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By a "mark" option, do you mean something other than a black or crossed-out cell to count? It would be useful, but I'm not sure how I could implement it. And if someone was thinking about a dragging option to fill, this just isn't in SRPG Studio, haha.
You actually did my first comment on the story. I was a bit worried about it, especially as I chose not to do exposition dumps. Seems like it was a miss in the end. To give context:
- Galdi and Mirela are researching a volcano that requires sacrifices to stay asleep at Kali's request.
- Kali's family selectively reproduces to have sacrifice candidates and get the perks of sending people off to die (including money from the country).
- Sigils are how magic flows in places, items and people. Which one a person has determines which others they can use. Being a potential sacrifice to the volcano requires a specific Sigil.
- As said in the extras, the Vigil Force that Kali is part of is kind of a mix of police and firefighters.
I see! I only played the SaGa gacha game, so I didn't know.
What does that one trinket do then? Nothing?
For a more feedback-y comment, the game was very easy (I could move on with only using small attacks) until a big rush on the last island where I probably should have camped or been less careless in general. I also appreciated that the portraits were custom even if the style is a bit rough.
Here are my live thoughts:
The camera keeps moving x_x
I'm just gonna... close my eyes as the enemies move. Yeah.
Not sure why some chests give me gold as I enter their tile and others as I leave but okay.
I like how she conveniently forgot about me after I went out of the room lol
RIP Jango
RIP Jango x2
Thank savestates
Do these guards really think the door suddenly being open is normal?
Okay what the fuck I was right in front of the guard. I guess they're far-sighted.
I tried going back to my hole but it didn't work. I guess I'm supposed to go through the main door but I'm not sure how
Ah, I got the last guard to tail me but I softlocked the game by trying the door a second time. Aww.
I hadn't got the most fun ever, but it was nice.
Here are my thoughts as I played:
I quite liked Devil Survivor so I'm looking forward to it.
Woah, custom charchips.
Huh, there's not music after you've fought?
Hm. This tamer between 2 buildings can move over them but not me.
Is that a Mag-based party that almost doesn't have any magic? D:
... Is there a way to see what an attack does mid-combat? No? This really is Devil Survivor lol.
I have to admit that I do not know what I'm doing between my tamers. Who has what kind of strong points and attacks? I'm too lazy to check.
Those healing effects are going to weird places.
I really can't tell which tamer is going next.
Oops. I killed a guy and then the phase change sound kept happening. I was in a pretty bad position though, so no regrets. I may give the game another go later.
Here are my thoughts as I played:
Spoopy game is spoopy.
I didn't understand you were supposed to not use the mouse right away.
Is it me or is saving not a thing? I'm not a fan of just trying every step over and over again to lengthen the game.
Got the 1st ending in about 15 minutes. I got the correct bookcase, but I don't know how to progress further so I checked the hints. I'm not sure what "in video" means so RIP John. I had a school project about hiding stuff in images, so seeing it in action was cool though.
Here are my thoughts while I played:
That map feels pretty big.
What's that number? Oh, I see, it's a management game. Time to reboot.
I see Priest guy has res. Wait, he has a sword charchip? Oh it's a club. Those look a lot like chicken legs huh? I'm hungry now.
Huh, there was a village right there. I appreciate that there was a boat right there for immersion.
Nadine got a crit! Good girl.
My first level up is Meredith! She got... 1 HP. Oh well.
Bogan, I thought you'd tank better.
Oh hey, another mage! Which means it's decrease Res time!
Bogan missed. Is there a weapon triangle? Anyway he's shaping up to be disappointing.
This is all pretty easy so far, but I think it'll get tougher.
Damn, Rona missed.
Nadine crit again! And got 1 HP too... Maybe that's just how the growths are.
Ayyyy, Aiden got a crit.
The talisman has no text description. I bought the locket, the ring, the robe and the helmet.
Rona got 2 HP! Wow. Also, Res Debuff OP.
1 HP For Jan
Also I appreciate the big scary enemies having custom battle music.
Oh hey, Rona got 2 HP and Mov, while Jung Moon got 1 HP and Mov. Are the level up scripted? Only 1 HP for him next, though. HP +2 and Mov +1 for Aiden. I put him in a forest to bait, but I didn't check if he actually had bulk lol.
Ouch, he got crit and died.
Oh I'm in a tough spot. Gotta use the big attacks for once.
Noooooo not Nadine!
I'm dumb and didn't check how much damage my archer would take but he dodged like a pro.
I totally flubbed this part lmao so many dead units. I didn't think I'd recruit someone from there either.
Uh... Are we done besides the boss there?
Why is there forest just in the part where you only move? Fuck it, I'm ballista-cheesing. I have no healer left anyway.
I am pretty sure I could have had another ending if my locket carrier was alive but no use crying over spilled milk.
That was enjoyable. Thanks!
Hi! I'm interested in joining. I have some questions though.
Is it advisable for the game to have traces of FE? What if I want to make a puzzle game?
Besides how puzzles are rather boring for the intended audience, you said you wanted entries that are "a short level". I would expect each puzzle segment to last a few minutes at best, so would it be okay to have more as long as the total is under one hour?