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A member registered May 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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thank you! 

haha tyvm, I have more updates planned, just got a bit busy in life and the day job :) 

maybe the cat can come back as a choice in a future update 

I definitely get the complexity can grow a lot. Even regular Tetris has some fairly mind-blowing mechanics that a lot of people don't know about and it's best to keep things simple and fun.

If you're looking for inspiration and aren't already aware. TETR.IO ( is basically the gold standard of Tetris games on the PC. You could probably get a lot of ideas on look/feel by playing around with that. 

Best of luck!

Cool concept! I play a ton of tetris and I was wondering if you were thinking of making the pieces (elementinos?) more than a single block wide for a bit of diversity in what drops? 

For example with a tetris T block. Maybe it could fire off beams from each of the points, and you could rotate it in order to 'aim' the beam? 

What might help is having some kind of indicator in the game screen, to what the pieces do? I know they are described in the how to play section, but I found I couldn't remember that info when I was playing.

This is pretty fun! I like the humour and tbh a lot of the 'wrong' answers were the ones I wanted to choose each time haha. Also great job on the art style, it's simple and it conveys everything really well.

I reckon it'd be cool if you could select the dialogue option with the keyboard

Thanks, mate. I really appreciate it! Lots of updates on the way :)

In terms of others playing, I try to post progress often and follow and engage with others. So far, has been the vast majority of players. I'm new to new Twitter, but that has barely sent people to this page (like, literally 4 page views from a lot of tweets)

looks really good!

Character/enemy sprites are always good. Even simple animal or monster sprites.

I think effect sprites are extremely helpful as well, effects such as fire/smoke/magic etc… 

these are pretty cool.

What about effects that emit from the heart? Like blood dripping or an indication of poison/decay? 

Maybe you could add these as effects as layers over your current animations? 

Glad to hear you enjoyed it and sorry about the soft lock! I am back from holiday and working on that bug now :) 

Fair call on the attack confusion, I need to add a quick tutorial very soon haha.


cheers for both comments! Sorry about the bugs locking you out, hopefully I can fix those soon.

good ideas on the hit feedback and spells radius. I’m glad people like yourself enjoy it cause it gives me good cause to go in and refine it :)


Cheers! Hopefully I’ll get the chance soon to balance it a bit more and make it intuitive to play :) glad you liked it so far

(1 edit)

thanks for playing and tyvm for the feedback on issues! I’ll take a look into those as I’ve sometimes had a similar issue when I died to a boss. Hope you enjoyed it so far though.

the boss is unlocked by a key reward, and entered in from the start hub, but I’m trying to move this to somewhere in the dungeons themselves.

yep the performance can get pretty choppy when there’s a lot going on. I’m usually optimising stuff a while after if finish working on it, and when I’m sure I know it will help.

Killing everything in the room with missiles is great, I only want to add more of a challenge and let you be as powerful as you want!

And good point about a reset button, i need to work on a reset button and a proper main menu in the near future.

Ty for all your comments! 

This is such an awesome tool! I used an export for my itch dashboard :D

Thanks for this! This is a clean asset. I added it to my game :)

It's a really cool game, and the art style looks very nice!

I found it a bit hard to hit the enemies because I had to turn the character towards them, rather than being able to run away and aim my attacks with the mouse. 

Otherwise keep up the good work!

Cool little game, I really dig the art style!

Fun game and good progress! It'd be nice to have some feedback on hitting the enemies or when the player is being damaged.

I like the upgrades so far, I just maxed projectile size and blasted the whole screen :) 

This is a fun game! The music is catchy, and I like the sound of hitting stuff with the stick way too much, haha.

It would be nice if you could get some of those upgrades before placing the relics, as I found I was trying to collect all 4 and then place them quickly.

Keep up the good work!

I think free is the way to go initially (at least on If people can play and give feedback, it helps guide the development and when the game shapes up it can be released in full version with a payment. Or just releasing a demo for free can be a way let people try and then buy the full game if they enjoy it

Just my 2cents from a fellow random indie dev :) 

Nice progess :) keep the up the good work.

I placed a tile in the water and was able to run off the map :D 

Really cool game! good visuals and some of the levels made me pause and think. I'm keen to see more.

On level 6 I was a bit confused on what to do, before I realised the 'white box' was the one that had the exit to complete the level. 

Keep up the good work!

Game looks pretty cool, it's a good art style!

I wasn't too sure where to go, but I like being able to see a lot of the world around you, because I ended up just jumping around and trying to reach things I could see.

This is really impressive; the art style and the character animations are absolutely awesome. I played with a mouse and I was impressed how well it controlled with only mouse movement and lmb/rmb. 

I couldn't get past the part where you learn to swim in a wave to go faster (I'm not sure if I was going fast enough to break the rock at the end). Also, I had a few crashes early with an error about the audio.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for playing! I'll definitely be adding more enemies as time goes on.

As for the charge, I have 2 thoughts on it. A cap on the charge makes sense to limit it. However I also like to give the player the freedom to push certain attacks to an extreme level. If possible, I'd like to add enemies or challenges that give the player a reason to not just hold it as long as possible. But if they build in a way that can overcome those problems, then they can go as wild as possible with the charge and play however they like.

I appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback, I agree and I'll do some work to help indicate this to players when they enter the game.

thanks I appreciate it. Many more updates to come :) 

thanks I appreciate the support :)

I like the charging mechanic as well, I’m trying to figure out other cool uses for it, such as increasing the damage/throwing more projectiles based on charge time.

I think you’re right. The game has a border for stronger enemies (rare/elite) but nothing for common guys.

I’ve been playing around with the sizes of each enemy but I think the colour palette is the way to go and I’ll look to update it in the near future. 

Cheers! Every day or so it gets closer to 'non-prototype' :)

Thank you :) 

Thanks I appreciate it!

I'll definitely be doing some work to get it running properly on mobile; I've been tinkering a lot with the player controls & abilities, so once I get those locked down, I will make it touch-compatible. 

Thanks for the feedback :) 

I tried it again, and it's pretty impressive and has a really good style and nice and responsive. The only issue I faced was some of the UI being a bit misaligned (my monitor is ultrawide 3840x1600 but that's not common)

I like the request system. Seems like a good way to push player progression. 

Thank you as well! :) 

Thank you so much!

Hey, I downloaded your game, but it seems like it got stuck on the Unity Analytics prompt at the start. Is there a way to get past this screen? 

Happy to try it again if so.

I'm publishing updates every few days. Always looking for feedback as time goes on :) Thanks all!

Looks awesome!

Good reference! thank you