty great because it's so easy to learn, and I play around a bit with what you can do with it, it's a really fun tool!