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A member registered Dec 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Haha, it's amazing to hear how many people are really resonating with the guards. 

I could absolutely see a version of this adventure though with the guards running rampant throughout the manor, only to solve...very few problems. 

I knew that one of the biggest challenges I'd have with an adventure would be getting players and referees interested in running pre-gens instead of their own characters, so I really agonized over each of the guards' personalities, looks, and habits. Anecdotally, I play tested this adventure with a DnD/Pathfinder group that doesn't usually get super into roleplay. It took them less than 20 seconds to turn completely belligerent after reading their characters.

Haha, you've got a good eye for the details. This was a first-time effort on everyone's part putting this together. In particular, the layout didn't get anywhere close to finalized until...about 3 minutes before the submission deadline. So yeah...unfortunately, there's a lot of fully prepared content that just didn't make it into the layout of the final version.

1. The stat-blocks are one of the things that didn't get entirely finalized. I initially created the adventure with stat-blocks configured for DCC as I'm more familiar with the ruleset. This probably ended up being a mistake though as it's led to some odd incompatibilities like you've noted. The weapons were minorly scrapped, and were intended to be unique items, hence the different stats.

2. I almost fell onto the floor when I was reading and saw this in the submission. Yes...yes they are

3. The spell to fix the hallway can be found in the last run on Bracken's Skull from inside his quarters. Otherwise, it's noted that the false manor lord can be of assistance to the party if they can find him a replacement body.

Thanks for the in-depth feedback on this one! I'm working with my layout designer to make an updated version of the adventure specifically to address these sorts of issues.

I can really feel the DCC vibes on this one. Well, at least in everything except the layout...

I mean this in the best possible way. You are like a surgeon here! Everything is right where it needs to be, color coordinated, bolded, easy to access. I think a couple elements could use a touch of spacing, like your headers, but man do I wish proper DCC adventures took this level of care with their work.

I'm a big fan of the more wacky, gonzo stuff, and it's thick here. I particularly love the way you use quotes to get across quick character ideas. Something I do regularly feel about Gonzo adventures though, is that I wish there was just a little more of a sense of general progression. I might worry about my players wandering kind of blindly through the dungeon, never feeling like they have a reason to go in any particular direction.

Fantastic work though! Of 5 or 6 adventures I've gotten a chance to look at so far, this one is among the ones more likely to get run at my table just due to the layout and plentiful referee tools.

Thank you so much for the kind words! We really crunched at the end just to get some kind of deliverable in on time. There will be a final version with improvements to text and layout.

Thank you so much. Getting each of the guards to immediately pop off the page was the biggest hurdle we wanted to climb with this project. Incredibly happy to see them resonating with people

Do I see a little bit of Alien influence in this? Regardless, I really like the framing of the adventure. It reads less like a straightforward dungeon-crawl, and more like an atmospheric investigation. Reading a lot of character put into the environment

Last-Minute Errata: 

Accurate player character stat-blocks-

Tom: Str:+1 Dex: 0 Con: 0 Int: 0 Wis: 5 Cha: 0

Gum: Str +2 Dex -2 Con+1 Int:-2 Wis: -2 Cha:+1

Bumbadil: Str: -1, Dex: +2, Con: 0, Wis + 2 Cha: - 3

Plinket: Str +1, Dex +1, Con +0 , Int+1, Wis + 2, Cha -1