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A member registered Oct 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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Sorry about the sensitivity! Adjusting sensitivity setting is for sure planned. Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing! I agree I will have to find a better way to teach the game's mechanics. I may lower the difficulty of the starting area if I get more feedback along those lines.

Was unaware of crashes so thanks for pointing that out, I'll do some investigating

Thanks for the feedback! Sensitivity slider is for sure a planned feature. I'll have to figure something out for teaching eyeball 'stomping.'

No problem! It was lots of fun talking to sexy fairy man, I think I was just fixated on the top of the wood pile too much. I'm glad you fixed it though! 80 sounds like a good FOV, for reference Upwell is 85 FOV.  Not super sure about the slider, if I had to guess I'd say 70-90 seems like a good range.

(2 edits)

The voice acting gave me just enough to want to keep playing. Gameplay loop is decently fun, but the low FOV made me nauseous after a while so I quit after CHOP 4

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for playing and the detailed feedback! New music and an 'alert' that lava was rising were both on my todo list but got their priority lowered by other ideas.

On the eyeball thing - I get the sense from your feedback that you were trying to time rocket jumps at the eyeballs. You can just land on them, no rockets necessary, and it'll do a hit of damage and propel you up. Once you jump on them twice they die and you get a rocket back. I'm super curious if that's the case, and what I could do to teach jumping  on eyeballs or make it apparent somehow.

Putting CHOP on my list to play, thanks again!

Oh that's awesome, yeah I would love to try and integrate it to fix this game

I played for a bit and got to level 4! Really good job, the gameplay is super smooth with the perfect amount of frustrating trying to get my wiggly-ass stickman to go where I want :D

yeah bounce on the eyes, shoot rockets at them, and shoot rockets at the wall kinda beneath your feet. when you kill an eye you get a rocket back

woah thanks for the vid and kind words!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! You can sprint by holding Shift which makes you move a little faster on ground and in the air (not sure if you were doing that or not). And yeah I should run an extra check to make sure the eyeballs don't spawn right above you, that'll be in the first update

thanks for playing, and nice work making it to the end! the strategy is a little different than most TD games so it's cool that you were able to figure it out well enough to beat the boss :D

Thanks! It's loosely based on the theme failure is progress since you have to opportunity to be caught and "fail" yet still complete the heist. Also, if you've brought money out of the vault but then get caught, it stays on the floor so you can grab it again and you've made "progress" by "failing." Maybe not totally on theme but thats what I was thinking when I first came up with it lol.  No plans on continuing the game at the moment but I totally agree with spreading the money out

thanks for the comment! Yeah spreading the money out would've been better. The time limit is meant to be the police response time. Like the first time you're caught the guards call the police and you've got 3 minutes from there to either succeed and get out or be caught.

3:18 on my first try! really nice well-handling platformer

beat it in 33! brilliant game holy shit hahaha

totally agreed, I wanted to make the music build up as part of the gameplay but I ended up putting in the background music and trying to sync it up as best I could. Thanks for the feedback!

I've got 2 ratings so far but I'd like to know what more people think. If you want, give my jam entry CLICKER x RHYTHM a try! It's not amazing but I'm proud of the concept and it's pretty fun! I only have 2 ratings so far and I'd like to know what people think! my game is a called CLICKER x RHYTHM, pretty self-explanatory :D

Thank you!! It's back to working on my main game for now but I might update it in the future!

I appreciate the honesty! Funny how it's possible to create so many bugs in only 48 hours! There are supposed to be i-frames for you and enemies so I don't know whats up with that, but yeah the other bugs definitely exist :P

Thanks for playing!

It does get tougher, especially at the boss rooms, where you have to use the knockback from shooting the skull to help dodge, but I definitely see your point about the skull doing all the work for you. If I had more time I would've balanced and set max values better

Is there a tutorial? I can see that I have some objects and I can place them on the brick wall.... but that's it. Not sure how to play!

Clever concept and the game is pretty fun! A few notes:

- It feels like you fall too fast to react in time when you need to dodge side to side (but when I finally got it, it felt great)

- sometimes your tick timing gets perfectly out of sync with moving asterisks so that you literally can't dodge them, and you have to suicide to offset your timing

Really unique and fun game! I crashed, or at least got stuck on a grey screen, on the day after the call with your mum. Not sure if that was intended or not but anyway, the concept is cute and I love how you and your plant grow together.

Cool idea! I got stuck on the 2nd floor against the fire slimes. It seemed like they all attacked each other or something? Didn't really understand what was going on there, but I'm sure if I wasn't stuck the other battles would be more competitive.