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A member registered May 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I currently found a resolution issue. Im working in that. Sorry for incovenience :)

edit: game is now playable, but the game over panel is glitched. Im still working on that

The jam has ended, so the project may have ended too, but i found this game and i really liked it. The art style is rubbish, but the game is very fun, the fact tetrominoes are dangerous is a really cool idea. The simple but complete controls open a good place for speedruns (partially due to the large wall jump and some big jumps the player can do when the tetromino below it fall), i only didnt liked too much how the game ends. Level 8 and 9 are really nonsense.

Kinda hard but fun. I liked simple graphics, and this game seems good for speedrunners