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A member registered Aug 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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There are images I would like to remove from the CHOOSE IMAGE.
Duplicated images, old unwanted images, experiments/tests, etc...
I haven't found any place or a way where I can manage my uploads ,and remove, delete, make everything that is no longer useful or needed to vanish.
Is there any way to manage the media I uploaded?

The game is fun, but hard XD. 
Using the arrow UP and DOWN makes the page scroll a bit, because of that i played in full screen. With the speed increasing it was very difficult to look at the screen without feeling a little sickness but I managed to score 434 lol.  The game has the "one more run" feel.  

Thank you. 
Yes, I am aware of the "exploit" with the lower attack.  The intention was to make a mobile playable html5 game, until I discovered that audio in html5 games running mobile does not work well.  As I had already done everything in this format, I kept it this way.  

I already modified the game, now the resolution is more desktop friendly, it will no longer be "mobile portrait", and this opens up more possibilities as well. 

When the rating is over, I will update the game here

The concept is interesting but a respawn system would be welcome,  having to refresh the page every time you fall is not ideal. 
Since there is no health or lives counter, the camera could just follow the frog down if it lands in a block or auto restart the level when you fall.

Intense and FUN!  I loved it

The art is cute, the music is relaxing. I like it. 
The jump is lower than the platform height, you have to drag the character on the edge of the platform to climb on some, even more in tight spaces, because of that the character got stuck on the wall, and I had to restart the game.  But in general everything is very cute. ^^ 

The art style is great! Simple, limited in color but effective.  The game is really hard XD  

It would be interesting to start with slow falling motion

If the frog had a small umbrella at the beginning, and in the first seconds the umbrella would function as a parachute. Then the umbrella breaks and the frog starts to pick up speed
Giving time to the player to understand and adapt gradually. 

(1 edit)

I liked the game.
The presentation is good. Of all games I played with similar movement mechanics here, this was the most functional, easy to control and move. There is room for improvement in the mechanics.
I found myself trapped a few times. but in general, you did well

It looks like a good idea, but I took a long time to understand what was going on and what I was supposed to do. The text scrolling on screen is very fast, at first it was difficult to read, and understand the board.  

Nice.  The little cars are so cute, I like how the traffic flows, the little stops that cars make .  I managed to turn several frogs into paste, but I saved 9 frogs.

Adorable. I'm super into puzzles like this one. Nice idea!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked XD

After eating everything I was thinking about how many calories a house has. The experience was really fun 

OMG the cute little frog is so hungry.
The game is beautiful, it has some Ghibli-ish style. The first time I ran the game, the WSAD was inverted, refreshing the page fixed the issue. I don't know if it was a game bug or my browser messing with things. I couldn't reproduce.