Thank you so much for showcasing our game demo on your channel! There were some really good moments with the monster :D
We've got a lot more planned for the full release so stay tuned!
Thank you for playing the demo! :DSo far we only plan on releasing the full game on steam, but if we get enough intrest we might consider a full game release on itch too!
You can press 'R' to restart the building phase :)
Flip flopped.
is the answer Flop?
Very good! Trippy fun
I played the last 2 levels, they were very hard, good stuff!
Good stuff
Nice little game
Great Snake game!
Great game! ending was cool :)
The yellow isn't small enough.
This one is fantastic!
Great concept, well designed and nice art!
Funny idea, made me laugh :)
Love the concept of reverse invaders, good stuff
Great graphics! Very nice Shoot 'em up game!