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Ah! For the theme we used a play on words! Instead of using dice as a noun (eg. playing dice) we used it as a verb (eg. dicing up vegetables). You take those diced up vegetables and put them in a burrito roll! I'm sorry the control scheme was confusing! We tried to make it easy by leaving controls/instructions in the description, but we didn't have time to make a full in-game tutorial within the 48 hours. I'm super glad you enjoyed the art though! Our artist was amazing, it was crazy to watch him go! I don't know how he makes it look so easy to make game art that looks so nice!
Thanks so much for the feedback! We'll have to think up of ways to speed up the process! You can press shift to sprint in the game, but we might end up making that a little faster than it is. The artist made sprites for burrito customers to order burritos with only one or two ingredients. I think once those are implemented the process will be a lot faster!
Thanks! Yeah, that's definitely one of our more controversial plot features. I think it definitely adds to the experience but maybe quality of life fixes like not having to throw away an item if you don't want to use it could make it feel a lot better. I'm thinking of doing that in the post-jam update.
The one item inventory system was based on Overcooked. We wanted the player to only have to focus on dealing with one item at a time. Do you think the ability to throw items out of your inventory them would make it more enjoyable instead of having to discard them in the trash if you don't want to currently use that item (just wondering for the list of features I'm writing down for the post-jam update)?
Hey, sorry about that. You need to pick up a plate from the plate stack by pressing E and bring it to one of the preparation mats at the front of the kitchen. From there you can place items on those. The game also features a 1-item inventory mechanic so if you pick up an item before putting a plate out, you'll need to discard the item (in the trash) to be able to hold the plate. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the game regardless.
Hey sorry. It's a bit confusing and I tried to make the interactive action prompts above the head when you spawn direct the player to picking up a plate and placing it up a placemat before you get the ingredients. I wanted to do a 1 item inventory system. You can't place an item until you put it on a plate. So, if you have a food item but no plates are out you have to discard that item (in the trash) and pick up a plate and place it on one of the preparation spots. After the plate is there, you can bring burrito ingredients to it and then fold it when it's completed. I guess it turned out slightly less intuitive than I expected, sorry!
The game was really fun! The camera turning when moving made me a little motion sick though, if you make a post-jam update turning it down a little might make a big difference. Also, I think changing the lighting a bit/adding a skybox would really compliment all the cute 3D models. I don't think the default Unity lighting settings do them justice. Overall, really great job guys, it was fun!
I really love the Jack's sprite. The animations are all super fluid for pixel art. I love it! The dice going through the start menu was really cool too! All the puzzles I played were super interesting and fun. The only thing lacking is I think the dialogue needs to be able to skipped through while its writing when you press C. Great job!