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A member registered 78 days ago · View creator page →

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I made a windos build because the web version didn’t work you can download it 

Thanks bro but your cars hit box is same as car size XD and I found it pretty fun , I will be carful in the future updates 

thank you 

thank you

nice game don't forget to play and rate my game

good game nice gameplay don't forget to rate and play my game

you pass the fire by duble jump and thanks for yout feedback 

good game bro don't forget to rate mine

prefect I lovr it 

don't forget to rate mine

me too

i think the game pretty difficult but good job 

don't forget to rate mine


i think the game pretty difficult but good job 

don't forget to rate mine


so perfect game 

don't forget to rate mine

I can't paly the game the screen over zoom in ?

good game bro don't forget to rate mine

good game bro don't forget to rate mine

awsome broo  

don't forget to rate mine

awsome broo  

don't forget to rate mine

amazing bro but I think to make camera follow the player make the game more fun 

don't forget to rate mine

amazing bro but I think to make camera follow the player make the game more fun 

don't forget to rate mine

rated and it's so funny game 

rated and so good 

so good bro don't forget to rate mine

very good effort for the game keep going 

don't forget to rate mine

rated don't forget to rate mine

nice work pro dont forget to rate mine

(1 edit)


the game was fun an chanllenging

I can't jump 

wait for your feedback

open to see your feedback I am new and this is my frist game 

the same for me but my friends see it