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A member registered Feb 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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რატომ უნდა შეიქმნას თამაში მწვანილების შესახებ?

that's true for Godot as well

cool game, couldn't get past level 2, the controls kind of feel too clunky, like the ship itself feels like very have and hard to maneuver, other than that, cool!

Thanks! Unfortunately my music making skills need some work, but I am really looking forward to putting any music in the game!

This game is the most satisfying space themed time-waster game I have played! Really looking  forward to further development!

hey! thanks for your feedback! 
and i agree with you that level 8 should be the last one!

this is wonderful! i guess you used premade assets but nevertheless this is amazing! Love the music and sound effects and the art is amazing!!! rope climbing mechanic is fantastic!!

will sure do! I also submitted my feedback from in-game menu😁!
also you could add hover effects to the ui! 

hey! nice game! i love the graphics so much but crtv effects are too harsh on texts, especially small ones. yeah it might be me but i had to wait a second or to to read some texts and small buttons. you can lower the effect at least 20% on UI. also there are too few enemies in the beginning. and i would suggest for your own convenience to set up a feedback form with google forms and link it in game and provide a link wherever you share the game or in the games description.


hey! thanks for feedback!! so I made this update to the game after the jam ended so i posted as a separate game project on itch. i have fixed lot's of bugs, added some nice features, and made levels 'hand-crafted'. if you have time, please check it out and if you have more time, please give feedback in the google form that is linked in the description of the game. <3

nice game!! fun to play, but sometimes controls mess up. you should probably export for other platforms. 

nice game!! graphics look very pleasing and relaxing, not too difficult, but surely not easy at all!!! had fun playing it, and i enjoyed music and sound effects! sometimes stopwatches span in locations that are unaccessable like in the flame. but very nice game after all!!!


good style! graphics could be improved but as a side project never mind!

i liked the audio very much. i also liked camera shake effect.