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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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Resets some Blood Vial and Bullet pickups, and Antidotes and the one spot where you get 5 Sedatives. Shards, coldbloods, those two bold hunters marks, weaponized consumables like molotovs don't get restored though. It doesn't respawn one-time enemies, hunters or bosses either. 

Honestly a waste of echoes unless there's some super-secret about it that none of us know about.

I went back to my save where I was doing another run after "upgrading" myself via the dev room (NG+, without the "+" difficulty of course).

It seems the game is scripted in the second half to really want you to run to hit the sewer lantern before any others. Keep in mind I had the "dev key" on me for this run so I don't know how much that glitches the game seeing how it's not intended to be used in a "serious" run.

One of the things you can do with the dev key is open up Gilbert's house at the beginning and explore, opening up the doors and shortcuts and such. So I did that, played the game beating Cleric Beast and Gascoigne, and then entering the Deep Night. All was fine there. 

Instead of giving chase through poison sewers with the Winter Lantern I decided to take advantage of some "emergent gameplay" by doing the skip where you can leap over the stairs by the elevator shortcut to Oedon Tomb blocked off by boulders. This allowed me to get to the Central Yharnam lantern, with the opened-up home of Gilbert, and kill off the Winter Lantern early so I wouldn't have to deal with it the rest of the game.

First glitches to occur are ones that almost softlock the game, but not quite. If you touch the Central Yharnam lantern first it seems, the "Lantern Activated!" message does not go away and you cannot move your character at all. You can attack however. Luckily I was able to move my character by attacking enough times to go down the path to the next screen. The prompt went away and I came back.

The same thing happened when I went to activate the Great Bridge lantern. I was also able to attack to propel myself forward to the next screen and back to get rid of the screen prompt. I saved the sewer lantern for last.

Now the big problem... I am unable to proceed with Eileen's quest and go to Oedon Tomb. Neither the dev nor sewer key will open the gates back up. Was it intended that you have to open them up from where you first encounter and are locked in with the Winter Lantern? Because I didn't do that. I get prompts saying that it's locked by the sewer key without it equipped but when I do equip it (or the dev key) it still will not open. 

It's unfortunate that there are no parryable enemies by the gate. Then I could at least try the glitch/exploit where you clip through certain terrain when giving a visceral to an enemy near a wall, gate or other form of collision. Or, just, being able to use the key I have and open the gate like normal? Annoying but, I can move on. Is this going to receive any more patches/bug fixes anytime soon? Seems like this is on hold for the moment.

I'll just say what I said in a topic about wanting this for the PSP, that the better proposition and one that makes the best sense would be someone try to recreate this using actual PS1 hardware, see how close they can get it. It couldn't be a direct port of course, but I'd want to see how much of this a real PS1 could handle, and also maybe see if there are things the PS1 could even handle more of that this holds back on.

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Why are you so stuck on the graphics options bit? The fact that there are games on console with such options at all (Nioh came out on the PS4 with those options in 2017, just two years after BB, they are not that far apart), makes this just a petty, pointless argument. It's not meant to be a detracting statement about Bloodborne as much as a point in BB PSX's favor. 

The topic is meant to imply that obviously on the whole the short Demake is not a better game than the actual Bloodborne and shouldn't be expected to be nor intended to be a better game, but that it is a game that does a number of things differently, with interesting changes, additions and touches of its own, and this is just me asking, "which of those things are more interesting than or would be welcome in the actual Bloodborne?" Your first response? "Nothing." Cool post, why bother replying to begin with? In fact this is the only topic on this forum you've even posted in so far, why is that? And after that one-word dismissive, the second post you make is a response to a post I made that had nothing to do with what what said previously but to start an unnecessary argument about positives I posted and how I'm wrong about them. I did not make this topic for that. 

I'm serious when I say you should just make a topic about the things you do not like about this, whether or not you think it's terrible. Go into specifics why you do not like the design decisions (we have tons of topics about bugs, intended design is more interesting in my opinion) or why you don't find it very "PS1-like" but just jank for the sake of it? Maybe provide examples of PS1 titles that showcase better quality-of-life not found in this PS1 tribute game. Not being able to move when you heal unlike the actual BB, not an improvement on BB obviously, but what about that makes it uncharacteristic of a game designed to be "of its era"? Hell in the original Demon's Souls and Dark Souls you couldn't move and heal at the same time either. Is enemy aggression more than what would be expected or reasonable in a PS1-era version of the game? All of that would be more interesting and a far greater showing of good faith being here than what you're doing now.

I'm not holding anything against the original game. I just like the screen customization options (which, by the way, things like screen filters and even optimization options a la Nioh or Demon's Souls Remake where you can have 60 fps with lower resolution or 30 fps with better resolution is a thing that exists on, yes, consoles).

I don't know what your problem is, instead of complaining about my topic existing and downvoting anyone who has anything good to say aka is staying on topic. There are plenty of threads including some I have made about bugs or problems that need to be looked at. Air your grievances in one of those. Make your own topic about how much this game sucks. Don't worry I won't interrupt.

Considering this is supposed to be the full game, with no intention to add anything further except the split-screen co-op and perhaps more bug fixes, the winter lantern arrival seems about right on point considering. If this were much more of a "full-length" game the natural arrival of the Deep Night scenario where the winter lantern arrives I think would/should happen after several areas and boss fights' worth for a last third or fourth of the game.

Also, I didn't know you kill the winter lantern one-on-one. I think the intention was for it be a "Nemesis" type enemy like the PS1 version of RE3, where you can technically kill off Nemesis whenever but it's neither worth it and uses up time, resources and a lot of risk. You're supposed to just run away until the end, where the way you are meant to kill it is with the exploding chandelier drop on it in Gilbert's Estate (which is also optional since you don't need to kill it to finish the demo unlike with Nemesis).

One thing I wish is that the "true" "secret" ending which requires maximum insight collected (20 total possible) is a split second flash you can't make out without pausing a YT video (in the distance you see Amygdalas and a few other enemies I can't make out).

Also to add a few more things I like,

-armor gives you stat bonuses

-no need for blood echoes to upgrade weapons, just the materials, so if you amassed a shard collection but died somehow, you can go and upgrade anyway before returning to Yharnam 

-no durability system which felt mostly just pointless (durability systems usually do except in perhaps survival-based games), except for poking fun with the Tonitrus, most fragile weapon in BB, getting bent out of shape from overuse.

Though this is an intentionally janky, lo-fi yet streamlined version of one portion of a much bigger game nobody can argue it doesn't have its own unique qualities and features outside of the "PS1-style demake" gimmick. And it has some things even that I wouldn't mind seeing in the actual Bloodborne! What do you think are some of these things? For me, everything from little things to major features:

1- The ability to manually aim your gun from an over-the-shoulder view. 

2- The ability to slow-walk by holding down a button. You could adjust the way you walked in the PS4 BB but from the nuances of pushing the analog stick. Having a dedicated button for careful/stealth walking I like better.


4- Giant Werewolf Pig!

5- The more low-key, creepier atmosphere. Everything here is enshrouded in claustrophobic, dark, labyrinthine alleys and buildings. Designs and environments are much more basic and pared-down but with just enough detail to invite the imagination, and what little of the story and lore is left from the original game and what things have been altered, taken just by itself, shows a more nightmarish, unexplainable series of horrors at the heart here than the more fantastical and stylish, character-and-story-charged (even if a lot of it is opaque in itself) PS4 game. 

5a- Continuing from there, the "Deep Night" half of the game really amps up the horror factor greater than any moon transitional change in the real Bloodborne (Yahar'gul was intense, but still leaned on the "action/fantasy" aspect more than survival horror). When you see all the lanterns are inaccessible, enemies have disappeared, boulders blocking the path to the elevator, and a bloody, frenzied giant pig corpse hanging from the ceiling you know things have gotten real. 

5b- And then the Winter Lantern who you find out cannot be killed, instakills you with one grab attack, and the frenzy introduction of course. And it pursues you at random through the entire game as you try to reignite the lanterns and find where you need to head next while avoiding its pursuit (I like how if it spots you to frenzy you, it stuns you from doing things like climbing ladders to escape, and through every area to assert its dominance slowly walks through the areas where every enemy in its path dies from looking at it).

5c- And just to emphasize that it's very much a Resident Evil/Clock Tower/insert-applicable-game invincible horror game pursuer in the Gilbert estate after grabbing the second level key it BREAKS through the pile of furniture blockading the entrance to the dining(?) area. But is it really invincible, unstoppable? It is until this point. There's some clever design that isn't completely obvious but still strongly hinted enough that it might be something to investigate, the exploding chandeliers leaving holes in the ground. Turns out, yes, you can kill it, you have to bait it over and shoot the chandelier down as it walks by below you where you gain insight and a well-earned PREY SLAUGHTERED and can revisit the rest of the game in peace. I don't know if such a scenario would work in the original Bloodborne but it's a pretty cool twist to include here, something that keeps you on your toes for the entire game, treading carefully and running like hell when in trouble, and after the trouble it gives you, killing it with an exploding chandelier blowing up a hole in the floor is worthy of a good action movie one-liner at its expense.

6- FINALLY, all the different graphical options you have (imagine if you could turn off the chromatic abberation in the official BB) including, most importantly, SIXTY. FRAMES. PER. SECOND.

Alright I got what you both were talking about after defeating Gilbert and yeah, extremely interesting way to make you restart your playthrough. One weapon, one item as it said. I went with the Blade of Mercy +3 I had and Crowfeather Garb since those are so late-game and the former is so expensive (and more than halfway upgraded). I guess considering this isn't a difficulty upgrade it's fair enough for a restart. That it defaults to beginner Milquetoast class stats no matter what you picked is weird though. Wonder if there's a fix for that to keep to the class you initially picked or if that's an intentional design choice for some reason?

So, although I miss having my collection of everything (or most things?) in the game this wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Well, it helps that I heard about the "secret room" at the very start and how to access it and all the farming and completely broken stuff I collected there 🤣

What scaling does it have at +5 if anyone knows? At +0 it has very weak strength and skill scaling at E and E. I'm guessing right now it scales as a really terrible "quality" weapon with an electric buff that does all the damage.

But that arcane does nothing for the weapon? Yeah that needs to be fixed. 

It is odd that all weapons in the game have some kind of arcane scaling just like they do in BB but that was because you had blood gems to give weapons damage and scaling with fire, bolt and, uh, arcane but there's nothing like that here. The arcane scaling letters probably should be removed from all weapons except ones that do non-physical damage. If this ever gets fixed, Tonitrus should have just Arcane scaling and not the weak strength/skill (since the weapon does no phys damage anyway) and so on.

Other pickups seem fine, just don't pick anything up from that one enemy! Most of the time its loot falls through the floor anyway, maybe it does all the time and pickups are grabs done in time (which as I speculated could play some part in this but I dunno). The wheelchair enemy who has a 100% droprate of 4 quicksilver bullets for instance is a-OK to loot from. And the two trolls down the lighted carpetway also are good to pick up their vial drops from. Just ambush sword guy... kill and move on.

I see, thanks. And it's with the right analog stick?

What does CONVOLUTED do exactly? Alter time in what way? Go between the night cycles and whatever spawns and environments each entail? Right stick, meaning the analog stick (and the only use of an analog stick in this game)? I'm not comprehending.

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Well, it happened again, same enemy, same spot, that guy with the sword guarding the wheelchair gunman in the Derelict Building. 

One thing I noticed is that sometimes he drops an item that you get a quick prompt for but it falls through the ground before you can nab it. It seems if you grab an item whose fate is to collide, it breaks your game. So this is definitely a specific bug with a specific enemy in a specific spot. (I am playing 1.04 btw, issue still here as it was in 1.03)

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It was just a musing on the one blood chunk being the demake's version of the blood rock since yes, I know that weapons only go to +5.

So this "1 of everything" let me get straight... you mean, you lose all the weapons you collected except the ones, presumably, you have equipped (so 12,000 to grind for Blades of Mercy again?) You lose the hunter tools (including the 10,000 echo grind that is A Call Beyond), armor (besides what you're wearing?) and left with just 1 vial, 1 bullet, 1 sedative, 1 molotov, etc.? Do you even keep your stats? Or the upgrades you made to your own equipped weapons? Is it just a near-complete reset of all of your progress and things collected? 

Key items I can understand but losing weapons, hunter tools, all that... that sounds pretty bad to me.

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This is what I really want to know. I don't want to risk respawning some annoying hunter enemies or (god forbid) the Winter Lantern or the bosses without first knowing if it's even worth it - 3971 echoes apiece to be able to upgrade everything in one go would be really nice, like a bonfire ascetic system except the difficulty doesn't go up (unless it does?)

EDIT: it appears that no, things like coldbloods, shards, even things like molotovs do not respawn. But bosses and non-respawning enemies don't either. Just vials and bullets basically (and the sedatives you pick up below the ceiling pig too). And that's not always consistent. There were spots I knew were vial or bullet pickups that had nothing.

One I'm unsure of is the bold hunter marks (there are two you can pick up besides the ones Eileen gives you), I didn't check that. But anyway I reset my save since it was a big waste of echoes if you ask me. I have seen you can repeatedly give echoes to the bath. Does it do anything more if given multiple offerings or is it just the same things resurrected after you pick those up? What an incredible disappointment this was. Mysterious 7 insight door to a bath with more mysterious properties wanting 3971 echoes (extremely specific number there) that does something. And it's just bullet and vial pickups you could just grind enemies for or purchase. I don't see the point to this.

What about the PSP specifically would be particularly special about it? Not ragging on the thing, I never owned one, but uh yeah, why that?

I like some others probably would be highly interested to see someone try to port this to an actual PS1, playable on one or an emulator. Obviously a lot of the PC-centric stuff like the crapton of graphics options would be gone, would have to be redone a lot from scratch as Unreal Engine 4 is not something a PS1 could handle pretty sure lol, and I don't know what other sacrifices would be made (I am no expert on the console's inner workings and tech) but yeah, I just want to see the true extent to which a real PlayStation could remain faithful to the demake and BB in general's vision.

By NG+ you mean NG+ difficulty right? I've read that the game restarts you with your gear and items after finishing it, so is it just an NG+ minus the "+" part?

Question, anything new you get in the "NG+" like say, bath messengers selling upgrade materials or something? It appears you can farm for regular blood stone shards but twin shards are limited per run (unless they're a rare drop from a certain enemy or two?) with only one blood chunk (the blood rock of this demake) to nab.

So with all the time I've spent with the game I've done a Skill build. At 20 Skill right now while only having leveled Vit and Endurance otherwise, touching none else (playing Troubled Childhood). Using a +5 Threaded Cane. For most of the game I'd been using the Steepled Hat which gives a 1% bonus to both Skill and Endurance. After Eileen's quest with the Crow Hunter's badge and farming enough echoes I bought her armor set. The mask says it gives a 2% skill bonus, nothing else but I wore it but according to my stats my AR is exactly the same as when wearing the Steeple Hat, and without the Endurance bonus that one gives me.

I was at 18 Skill when I got the Mask, there was no AR or seemingly damage difference and at 20 (and playing 1.04) there is still no difference in damage numbers. I like the full Crowfeather set a lot myself in the original game and this demake but this small error puts me off of that as someone who also wants to pump out the Skill damage with whatever I have. I'll be sticking to the hat that gives me the same damage number even though it's supposed to be less but also giving me extra Endurance at the same time until/unless there's a patch for this.


(Also maybe some have noticed, or haven't, but I've made a few threads already going on about bugs, errors, or just questions on what to do with questlines, I don't think anyone has answered those threads that I'm aware; I might seem like I'm just an ungrateful complainer but really I've been having a lot of fun with this demake so far. I just feel like bringing attention to either problems or for things that I'm trying to figure out but can't find an answer for is more pertinent for these boards - I also have things to comment on the number of echoes certain enemies drop and the balance around that which I think could use an adjustment but that's for another topic I'll hold off on until later)

Oh yeah, can confirm, as long as you don't advance into the night realm you can get it from Gilbert in whatever order. I killed Gascoigne first, didn't touch the gate, talked to him, was just his old dialog. Killed Cleric Beast later and that's when I got the cutscene and the Flamesprayer.

Well a number of people have full playthroughs and streams of this game on YouTube. Distortion2 has a playthrough over 4 hours, LobosJr over 5. Those are the ones I watched.

There are shorter videos by AlphaBetaGamer and ManlyBadassHero, the former is 50 minutes and the other one was about 2 hours I think? I haven't watched them yet. They apparently reveal all the known secrets and things to find in the game known at the time.

So you give her the brooch (though it still remains in your key items afterward), come back and the window is dim and she's no longer there. Steps 1 and 2 done. what? No body on the ground by the troll down the ladder, and the giant boar in the sewer drops nothing still. IIRC the door up the stairs in Iosefka's clinic "didn't open from this side" implying you can actually get to the other side of that. That's the only place I can think of where she might be, only because it's the spot she heads to in the actual game if you direct her there but I'm not sure it can be reached in this version (and would probably not make sense for her to appear there after this anyway). It's probable that the quest was altered here like a number of other things were altered here so... just, OK, where do I go now?

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The Blood Spear is just the Saw Spear except it's a Bloodtinge weapon and not a Quality-veering-toward-Skill weapon now. Location is on the rafters hanging above the rats and by where you meet Eileen. Hit it or shoot the rope down, drop below and pick it up (there's another rope that gives you a single Twin Blood Stone Shard).

Tonitrus drops from a hunter who attacks you with it and A Call Beyond in the library section of the Basement area.

The Double-Barrelled Shotgun is found in a room in the poison sewers where a single dog guards it.

I don't know about Blades of Mercy, I presume they drop from Eileen if you kill her or you do her questline (which I've read is in this game, helping her kill Henryk, I haven't done it or know the details of that one yet).

Torch you pick up by the shortcut you open up that leads back to the Great Bonfire lantern.

Saw Cleaver, Threaded Cane, Pistol and Blunderbuss... whichever ones you didn't pick at the beginning, you can buy from the bath messengers in the Hunter's Dream after getting the Saw Hunter badge from killing Cleric Beast.

It seems everytime I hit a lamp or the Doll I have to save every single time if things like this become a problem.

It's a bug I don't know can be replicated. I don't even know what caused it or if it's specific to this spot. So, in the Derelict Building, the enemy with the saber that's ahead of the enemy in the wheelchair, I killed him, dropped bullets, picked them up, and then I was stuck. The screen didn't freeze completely, I could hear the sounds of the game going, could rotate my camera around and switch items. But I could not exit the screen telling me I picked up this quicksilver bullet, could not move, attack, enter the menu, nothing on my controller or keyboard would do anything except rotate the camera and switch between items I could not use. I had to press the Windows key to the OS screen and force close the game that way. 

And now I have to redo some progress I lost. Before that I had died to Gascoigne and was running through the building to the elevator to get back, or, at least that was what I tried to do. My last save was in the poison sewer and I had to get the sewer key and shotgun again. Need to open the path to Gascoigne and the elevator shortcut again too, I don't remember if there was anything else that I missed besides the item grabs on the paths I need to open again (hope I got everything pertinent in those sewers).

What could have happened here? I can't imagine this being a common bug but it's a bug that's there that's triggered by...something. So just a caution to everyone to save as often as possible so you don't get set back too much if something like this happens to you.

I tried to kill Eileen after talking to her and I lost (good luck trying to parry her). Went back for my echoes and she's gone. But I dropped down to the rats, was killed by them and then I heard her voice line "Still having dreams?" Etc. So she is still somewhere in the area maybe? But not there to fight anymore.

I read there was a bug last time where she clipped through the environment but remained alive but impossible to kill. She doesn't do that anymore but she seemingly just effs off after you die and you don't get another shot at her unless you have a save close to this point you can reload. Is she still bugged?