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A member registered Nov 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nope! Works a lot simpler than that. No signals, no overlapping Area2Ds. A knight will find the distance to a footstep, and check if the distance is greater or not greater than the radius in which a footstep can be heard. I have an Area2D on the footstep but its only used to visually store the radius in a way I can play around with in editor. The Area2D has no collision layers or masks it listens to. I expect this calculation is a lot cheaper than 2 overlapping polygons (even if rectangle and circle are faily simple), but I suppose 30 knights * how ever many footsteps you can make in 15 seconds, is just too much for some browsers to handle. Once the Game Jam is over, my GF has pointed out to me it would be a lot better if its not the footsteps the knights will compare to, but just the player character himself (as long as he’s making footprints). Footprints should remain visual only

I’ve now narrowed down the problem to just one line of code! The audio stream player instantiations are not the problem, it’s the way I check for knights hearing footsteps. When walking for a while, there will be many footsteps in the scene at once, and they each have their own range in which they can be heard by knights. There’s 30 knights in the scene, and when walking for a while, probably upwards of 100 footsteps. Each knight checks every footstep for overlapping hearing range (except when one is found to overlap), which might be too many checks per frame on some browsers. I’m not quite sure what my lesson learned is here, since I playtested with some of my friends, my not the ones that ended up being able to reproduce this issue.

I’ve been able to get 2 friends to reproduce the issue on their computers. So that’s just short of half of those who’s played the game so far. I’ll be looking into this, but obviously can’t fix it till after voting period

How odd! I never encountered such problems during development, nor has any of my friends playtesting it. Not even my profiler flaired up when I’ve been moving for a while. If anything, physics calculations take up more CPU time than AudioStreamPlayers. What device are you using? Which browser? I’d be willing to get to the bottom of this if you have the time, since I can’t reproduce your problem myself. I’d at least be learning something about godot!

The story was what was inspired by the theme of this jam. No physical reflections for us! There’s certainly entries in this jam that have implemented the theme a lot more directly, and some really great games at that! Our game went in a bit of a different direction.

In regards to audio accessibility. You can help! On the GWJ discord server, I have mentioned I’m seeking help in regards to audio buses in web exports, as I was having trouble with that. Maybe you know something I don’t?

Thank you for the constructive feedback.

We are quite proud of how the story and game mechanics turned out, and I wish we had more time to create some real mind bending puzzlers. We could definitely use some harder puzzlers and fewer filler levels, especially given the Press to Move movement system right now. The filler levels would be less boring had we had a Hold to Move movement system. We might still have a few filler-y levels if/when we touch up on this game, but only when the story progresses.

No refunds on your ‘D’ key cap though!

I’m glad you enjoyed the story and puzzle/mechanics! Definitely the part we are the most proud of. We’re very glad we managed got to get it all working before the deadline.

Hold to move is definitely at the top of the list of things we’d wish we had time to change before the deadline!

Thank you for the kind words

The mind twisters and red herrings in many puzzles of baba is you is a huge inspiration, and is definitely the direction we’d go in if we were to take this game all the way

Super cool mirror bend shader when you slam into it! And the puzzles seem well designed too. I must admit I forgot I could double jump one too many times, and when my mirror self turned into the wall jump pick-upable block rather than just held it, I instinctively restarted the level cuz I thought it might have been bugged. Little did I understand this was intentional to make that mirror segment wall-jumpable. This game has some interesting mechanics, and the levels are well designed around those mechanics. The visuals are also cool and aid in communicating the mechanics to the player (even if I misunderstood the becoming the picked-up wall-jump block)

So glad you enjoyed it! I’m very happy we could get all of that done in time, we might have been guilty of a little self-imposed crunch :D

No hardcoded transitions to specific golems or breaking of rules to avoid redesigning of levels! The closest we have to that is a known bug in level 10 that makes the top left golem not transition when it should be able to on 2 of the 4 tiles it can visit.

Otherwise all levels work as they should within the rules of this world/dungeon!

(1 edit)

We could definitely go for a visual indicator of which dead golem the spirit will travel to. Gauging proximity to other golems is actually quite hard. It’s certainly on the list of things we would have wanted to have time to implement. Perhaps a small glow in the direction of the dead golem that will be targeted, to indicate the spirit feeling a pull?

No secret endings for going all the way through the temple with the original spirit. Perhaps, in a fuller version of the game, a small easter egg or achievement could be unlocked for such efforts?

You’ve given us some interesting ideas to work with, haha.

The controls being hold down is definitely near the top of the list of things we wish we had time to change to. The current movement system is from when we had a different kind of puzzler in mind.

The decision to keep narration heavy levels simpler than the rest, was actually a concious one! We wanted to give players the time and mental space to focus on the narration when it happened rather than a puzzle requiring your attention instead, but I agree it could have been paced better to make them feel like breathers more than “30 times left arrow spammer” levels. I think changing the movement system would help that feeling in the right direction a lot.

Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for playing!

What an honour it is to have our level design described as “Fantastic”. I think that’s even the most rushed part of the game maybe! Very kind message, thank you

That was quite satisfying! You had me laughing a few times. Well done on this entry!

I saw rakudajin commenting on pretty much any game I’ve seen so far, so I thought “they deserve a visit of their own”.

Boy, am I glad I did! What an involved game! I know you’re 4, but you should be proud of how much you got done in 9 days! That’s crazy! The idea is so well executed, and you’ve got so many mechanics. A shame my little brain can’t handle the load of information you get bombarded with at the beginning, I couldn’t get myself to read it all. Which meant my time playing it was without knowing what upgrades did outside of having seen an enemy already use it. Having completely missed that the upgrades were explained anywhere, I thought to myself “I guess that’s what it’s like being new to space laser tag shrug” haha. I also can’t quite figure out if mirrors stacking is a bug or a feature, it confused me a little, and I’m pretty sure both I and my enemy got hurt by ourselves by mirrors not reflecting the same direction as they were visually facing on the map (probably another bug).

If this game had a slightly more sophisticated AI, tooltips on hover of upgrades, some polish on the bugs mentioned, and dare I suggest multiplayer too??, I would definitely buy this game!

How you incorporated the theme into this game put a smile on my face. It fits so well! The final score at the end is quite engaging too and makes me want to one-up my friends. A few more modes and mechanics to this, and I could see myself play with for hours with friends! Simple games whose few mechanics you can get to master have a very special place in my heart. I grew close to my GF by playing tons of Nidhogg

Interesting take on the wildcards! I especially like how “why limit yourself?” and the theme is basically one and the same mechanic. This lends itself well to something that could be expanded upon and turn into a really cool fully-fletched platformer!

(6 edits)

Super glad you enjoyed the narration and the Golems emotional journey. Quite happy with how that part turned out

Spoiler - How golem movement works: Proximity of golems in line of sight is all that matters. But I agree it can be quite hard to gauge just how much closer/further away one Golem is over another.

I notcied the "Bac Button" too, but we had some other last minute bugs to fix that we prioritised. The save state is done by saving a file somewhere at user:// with the FileAccess class. You can read docs and follow a similar example here. I'm glad you could gauge our theme implementation from the description, even if we're much more proud of how we got the story and ending into the game.

Thanks and good luck to you too!