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A member registered May 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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Are you still alive lol? if yes, i got some stuff i noticed from the game:

- maybe you tested this game with people that dont play too much rhythm games, because this game is kinda too easy. I play rhythm games for a long time, and there is nothing in this game that isnt boring easy for me. I cant play any slower than the 180 bpm you set as the highest speed lol. Add hard stuff pls

- the webgl demo is broken. I cant add a song from device to play it because "this feature only works in android and pc devices". Bruh im playing this webgl on my computer, i have a couple of songs installed, but i cant use them :(

- if you wanted to make the most strange judgement line among the rhythm games, congratulations. If you press some frames too late, you miss the note - so you need to press early, what is awful for offset and sightreading.

- speaking of early/late stuff, there is no accuracy system in this game. You either hit a note or you miss it. Rhythm game's "judgement lines" have this name because they judge how precisely you tap a note from the song, and tapping too early or too late, but still hitting it, makes you get a good score instead of a perfect. Im not being annoying, but some people like to all perfect songs, what just dont exist here (sometimes games get more annoying than that but perfect/good is enough for me)

- the UI in this game is too strange. Im sorry for the 100 people that helped you with the icons, but they dont mtch to rhythm games UI. Get some images of rhythm games out there - even the simplest ones focus on being clean and modern, instead of using literal emojis in them.

- sorry, i installed this game im my mobile because of the cube mode, but i didnt understood nothing from it... add your google drive account, here is the editor, a cat emoji, but where are the charts? you need at least one sample chart for proof your game is good if you want to atract charters.

- PLEASE add either a thing where multiple keys tap a color of a note or key binding feature. My number 2 is broken (i used virtual keyboard for type it, thats the level), and missing easy charts just because of a broken number is annoying. I either play on mobile or i dont play...

- what is the thing with hearts? due to missing, i got -3 hearts, and now i cant open a song i found because "i need at least 2 hearts to start the song". How i get hearts? ads! which are only avaliable for mobile version. And seriously, ads dont give that much money, but storming players with ads is almost the same as beg for losing players. There are better ways to get money dude.

Hello! thx for feedback. So, NCS songs are not just external assets im using to fill gaps, im really going to use NCS label for the game, as this is going to be a rhythm game. I dont have a discord account now (and im not really considering starting one right now due to personal stuff soooo), so sadly for now maybe i will have no acess to song producers for team with.

 Idk exactly what you mean by scores and leaderboards, level design wasnt supposed for this so levels are too linear for adding score stuff and leaderboards... Also, an infinite level dont seem doable as i dont generate levels procedurally and all songs ends sooner or later.

Cool that you liked the gameplay. As most of the game is playing levels and finding songs, a good gameplay is the most important thing in this game lol. i will try to fix the issues you found. Thx for playing!

cant you copy leaderboard's data into something (maybe a json file) and then use it to restore the player's data if your game data break? jsons are usually light so... 

I played your game and everything makes me think leaderboard is working. My high score is 67.660, and as it dont how my position in leaderboard (i.e., your leaderboard finished at #10 but could how me if im the one hundrenth player with more score), im not very sure. Also, cool game, i found it pretty fun lol

For a game made in 3 hours, nothing bad (i will even say i liked the song), and maybe you should try being solo for a possible next jam - suit your game to your abilities and be free to create your game in more time. 

Seeing one entry made me feel something about making other rhythm jam, but the first got no entries, this one Just got one, maybe is time to make something else, right? Although i would like to Join a Jam of this kind when i was starting.

As you made the only entry for my jam, i will let you decide: do you think i should make rhythm jam 3? For myself, i gave up from this jam, but i have a lot of fun in making/playing rhythm games, and i can see im not the only one. Also, If i make another rhythm jam, its time should be a single week (faster event, but time pressure) or should have more time (better games, but not usual for jams)? Feel proud. Is up to you choose

And you had the only entry. The visuals could have a color pallete, and the game dont seems to follow the Theme, but the gameplay is interessing and the song is Very cool (suno generated?). Also, you made a game that can be player both on mobile and computers, so you is officially better than most... (Just kidding)

Also, would you mind too much If i get unable to get the prizes? In working on It but in getting concerned about If i will get the prizes before Jam end

Sorry for really late reply i didnt expected this Jam would have an entry lol. Im having issues in Discord, perhaps you can mail me? Perhaps use my artist account singularity.dl.2009@gmail

The first thing to point is that text walls of tutorials arent cool, consider making the tutorial a playable section introducing you to the gameplay :) also, i moved a long time down and now im totally lost on nothing, that isnt cool... add bounds for the world or maps? also, i press f to turn out the light but i couldnt light it up again (no i didnt paid attentioon to the tutorial)

A really cool game. Normally idle games allow you on grow your pace but the time pressure here added a cool touch. Games of this kind are pretty graphic-based so perhaps 1 bit style didnt apply well here (although this is a submission for 1 bit jam and i dont like this style lol)

A bit strange gameplay, like, idk if is the resolution mixed with the fact i cant max screen the game, but the very small player's outline sometimes dont appear. As the player and the bg are black, if there is no way to see the difference in them, player become nothing. Also, the duplicate system is pretty confusing, the level sometimes want me to move one player at a time but moving moves all duplicates, and freezing the duplicates freezes everything, even the main player

A pretty cool game. Simple, cool 1 bit design, i just found it too short for a simple platformer, also, a level menu could be a good idea for the game (lol every small platformer i find usually dont have a level menu even if they are good enough for having an update with more levels).

as this month is spooky month...

make a game jam where the goal is to make the most cute and kawaii game!

Are you strugling to find the perfect music for you? i made a couple of (acceptable) songs that you can (and i would even like to) use in the jam! just a few rules if you want to keep working on the game after the jam: 

- you must credit me (by my artist name, not developer3244)

- you are only free to work with my stuff in non-commercial projects, if you want to monetize your game, contact me first (my first songs so i may give you permission easily)

The best songs you will hear today: Hyperspace | Singularity

Of course! i would like to have some prize to the jam, also, i saw game on steam and now i want to play it lol. But i never made a jam with prizes before so i dont know how it works. A bit of assistance and your game can be a prize!

Nice, a group of people that makes original soundtrack for games is now on my jam! a small thing i made kinda leveled up lol. Sadly 2 days left and i dont pretend to extend the end date (again), but in case i ever decide to make a rhythm jam 2, feel free to come back! :D

Also, even if you is almost finishing your game, a last level with original song may not be bad... (or respect your scope and ignore me...)

I almost got the lowest score! but ok, those entries was really good, and i didnt expected 1st place overall... also, my game got 4th in enjoyment, so at least is a kinda fun game. Now that the jam is over, i will work on other stuff, and, this may be nah, but i created a game lol. Game jams are cool, but i guess i will have no time to the next one, instead i will work my pace on another side project. Lesson learned: if you going to make an hyper-casual simple game with few mechanics, make it fun!

(1 edit)

Yea im on computer. If your game is heavy, add a downloadable version too pls, usually webgl builds are lighter

Edit: i managed to enter the game in just 2 minutes today :D but when i pressed start button, my browser crashed... downloadable too pls?

Im not allowed to rate my game :D so here are some things i pointed. I almot never work with audio so game have no sound, but i thought i wouldnt be the only one to skip it. It seems that i was wrong, after those entries i missed an ambient sound in this game. Most people made puzzle games with a good amount of levels while i made a casual endless falling game, so it may be the simplest entry here. If im going to be simple, at least this may be fun, right? also, finally i spotted the fact slowing down time dont stop the obstacle generation, so BUGS!!!. I hope you liked the game (or at least played it lol)

The game dont have too much to do. Just travel through ages and wait the finish line appear. As this is just a rough concept you may improve later, for now is a good idea making this game more playable, like, if its an exploration game let players explore, not wait for time warpers to click buttons. There should have some way players can notice if they are getting closer or not to the finish line, i passed even more than 5m waiting it appear and nothing lol. There could have more race elements here too. At least it follows the theme well :)

BOING BOING BOING it may be related with those stuff that remembers time machines in the levels :)

Im stuck in this loading screen. Reloading the page, closing and opening again, just waiting... im stuck lol

The game idea kinda matches the time theme, but as the gameplay itself, im confused. I accidentally skipped all the initial levels by pressing the next button without knowing what it does ;-; and as i couldnt go back i just made the eiffel tower level so i lost track of what to do lol. The story you provided seems to be off the game (i even thought you gave wrong build at a time). Same as almost all other entries: games with many levels should have level menus... i just found cool the idea of rewinding events to fix errors (caused by demons that arent in the game lol), becaue it really uses "time travel" as a theme. For everything else, i dont know even how to play this game lol

A really fun concept and gameplay. Unsure how it enters on "time" theme tho. Those small games with a lot of levels should have level menus, in my opinion, but ok. The fact you can skip levels you cant pass really saved me from headache lol (im not the puzzle guy so i couldnt beat all levels). The game is simple, just some squares, letters and done, so it also proves a good gameplay is enough for making a good game sometimes. I just found annoying the fact dying by falling dont makes nothing while dying by spikes removes all your clones, as there is an undo button, no need for spikes removing the blocks :D

(1 edit)

A very good submission lol. The gameplay is a bit confusing in the beginning, and i think would make more sense jump with space and destroy clones with z, but ok. I kinda missed a level menu too (or there is one i didnt found?), because i passed several levels but as i didnt finished the game i dont know how close to the end i was. Puzzle games are not my style but i liked this game, its simple graphics, and cool levels. Also, this may be the entry that matches better with the "time" theme until now

A pretty simple game. Unsure how it enters on "time" theme, perhaps seasons or something like, but cool. Even as we had a small amount of time, you should consider making the level last longer than 10 seconds lol. Also, the UI is very pixelated, idk why. The idea of pressing a key to reveal part of the level sounds a cool concept for a possible future platformer

I understood that this game may be some time travel game, but i think there could be more time elements here. Levels are too simple, some have the exact same spikes in the same poition lol. Ending levels, that could have some challenge, have nothing... But i liked the simple pixel art, and found the idea interessing :)

The jam has ended, so the project may have ended too, but i found this game and i really liked it. The art style is rubbish, but the game is very fun, the fact tetrominoes are dangerous is a really cool idea. The simple but complete controls open a good place for speedruns (partially due to the large wall jump and some big jumps the player can do when the tetromino below it fall), i only didnt liked too much how the game ends. Level 8 and 9 are really nonsense.

Kinda hard but fun. I liked simple graphics, and this game seems good for speedrunners