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A member registered Jul 18, 2019

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Since the arena battle system on the overview map has changed, we don't need the crystals gained in the Arena anymore, do we? If no, wouldn't it be better to remove them from the list of possible rewards and exchange them for Perfect Horses or Great Armors since they are useful rewards?

Since this NPC has a name, I imagine that in the future she will have an event too, right?

I wish there was a date event with Ai, as I noticed that she was the only one out of the 9 main heroines who doesn't have a date with the MC (I don't think an invasion of her former job could be considered a date)

How do I defeat the succubus?

It really is one of the games that most impressed me in recent years, I'm loving playing it and with each update the story just gets better, which leads me to ask a few questions.

1 - Kaori mentioned that she knew Aoi from her school days and she was her senpai. Do you intend to make these two reunite?

2 - Would it be possible to meet Aoi at other times of the day and not just at night to train?

3 - Couldn't we play against Kaori in Arcade in the morning and afternoon on weekends?

4 - Couldn't you create a FAQ to put the answers to Megumi's tests? It's quite complicated having to remember the historical facts mentioned by her (especially for those who don't know Japanese history).

If you read all of this, thanks for your patience and keep up the great work. o/

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During the Christmas quest, I found this orc that, no matter how much attack he takes no damage, is there any way to defeat him?

During Mirel's wedding, the scene where the ring in her hand is shown, passes so quickly that it looks like it was cut, is this a bug or was it done on purpose?

OK, Thanks! o/

Hi Ryen, it's been a while since I played this game and I decided to start a new campaign. So while I was in Witton I came across this secret switch that intrigued me, does it do anything or is it just an easter egg?

I updated the game to this new version and since then the inventory no longer opens during fights, making them more complicated at the beginning of the game, I don't know if it was because I changed some skills but, I don't think that's why...

There's a bug happening in the game, the flowers in the park are no longer respawning. I believe it's because I keep using Quick Save and Load a lot to get better flowers (even because it's hard to farm money in this game). Was this done on purpose or is it really a game bug?

Thnks for responding me. Waiting for the new version o/

Even after two updates the problem was not solved...

Well, thank you very much...

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This happened when I sold my lynx crystals in the shop, in addition, the amount of lynx crystals didn't decrease so that I could generate infinite money

5 years of Hellhound chasing Bunnygirl on top of house roof in Kagabangui, I love this game!!!

Thanks Ryen, thanks for your tip I remembered something that turned out to be the solution of the problem. The problem was really a defective joystick that was connected in my PC, after removing it the game started working normally. 

I think it's time to buy a new joystick!!!

I'm having some issues with the mouse and game controls, it's been a while since I've played this game so I decided to download the penultimate version and start a new game and then, right at the beginning of the game the mouse doesn't work when I want to make the character leave the tent and when I open the menu, it automatically goes to the right as if I had pressed the keyboard, which I didn't do. After I solve it somehow (seriously, I have no idea how I solved it), when I close the game and then open it to continue the problem comes back. I thought it might be a bug in the version I had downloaded so I waited for you to release the latest version so I could play hoping the problem had been solved but still it keeps bothering me and preventing me from enjoying the game, do you have any idea of the what can it be and how to solve?

Please Ryen, I'm having a lot of trouble getting to defeat her (even at the easy level), please make sure you have a limit on how strong her army can get, or an easier way to get the best armaments and horses, otherwise I'll have to cheat.

During the sidequest "Open Your Eyes" after I get the colored bomb and return to the fision tower, the dialogue that completes the mission does not appear, making it impossible for me to complete it regardless of how many times I enter and exit the tower

There's a file error on warmap that makes game freeze, looks:

and also, I like to sugestion a quick way to enter the secret dungeon on Amagal's castle if it's posible (or a teleportation method) it's sucks have to go all the way from Ebron to Amagal Dungeon everytime.

1 - On the headmaid list, there's a maid between Bess and Aleah, Who is she?

2 - On the Kagabangui's castle I choose the option the bring back the prince's beloved girl, because of this have I blocked the mission "Pregnant Slave"?

3 - At the mission that i send kurohime to orc's camp, i've lost a treasure chest on there, thre's any way to go to this camp again to get that chest?

I'm finding some bugs in the building map on this new updated version.

1 - The bakery and the second mine are never finished regardless of country level

2 - I can't improve the kingdom roads to the stone road, because it always shows the message that I don't have enough stones

3 - In the lab menu, the option to improve the pikemen and archers is always unavailable

Thanks for the informations.

I would also like to report a small bug I found, Maid Vivian doesn't say how many Anubis we have in the Monster Hall.

Could you tell which dungeons the following ores are in?

Katryx Ore, Silver Ore, Mithril Ore and Coal.

I would like to suggest that you also put this information in the next walktrough update.

Where I can buy mixed food to give the slimegirl?

How to enter on Livingsten room? I've already finished the quest "Traitor?" and trained Kurohime, so I've missing something or will still be updated?

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic Powerups

Is there any shop where I can buy powerups (Life, Mana, Strenght, Defense, Magic, Resist, Agility and Luck)?

Since the walkthrough hasn't been updated yet, it is difficult to strengthen the characters at the beginning of the game...

There's an area with a green slimegirl on swamp below the bitterroot farm that I can't reach (acessible only on Grey's training quest, but not catchable), there's any way to get her?

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I have noticed some places and items located in inacessible places and I would to know if theres any way to reach them? 

1 - A staircase on a rooftop on Red Keep

Here's the image:

2 - A pile of gold behind a rock on the South Dungeon, near to the dragon that we face when we meet Kayelinth.

3 - A place that looks like a factory just below the Bitterroot Farm on main map.

P.S.: I'm really loving the game so far, waiting for scenes with Maide Louise and more with Lind...

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic Recipes

Could you tell me all the recipes and where to find them?

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic Brawlers

Where I can found brawlers to fight with Brad and earn training points? I already have found Seiho on Aldlyn and Uruk on academy...

Are there any prerequisites for starting the "Demon Trouble" mission? I have spoken several times with Trey in Sleeping Chambers and he never starts this mission ...

How do I raise the level of my army's weapons on laboratory? I'm stuck on level 1...