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A member registered 70 days ago

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This game is so much fun! The tutorial feels great and doesn't require you to return to the main menu which is fantastic, It just launches you right into the story, perfection. This game is going in the right direction and I love how the controls look like a human body in a way, it helped me figure out how to control the right foot on a different keyboard.

Feedback: There needs to be portal sounds, that's it. 

Can't wait for new content.

Found the last object and died, nothing but non-stop tension and anxiety throughout. You nailed it with this game, although there were a few moments where I felt like I got soft-locked by the monster, it just kept coming back forcing me to keep taking pictures and reloading a cartridge.

Nice troll comment.

This is a great representation of how much more, people struggle to achieve a goal with trauma and even complex trauma. Using up more energy, getting hurt more, and sleeping more, all while dealing with the fact that most people will never understand.

I'd give it a 7/10. I found the monster to be a bit funny the first time you encounter it in the hallway, It ruined the experience. I really liked the television moment where the monster records you watching the television.

I was playing this and my wife was sitting next to me watching me progress through the game. I was just saying how the game effectively builds suspense from nothing and ten seconds later, it scared the shit out my wife.

The "You Lost" Ending was funny as heck frfr.

OH YEAH! well I AM what remains.

I really like the slow creep the horror this game introduces. I loved it.

This was a great game, short and savory, there were many things that I loved about this game. The fast food bag, the bell ringing sound, the well-designed enemies, and just the difficulty ramp. Everything was perfect.