I am a Godot game dev and I've taken part in many game jams(check submissions in profile). I am looking for a 2d artist and a musician. Hit me up if you are interested.
Discord: dreamn_skull
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Here is a vid of me clearing the second level with 100% accuracy.
Sorry for that cut off image but you can always pass the level if your accuracy is greater then 50%, you could have left out the corners and still cleared the level, You can also use the eyedropper tool on the reference image to save time and use the paintbucket tool for quickly filling large sections of the painting.
You know you can also match up artwork by looking at the pixel coordinates and you can also use the paintbucket tool that works exactly like paintbucket tools in sprite editors. You can also use the eyedropper tool on the "Reference Image". If you did all that, I dont know how you were bad at the game.
Sure, I will look into your game when I am free. I am planning an update for this game where the popups will minimize the main game window and you can deal with them separately, as for the lag, the lag is only is the web version because of my engine, please try the executables for a lag free experience.
Noice. I did all the level design in the final 6 hours of the jam so I had to make 2 levels and couple of dialogs in THE LAST SIX HOURS, so I used an ancient gamedev trick. I made a couple of levels but I made them very hard so that the game could have 10 mins of playtime, If the levels were easy anyone could win in about 2 minutes.
I am godot game developer and i have a fair share of experience with game jams. I make 2d games and am looking for a team. Anyone with the following criteria can join:
- Any 2D artist
- Any SFX or Music Composer
- Game Design Guy
- Programmer
if anyone want to join, feel free to send a request at my discord Dreamn Skull#7988. If u can help in the game dev process in any way, consider teaming up with me folks.