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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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If you press the windows key you should be able to click start, and from there space bar should be the only key :)

Oh no I'm sorry to hear that! If saving the game to a local drive, and extracting doesn't work I'm not too sure on the Issue! In future we will be looking to try and make the game accessible from the browser, hopefully minimising issues in the start up.

Plan was to have an end screen, but didn't manage to get it to work before due date! In future we will hopeful get this to work lol :)

Very fun and well put together game. Maybe a next step could be adding coins as a way of increasing score?

Very engaging to the point that when I lost I wasn't moving on till I got a good score! Maybe in future you could add a background of sorts so that movement is more clear when the ball is moving at the same place as the walls.

The best boy, will recommend to everyone. Maybe future updates could see an extra breed or two :)

Overall very fun, and well put together game. Maybe looking at adding some very minor animations to the ship would make it feel more lively, but as a whole very good :)

File should be fixed now, and hopefully wont crash!