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Devin Dyer

A member registered Jul 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sweet! I'll have to check it out 😁

Very fun, fast-paced game! I really enjoyed the "Shop" aspect — not sure if I saw the effects of some of the subsequent speed upgrades, but still a cool system. I also liked that you got points just for surviving; made every round count. Think the death animation could be a bit quicker, but overall, good work!

Really liked the presentation on this one. And appreciated the easy mode! Very entertaining, and the animations when you finished a level kind of reminded me of Super Monkey Ball!

Really fun puzzle game! Spent a good half-hour or more on this one. As others have mentioned, it would be cool to have an undo button, but I know that might have been hard to implement within the time constraints. Awesome work!

A very fun and addictive game! The little sound effect it plays when you get the right number stuck to the side of the die is very satisfying. It also introduces new mechanics at a good pace. The controls felt a little weird at first with the isometric view—maybe it could be expanded to have a controllable camera?—but it didn't take too long to get used to. Great work!

As it seems was the case with the other commenters, I too couldn't get past the second level. But I really liked the concept! A lot of the games submitted have involved rolling a die to a specific location (including my submission 😋), but yours is the first I've played to throw away the usual sides of the die for special abilities and I think that has a lot of potential. I do think the game would benefit from being able to know/see what is on the sides of the dice you can't see. Regardless, great work!

Wasn't expecting to find such a dark story in a game with this art and these mechanics, but it really makes the board game gameplay more compelling. Great work!

Very addictive and oddly soothing—I spent quite a bit of time playing this! I feel like it maybe could have required more strategy when it comes to timing when you shoot, but that's something that could be added later when you have more time. Do the dice deal more damage if they show a higher number? It was hard to tell. Either way, very cute game!

Great game! Very difficult, but maybe that was intended 😊 I ran into some issues where the level that spawned seemed impossible(?), but exiting out to the main menu and reselecting the level would fix that. It also took a little bit of playing before I was able to visualize the sides of the dice I couldn't see, but once I got the hang of it, it was really addictive. Making the main menu use the same control scheme as the rest of the game was a very nice touch!

The game was very hard! But what I was able to get to I liked 😊 This is probably the best use of randomness I've seen in one of these games so far. Using a dice roll to pick out an object that'll help you feels fair.

Very unique take on the theme. As others have said, the controls take a lot of getting used to. But once I figured them out, it was quite fun to play!

Interesting concept! It'd be cool if the randomness had slightly less of an impact on your shot, or maybe if the ranges were a little smaller. But I'm sure that would take a lot of finessing to get right and obviously we don't have a lot of that in 48 hours 😋 The current iteration might be fun to play at a party tho

Definitely good ideas here! But it took me a long time to figure out what everything did. Maybe you could split up the first level into multiple levels that teach each concept? Really liked that the dice had feet! Especially when they were sticking straight into the air 🤣

Being able to see which number the dice is going to show after you roll is a nice touch. Really liked the art and music!

I rolled it...

Great fun! A match-the-blocks game never even crossed my mind when brainstorming ideas for this jam but it actually makes a lot of sense. Needing to match the the number of blocks shown on the dice (needing to match 3 "3"s, 4 "4"s, etc.) is a very nice touch. My only suggestion is that the dice could roll for a little less long while determining your number. Good work though 😊

We definitely had plans to make more use of the mechanic in puzzles that we ran out of time to make... you know how game jams are. Thanks for playing!!

I'll have to give yours a play! It's fun seeing other interpretations of similar ideas 😊

Ooh, duly noted! It can be hard balancing the difficulty of puzzles when you know the solution, but I can totally see now that there may have been too big of a jump in difficulty too early on. Thanks for the feedback 😁

(2 edits)

Yeah, I can see how that may trivialize some puzzles, especially if you're looking for a real challenge. Thanks for playing!

Definitely a bug-turned-featured because we thought it felt fun to do! But maybe we could have given the dice tiny wings or something so it felt less broken. Thanks for playing all the way through 😊

Thank you for playing! We're happy you enjoyed it and sorry you got softlocked.  Most of the bugs didn't rear their heads until late in development, though were present on all platforms and through all browsers. Regardless of whether we take this prototype further we plan to look through these bugs and figure out what went wrong, so at the very least we can learn what to watch out for on future projects. So, thank you for your screenshot and the list you provided in your first post, and once again, thank you for playing.

Thank you for playing and for appreciating the multiple directions in which we tried to take the concept! We did make it pretty hard, especially for those who are completionists like us. In a weird way, we're flattered that you rage quit because you missed a collectable XD Thank you.

Thank you for playing and beating our game! We're glad to hear you enjoyed it and that you appreciated the work we put into timing the challenges. If we were to take this prototype further in the future we'd definitely look for a way to make the starting less tedious and repetitive, so we could get to the type of challenges you enjoyed sooner! Thank you. 

Thank you for your feedback! We kinda grew wise  to this problem later in its development and tried combating it by lowering the amount of time between jumps and putting more emphasis on challenges where you don't want to jump. But you're right, if we were to take this prototype further in the future this is something we would definitely have to work on, and maybe reformat how the challenges work altogether.