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A member registered Jun 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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really love the retro style, very good job. Took me a few trys to make the final jump (and somehow the game kept crashing randomly) but apart from that super cute game!

The graphics are gorgeous and the game feels very polished and complete!  It doesn't feel like it was made in 3 days at all, good job (:

Love this, so fun to play and really cute graphics!! (your comment on the ui made me chuckle so if anything, bonus points :) )

Really like the graphics! I think you could maybe add a bit more of a challenge for example the trash only gets picked up when touching the tip of the rod or particular trash you should avoid collecting but other than that cute game:)

Hahaha makes me happy that we could accurately bring your experiences to life in our game

Thank you for the kind words I'm so happy you enjoyed:) We were actually quite frustrated with some bugs after the build so that makes reading these comments all the more delightful

Yeah we were afraid that that would be our downfall, we even tried adding a crosshair at some point but the trajectory seemed too random that we wanted to come back on the issue later but as always we didn't have enough time... thanks for your feedback!

Thank you so much!! you're right next time we should pay a bit more attention to the sound leveling

Oh noo I guess it was bound to happen that someone launched an enemy out of the bounds, we sadly noticed the bug too late :(( I'm glad you enjoyed the game anyway!

Thank you so much, comments like this are what makes it totally worth developing these silly games!

Hahaha aw that sucks, we should pay more attention to the game performance next time cause also my laptop has some lags at times ;-; But I'm glad you still enjoyed the little cutscene:))

well you definitely succeeded at that:) (and thank you ^^)

everything feels super polished. I wish I could continue playing, once I ran out of events. The artstyle is also looking really good (:

really cute artstyle, particularly loved this screen :)

Woww this game is amazing, from art style to sounds to gameplay it was really fun and polished, especially regarding the short amount of time you've made it in. Felt so betrayed when I found out I was stranded though :(

Fun game, but way too difficult for an idiot like me xD

The graphics are the most beautiful thing I've seen so far. I am amazed at what you managed to make in that short amount of time. The only thing I would change are the footstep sounds, and maybe make the music loop a bit longer. Anyway, I am still mesmerized by your game and the amount of polish, reminds me of Hollow Knight a lot (:

I absolutely adore the retro art style!!! sadly I didn't manage to finish the game but still really impressive what you've managed to make (:

I've played through a couple of games now, and this is by far the most polished one, great job. Also, I think the artstyle is really cute (:

Really cool and funny game idea, we interpreted the limition in a similar way, although our game turned out quite different. Had a lot of fun smuggling broccoli into the dishes (:

funny game concept, i think the difficulty could increase a bit faster at the beginning and somehow died at some point without actually having cars crashing but other than that very enjoyable :)

Just wow, so beautiful! My game started lagging when I tried turning on the filters but that might just be a problem of my whacky computer ;) Other than that, really atmospheric game

this game is so cute, i really love the music!! (i'm sorry you didn't get to eat any cookies while developing :( )

yeahh that's a smart approach, my problem with game jams is usually that i overscope and end up unsatisfied with the end version of the game ;-; so well done!:)

very original concept, also liked your little comments on the levels. got stuck on some stages several times, which was very frustrating of course but made the game all the more addicting

i would have liked there to be a bit more of visual feedback when buying something but other than that game idea 10/10 really funny

feels very polished, very satisfying to munch all of the red dots

Whoa I am really impressed how you've made such a polished game in this short time. Really peaceful and relaxing:)

Beautiful game, really outstanding artstyle!

thank youuu. ey alle sagen so liebe sachen <33

lieben dank für deinen kommentar <3

schon etwas frech dass ich gniesbert die ganze zeit mit mir rumtragen musste :C süßes spiel <3

könnte mir vorstellen, dass das mit dem buchstaben wegkicken etwas die atmosphäre kaputtmachen würde, aber es stimmt, dass es irgendwie mehr interaktion hätte geben müssen. danke für deinen netten kommentar :)

stimmt nicht ganz, waren zu dritt. haben nur nicht alle einen account hier :)

richtig lustige spielidee und super umsetzung!! auch unglaublich polished und einfach tolle art

danke dass du unser spiel gespielt hast <3 mit dem gameplay müssen wir dir leider vollkommen recht geben

oha wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt ^^

danke für die liebe rückmeldung :))

freut uns echt sehr zu hören!!

ach man wie lieb. danke <3