Yeah, that's the only good way to get species exp at later levels for most species since the payout-to-effort ratio challenge mode fights seem like an oversight only balanced by the fact what bouts are available is random. But I don't think I need to say how in order to grind for something you need to either get lucky or grind for tokens to gatcha it is.
Recent community posts
This game is much better than the first one. It's very admirable that you took almost every part of that and improved on it. Unfortunately, it still isn't good. It has a lot of shit keeping me from recommending it. The grind is the biggest hurdle because it isn't a fun grind. It feels arbitrary and not well-scaled.
Fuck you for making the grind for materials needed to build shops in server city such a pain. You really should've had a couple of recruitable digimon that upgraded the lumber mill and quarry or have some more early game uses for the wood and rocks so I had more of an incentive to stock up on them before I needed 50 Digihardwood.
And why did you bring species exp back? I don't think anyone likes it as it just adds another value you need to grind for. You didn't even properly distribute all the sources. Aquatic and dragon exp are plentiful at almost all levels but beast digimon are only common at low levels. You forgot to give a reliable option for grinding mid or late-level beast and bird EXP. You might want to change what spawns in a zone or two if not make up a new one to fill that void.
Also, the combat sound effects are still kinda poor. You're already "stealing" designs and assets from other games like the pokemon orbs and the challenge mode stadium being a freedom planet background. Why not steal the sound effects from Megaman Star Force or Fossil Fighters? Those games had great sound design.
Whether you think my criticism is worth listening to or not I want you to know this game of yours has potential it just needs refinement.
Nice little game but the bosses having randomization sucks. Mostly SS I don't feel like I'm ever improving when I fight him I feel like I'm getting lucky. Also, him instantly blasting your ass when you take down his elemental shields while the hazards are still on screen is bullshit. The player should get a moment to get ready before the next shield pops in. I know complaints about difficulty are hard to make without looking like a bitch but you have to admit that's a fair point.
Also while on the topic of the elemental shields I don't think he should throw a twinkle chaser at you during them until you hit him once. It would be best to give the player a bit to get what the hazard is before giving it an extra thing to dodge.