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After you find the leader, you get one of the endings. Although, most players report only being able to get the "bad" or "neutral" endings because it is statistically very difficult to get the "good one"... That was our bad, since this was made for a game jam π
Thanks for playing and hope you enjoyed! π
Thanks so much for checking it out!
The pages go black when the image is loading, but if you were trying to get to the campers on the beach then you were pretty far along already and probably reached an unfinished page.
We definitely wish we had more time (even a month for the game jam was not long enough haha). Although we don't have a timeline for the next release, we have lots of art in the works and the story written. It's on our list! :)
Thanks again for playing! π
This game is so smooth, great animations, great control, great art, great music! But similar to what littoralie said I didn't immediately understand how it fit in the theme... But I'd still play this whole game if there were more levels! Maybe there's toppings, cups with holes in them, weirdly shaped cups, customers trying to steal more smoothie than they're allowed...π€ So many possibilities :) Thanks for sharing! π
Hey thanks for playing! We appreciate it :)
(Also please note that "winning" the game is currently very difficult. We made this for a jam and had exactly 0 time to playtest. You can see more in-depth responses on the Jam submission page comments for this project.)
Wishing you all the best, kit! π
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Yeah, our whole team knows the algorithm to solve a sliding puzzle now, it's pretty interesting to learn. But we knew some players wouldn't expect minigames in a Twine game, so we always included a "way out" button that didn't impact the gameplay too much.
The "good" ending is admittedly pretty difficult to get, especially since some of the events of the game are randomly selected every playthrough. We did run out of time near the end of the jam so didn't have enough playtesting to tell that it's so hard to get the "good endng" and the wolf stats are definitely not as balanced as they should be. Maybe we'll release a post-jam version...? (no promises Lol)
We also included a list of bugs on the game page. If you have a second and wanna check to see if the bugs you mentioned are there, that'd be super helpful. I think I know what bug you're talking about, like it replaced the names with $clan.warriors[$parentIndex].name. We aren't sure why that happens, and closing the tab and opening the game again always fixed it for us (though it loses the progress in the game).
Thanks so much again! Happy to hear you enjoyed the game :) π
P.S. Also loved the story in your game! We love to see other text adventures in this jam!
Hey thanks so much for taking the time! There are indeed many, many options. Our dev meetings basically consisted of, "Ok, but what if they player chooses medicine, and then goes to talk to them, and then...."
Glad you enjoyed! π
P.S. Also loved the art from your game, C H E R R Y D R E A M [walking 'round a surreal dream field] :)
Hey thanks so much for your kind words! Really nice to hear that you enjoyed playing our game as much as we enjoyed making it.
We really wanted choices to matter, especially for this Narrative Jam. We also included random event selection-- so for the events while you're a kit and the events while you're an apprentice, there are a few things that could happen. What are they, you ask? Maybe it's cause for another playthrough....
Also for the puzzles, as far as we can tell they're solvable, but we intended to make them difficult. That's also why we always included a "Get me the heck outta this puzzle" button that doesn't impact the story all that much.
And yes, there is audio! Other commenters seem to have verified they could hear the music, so you may wanna check your browser settings or use another browser if you'd like to hear the soundtrack. On playtesting, we heard music on Chrome, Edge, and Opera (other browsers not tested).
Thanks so much for your suggestions and feedback! :) π
I have $24, I'm not tired, and I have a sunburn.
Nice and simple storyline and a well executed open-world text adventure. Although I didn't solve it, I feel like I'm part of Redbud and I don't trust a single one of those gossiping market-stand owners. Could definitely see this as an opening to a larger game, or a nice standalone as it is :)
[But seriously, what does Laura want? A hat? I don't have $30 :((( ]
We didn't think a game could have it all until now. Art, sound effects, catchy music, and memorable characters to boot. We did not know who Blob was before starting, but you can rest assured that we do now, and we will forever sharpen our knives, type aggressively loud on our old mechanical keyboards, and never trust a vegetable again. Amazing work!
Really great art! Awesome use of just a few frames to keep each sprite interesting. Also cool portraits, love the blue and line art style. It's a nice contrast to the super colorful, pixelated world. Didn't get the chance to download it so I haven't heard the music, but I'm sure it's just as good as the art! :)
Wow, love the addition of creating the office together. So fun to see what kind of weird office spaces we make, then have to live in them. And great use of the second page to "suggest" an office plan layout...
Just a small suggestion: for organization of the instructions, it seemed to kind of jump all over the place. Might want to organize a "Pre-Game" section for character creation, GM setup, etc., and then a "Playing" section for what the players & GM do during gameplay.
But regardless, a very fun Lasers & Feelings alternative for the people person's paper people!
Amazing organization on the page! You managed to fit a lot on one sheet for such a detailed RPG.
Also, did you get the chance to play it? It seems like two decks of cards will lead to a very long game. Have you considered using half the deck for stats and the other half for turf? Might be interesting to consider red suits as the stats and black suits as the map, and go from there. Or maybe some other ways to possibly shorten the game, or compress all necessary cards into one deck.
But overall awesome artwork and organization, and I love the idea! Great use of cards for randomness, mapbuilding, etc.