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Eli Haun

A member registered Aug 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hello everyone.  I was just wondering where will the Jam rom be posted?  will there be an email, something posted here, etc?  I don't check Itch too often, so was just wondering. 

NSFW MiniJam #13 community · Created a new topic theme?

There doesnt seem to be a theme posted on the main page yet.  I was interested, but no idea what theme to go with

Thank you!

If this is only your 4th time doing pixel art.... Well, you have a talent!  Love the way it looks like the sun is just about to set on a camping trip.  Very nostalgic feeling

This is super cute!  Love the way you used the red instead of the dark green/blue for the hat shadows.  Makes the head pop way more.  very nice!

This kind of reminds me of the guy from Grim Fandango. Nice

Thank you!

Thanks! I ended up drawing 250 tiles or there about, then started copy-pasting sections to make it all fit! It was a good practice in using patterns

I love how simple yet emotive this scene is

Feels like the closest follower to the theme I have seen, and it looks great too!

Your use of colors is impressive.  I had to start for a bit to make sure it was only 4!  so simple but detailed

Love all the detail you were able to get into this.  Nice!

This is VERY trippy. Love it

I kind of really want an 8-bit chip toon rockband game now. Love the idea!

Very fun little minesweeper game!  Love the bright vibrant art style

Nice! looks like a chill indie album from the mid 2000's


Sadly it happens to a lot of us.  Glad you liked the game!

(1 edit)

Just a heads up, the Pallet selector on the submit page is not showing any names, just 4 blank radio buttons

Also, the hex numbers for the Mangavania pallet shown on the main Jam page dies NOT match the pallet on lowspec.  I had to redo some of mine to get the colors to match the Jam page numbers

Just the title.  I ended up redrawing my art 5-6 times, changing the background, the merging shapes, and changing the dithering until I got down to the 190 unique tile limit.  How did YOU do it?  any tips for others?

that seems to have worked! Didn't even realize that could cause an issue. Thank you

Well, I just looked into it, and there does not seem to be any way to direct message anyone on this site.  so, here are a few of the exported slices (both GIF and PNG)


and here is a link to the file:

Here is a screenshot of one of the slices. It does not seem to be transparency related, or color related as this is not in the shape (or negative shape) of the sliced object.  I will DM the file for you to look at. 

(1 edit)

Hello. I bought this plugin because I have about 60-70 slices with three frames each in a single file, and didn't want to have to export each one separately.  However, I cant seem to get them to export!  I can use your example files, and it export perfectly. Using the exact same setting I try to export my sprites and I end up with vertical black bars.  what could be the problem?

Below are screenshots of the files, the export setting, and the result.  Like i said, the example file exported just fine.  It must be the way I did the slices, but i have no idea what to do

I have a quick question.  The rules state that you deal 5 quest cards facedown, place the shop over the quest deck, and then deal 5 more face up?  but you just put the shop card on top of the deck, so you have to place the card, remove it, and them put it back?  

Also, why deal the cards face down?  I can not find anywhere where it says to flip them over, so why even deal them?  what is the trigger to flip them or draw them?

Overall I am liking the quick, solo nature of the game. Just want to clarify some of these rules!

This is awesome! I am playing some wargames that use custom dice (Starwars X-wing miniature game, etc).  This made it so much easier than using regular dice and converting!  Thank you for releasing this tool

not the dev, but yes.  you can use 'change text' and just erase the text, leaving nothing.  That is how I got a dice with two blank sides, but you should be able to just do it to all the sides

I saw this on your YouTube video and decided to give it a try. It was really fun! short, but heart racing at the same time

Actually, I can think of a few ways that, while not a Metroidvania in definition, you could make a non-digital game what works.  Metroidvania's are usally defined by their branching, backtracking, interconnected maps.  if you could make a tool to DESIGN those kinds of maps, or a game that could be defined by that, then i think most people will let it slide

I have no idea how you would do that (metroidvania is, but it's nature, a 2D video game), but it would be interesting to see you try!  I mean, if you don't mind not 'winning' then I see no reason why you couldn't, as long as you give a detailed explanation of why this would qualify as a 'Metroidvania'

That would have been useful! I ended up making an entire FNT font from scratch :/

For the sound, the best way I can think to make it not annoying is to make it higher pitch when going fast, and lower pitch/slower when moving slow.  It looks like you will be changing direction /stopping a lot, so that should 1) give a audio clue about speed, and 2) keep it varied enough to make it more palatable.   

Love the art BTW!  Super interested to see how it plays

I SHOULD be using the yarn editor in engine (I am building in GDevelop), but I don't know if I have time to get it working with such small dimensions, so I, as of right now, plan to just make a 'text layer' and have it switch between sprites that have the text on it.  Each character will have a text sprite, and interacting with them will check the associated veritable (may just have one, and each time you trade it goes up by one integer), and if it is above the number it plays animation 1, and if it is below the number if plays animation 2.  it will be a lot more work that way, but that is the only way I can think to do it in limited time with my limited skillset

As of right now, it is kind of like the zelda OoA/OoS trading side mission, where you get items and trade them around.  the shop will have something that the main character wants (Im thinking something like a bus pass to leave the block), so he will have to trade his way up to that item. I'm expecting the whole game to take 5 minuets max, but I am going to have to have a lot of dialogue, which is the one thing that I have no practice with . well, not a LOT of dialogue, just 1-2 sentences before you trade, and a different sentence after you trade.  but it will be a lot of variables

I have a rudimentary menu, but will add the 'current item' to it soon.  Might put a time limit in if it is too easy, since you will miss the bus is you don't get there in time

So, I have not gotten a LOT done with this.  Personal stuff came up this weekend, so I spent it with the wife.  I have what I did during the workweek, and if you look below you can see a little preview! I decided to go with the 'block' theme, so the entire game will take place in one city block.  I have the interiors of the most rooms/buildings (minus the top left city utility. still need to add art to that).  also have a BASIC story written and am starting to add it in. Most of my time so far has been figuring out how to do the Ysorting and getting the top down perspective working.  Still a good bit to do, but it is a start!

I love the style already!  Easy to read what everything is, but lowrez.  the bridge and rocks kind of remind me of old-school Oregon trail (which I remember playing as a wee lad, so nostalgia points).  I may not play every game, but I will keep my eyes on this one!

I am making a 'space' shooter, but instead of space you are in a little bottlecap in a dirty sink.  Thinking it will be a wave shooter?  IDK.   Still working on controls and movement.  But as for the theme, depending on what companion you take with you, your missiles will behave differently.  some will be slow but powerful, some will be fast and weak.  one will act like a land mine, etc.  so, you are incentivized to try all the different companions .  Thinking of 3 waves, with 30-40 enemy's to a wave. After you beat the waves (different themed levels) you can try to escape down the drain and the sewage pipe to freedom.  Will be a short game, but hopefully not TOO easy or too hard.  

While I think the par is a little... liberal, I had a lot of fun!  got a 37 on my first try.  

Heck, I was expecting NO score!  Thanks for complimenting the animations.  I think I know some better ways to do it next time, and I will try to find a way to get the speed right.  And yeah, the falling was an issue, but I ran out of time
As for the controls, the game has a fully functioning key bind editor.  I spent half of my time working on that (getting a way to save the keys and whatnot), but in the end I didn't have time to make a menu, so I dropped it.  I know I SHOULD have made space be the 'pull up' button and down be the 'drop down', but... it didn't happen.  I will be sure to do it right next time!
anyway, thanks for trying it out at least!

thanks! I will look into speeding it up next time.  I usually try to keep scope in a manageable level, but everything got hectic in real life, so this was all I could do.  But thank you for the kind words!  I appreciate it